Lincoln’s Autograph Mini Quilt

I had a box of embroidery supplies I’d been looking for and finally found, and inside it was this project from 2 1/2 years ago…


I had entirely forgotten about this, but what perfect timing!  With Lincoln’s birthday falling on Friday, I decided to finish the project.  When I originally enlarged his signature and embroidered it, I thought I would make a pillow cover, but in the intervening time, mini quilts have become a fun small project, so I changed course.


My embroidery work was done on a much larger piece of cotton with batting underneath, so I opted for a QAYG (quilt as you go) approach, and in honor of Lincoln, chose a quarter log cabin style.


I enjoyed choosing fabric for this mini quilt, but didn’t put too much time or worry into it.  There are a number of favorites in there, plus a few others.  A Japanese bird print makes a great back!


I bound in a stripe print I’ve had for years, and been saving to use as binding.  I love how it looks, and especially how it frames the plain white in the top left corner of the mini.


I’m so glad I made a mini quilt instead of a pillow.  I don’t use as many decorative pillows as I did years ago, as I’ve learned they spend most of their lives on the floor and I spend most of my time picking them up.  I think I’ll enjoy it longer in this form.


Happy President’s Day!

Pixelated Heart Mini Quilt

Valentine’s day is just around the corner, and I’ve pulled out my Scrappy Pixelated Heart quilt to enjoy.


I had made a smaller version of this quilt block and decided to turn it into a mini quilt.  I’m pretty happy with how cute it is.


I decided to quilt it with the same falling heart quilting I used on my original quilt, and it’s even better tiny!  I like the vertical lines of the quilting because they break up the strong horizontal lines in the piecing, and the tiny hearts seem to match the cute little block.  It makes me smile!


For the backing I used a cheerful Jane Sassaman print that I’ve been saving.  Her work is really intriguing to me.


At the last minute I remembered some adorable little woven tags that my sister gave me a while ago.


I think they’re a scrapbooking product, but I decided to add one to the quilt when I was binding it.  I’m trying to #sewmystash this year, and use all the random cute stuff that I can because it’s more fun that way, right?


Instructions for the mini block:

The construction is exactly the same as the original block (find the full tutorial with lots of pictures here) , but re-sized for 2″ squares.  To make just one block, here’s what you need:


If you want to make more than one block, multiply these numbers by the number of blocks you need.  To lay them out, follow this image:


Sew together in horizontal strips and then sew the strips together to make a cute little heart block!  Again, if this confuses you at all, please see my original tutorial .


To make my mini quilt, I added a 2″ x 14″ strip of white fabric to the top of the block, and then cut two more strips 2″ x 15.5″ and added them to the sides so the heart is centered in the mini quilt. I then basted and quilted it.  So quick and cute!


The idea to reduce the block came when a friend of mine decided to invite several ladies to contribute quilt blocks for a mutual friend who has a baby on the way.  She wanted smaller blocks so I re-worked the measurements.  Please excuse the night-time photo, but isn’t the quilt adorable? I’m so glad she had the idea.


Happy Valentines Day!

Half Square Triangle Blocks

For years I’ve been saving the leftover triangles from flying geese and snowball blocks.  I usually mark a line for a second seam and before I even trim them off my project, I sew a little half square triangle block.  I’ve been tossing them in a little box with no real plan for them.


Recently I decided that it might be fun to sew them all together into blocks, and put the blocks together in an improv half square triangle quilt.  The sizes and colors of my HSTs are all different, so I don’t know how it will look in the end, but I’m excited to try it.  I also think it will be a fun scrapbook quilt, with bits of fabric I love from other projects.

I haven’t done any trimming on these.  Just sewing them together for fun.



I don’t have a goal for finishing.  I’m just going to play with the idea between other sewing projects and see what happens.  One thing’s for sure – I have a lot of them!  It will be fun to see what becomes of it.


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