
Tonight I took a quick walk with six of the children to a nearby park.  When we arrived, they scattered in several directions and it was a matter of minutes before they had various games and imaginative scenarios in place.  It was nice to let them run, listen to them talk and negotiate and imagine together.  I sat on a bench beneath huge, old trees as the gentle October breeze – not nearly as cool as you would expect – rustled the leaves overhead.


They’re still green, but I always love the way they sound at this time of year.  It’s as if they get a little louder as they begin to dry out and change colors.  Tonight it was like being enveloped in a gentle rain without the water.  Such a beautiful, soothing sound.


I feel amazed that another change of season is upon us.  It seems only a few weeks ago I was looking around at the signs of spring, a great wonder in my mind and heart at it all.  And suddenly here we are, crickets chirping, darkness falling before 8 pm, and tonight the sounds of children chattering as they lay in hammocks in the backyard.


I am so fortunate.  This year I’ve been blessed to be stretched in ways that have shaken me to the core, changed on the inside so radically that I often feel like a stranger to myself as I poke at this and that to discover which parts of me are still the same and which no longer exist.  I’ve learned so much about being vulnerable, about leaning in to heartbreak, staying open and willing to feel, finding reassurance in small and simple things, loving without expectations, hanging onto hope and grappling with despair.  It’s been a year like no other.  Only in the last week or two have I had moments of thinking that I’m still me, that being me isn’t such a bad thing to be, and that I’m going to be OK in the end.  That things will keep changing and I’ll keep growing and in the end it may all be beautiful.


Life at our house is raw and chaotic and busy and messy.  Even ugly and broken sometimes.  I remind myself daily that when you choose people, things tend to work out.  I realized this week that they are working out.  Not in a neat, tidy, tied with a ribbon on top kind of working out, but an exhausted, we gave it our all, evidence everywhere kind.  I suppose both versions testify of God’s grace and goodness, but the first makes it look easy and maybe the second is honest about how much work it is sometimes just to get through the business of living and meeting obligations and striving to love in meaningful ways.  I feel like everywhere the hidden price tags are so much higher than I expected them to be, but somehow we’re not emotionally bankrupt yet and that alone is evidence of Heavenly Father’s loving care.  So even though I don’t love the desperate, frantic way things run away with me, I can trust it will all be worth it in the end.  And that’s a good feeling.

Dream On, Dream Big Quilt Top


When I made my “first real quilt” I had no idea I’d ever make another, let alone become a quilter.  All I knew was that I was crossing something off my list of Things to do Before I Die, one of which was (of course) to make a “real quilt.”  I didn’t have a friend or family member who introduced me to the craft, or anyone who taught me how things work in the great wide world of quilting.  I was busy having my last three babies, figuring out how on  earth to take care of all my young children, and generally trying to remember which way was up, so I was a little slow to figure things out.  In fact, it wasn’t until I introduced my youngest sister to quilting that I learned about designers releasing new collections twice a year, and how quickly they sometimes sell out.  I learned it, at last, because she told me.

This explains why, in 2010, I didn’t buy a single piece of Dream On by Urban Chiks.  For that matter, I also missed their Sweet and Swell lines.  I vaguely knew about them but had no clue they’d be gone so quickly!  It was, therefore, a happy day when on Instagram I watched the beginning of #thegreatfabricdestash and was able to purchase three charm packs of Dream On.


Meet my Dream Big quilt top!  I finally found the courage to use those charm packs, and paired them with a Kona mango solid.  This quilt is simply lots of 5 inch squares in a completely random design (inspired by this quilt).  Mine measures approximately 76 by 90 inches, but in spite of it’s size it took only a few hours to complete.

I took a few photos for record keeping, because every basic patchwork quilt I make from here on will be sewn this way.

First, I laid out all my squares in a random fashion on the floor.  I opted for 20 rows of 17 squares each (so a total of 340 squares) and stacked them up, labeling the far left square of each row with the row number.


The key to this project was the number 4.  I pieced this quilt top in sets of 4 rows at a time, which was what made it so fast and simple.  I chain pieced the rows, four at a time, until they looked like this:


Leaving my label pinned to each row, I carefully cut them apart and then ironed them.  The first row was ironed with all seams pressed to the right, the second row to the left, third to the right again, and the fourth to the left once more.  This prepared all seams to nest neatly together while I sewed the rows together, which I did, four at a time.  I didn’t even bother pinning.  I simply made sure each seam was properly nesting together as I fed them through.


I did this four more times, and suddenly the quilt top was in five large sections!


Four last seams remained to join them together, and because I’d sewn in sets of four rows and ironed them all the same way, the seams perfectly nested on these final seams as well.  It made sewing so many squares together a relaxing and fun experience, one I could do in 20 minute chunks of time over a few days.


Life is fascinating – particularly the way things come together to teach and change us.  Because I’d chosen the mango solid, this quilt became a subtle reminder of my friend Wes (who LOVED the color orange) and my trip to Gig Harbor.  These thoughts merged with insights gleaned from books I’m currently reading, as well as the fabric collection’s name and vintage origin, to inspire me to ponder my dreams.  So much is going on in my mind and heart these last few months!

I scored the perfect vintage sheet for the backing and am excited to quilt this one.  It just feels good to sew.  And ponder.  Simple sewing is good for the mind and heart when there’s lots to process.


Wishing Well Quilt {It’s home!}

I posted here
about the totally unexpected and wonderful surprise of having my quilt featured on the cover of Quilty Magazine in March.


That wonderful quilt made its way back home several weeks ago, and I finally took a few pictures of my own.  The Prosper Quilt Pattern (my original name for this quilt) is available here in my Etsy shop.


The circumstances surrounding it’s finish, rushing it off to the publisher within minutes of completion, and having it gone for several months all made me wonder if I’d still like it when I saw it again.  And then, one day, there was a big box on my doorstep and when I opened it up and spread the quilt out I loved it just as much – perhaps more than I remembered.

I love it when that happens.


I love this big block (it measures 23″ square).  It just makes me happy.  I also really love the way the blocks interact when set together, and the secondary designs that are created with the background fabric.

did a great job of quilting it for me.  I’d always wanted a quilt with baptist fan quilting and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.  The prints used are from Moonlit, Rashida Coleman-Hale’s first collection for Cotton + Steel plus several prints from their basics as well.


The backing is simple but I love the fabrics I used.  This quilt also has my first ever hanging sleeve on it – a requirement for submitting it to Quilty.  This alphabet print by Maude Asbury complimented the Cotton + Steel prints really well and I was happy to use it on the back.  The yellow matchsticks are one of my favorite prints from the Moonlit collection.  And the binding… the binding makes me happy.  I wish I had yards and yards of that print.


I treasure this quilt.  The inspiration for its design, the thoughts it inspired while making it, the story of its journey, will always be dear to me.  What a wonderful {likely} once in a lifetime experience!  I’m grateful for the experience on many levels.


My quilt is back home.  Happy day!  I made a couple of other variations of this pattern while I was waiting for it to be published.  I’ll share them soon!


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