Scrappy Heart Quilt Top


Like everyone else, I have projects to finish and a long list of quilts I want to make, but when my little girls requested a heart quilt I cheerfully began sketching.   I typically don’t do much around the house for Valentine’s Day, but after having Christmas quilts to snuggle under during the holiday season I understand their request for a Valentine quilt.   I enjoyed making my mini heart quilt last year, and wanted to take a scrappy approach once again but decided to go for the pixelated look instead of taking the time to make half square triangles.


I sketched out a block that would finish at 18 inches square and decided on a layout that requires no sashing between blocks.  Honestly, I think that’s my favorite thing about this quilt – the offset center strip of hearts that gives movement to it and prevents the white background from being overwhelming.


I cut strips of red, pink, purple and a bit of coral/orange fabrics for this quilt as I wanted each block to have lots to look at.  The range in colors also enhances the pixelated look of the quilt.   My littles are already enjoying picking out small details as they wait anxiously for me to finish this project!


The quilt top measures 53″ wide by 72″ long, a great size for two little sisters to snuggle under together.  A backing has been selected and I’m hoping for time to baste it later today.   Piecing this quilt top was relaxing and fun and I’m so glad I did it.  We’ll see if I can finish it by Friday!

*edited to add: I was asked to share a tutorial for this quilt top.

Find it here.

Jennifer P.S. I’m linking up for the first time in many months!  Feels good…

Hello again!


It’s been so long since I posted that I hardly know what to write.  I never intended to allow my blogging to taper off so much in 2013, and then halt altogether for nearly three months.  Life just floods the hours, then the days and suddenly the months are gone and I’m left wondering at it all.  My mind and heart have traveled so many directions it’s difficult to choose just one to capture, and then capturing so many escapes me altogether and I’m left, empty handed but strangely full at the same time.

I never really reported on my goals for 2013, which has nagged at me, but now we’re so far into 2014 that I wonder how much value there would be in going back to dissect.  The start of this new year has been such a whirlwind that I’m not really sure I’ve even got a handle on it yet, let alone a capstone for the year that’s gone.  Tonight none of it matters.  My heart is shouting, “WRITE!!!”

I wasn’t a great mother today.  Every time I got a child on task and turned my attention to another one, everyone else scattered.   There are days it feels like the only thing they work at is escaping my notice while they quietly do whatever they feel like doing INSTEAD of the chore/assignment they’re avoiding.  Today was certainly one of those days and I didn’t rise to the occasion like I should have.  By mid-afternoon I felt up to my eyeballs in everything that isn’t what I wish it was within our home and family, leaving me frustrated and discouraged.

Then I walked past a mirror in our home and was reminded of something I read recently about how a baby, when placed before a mirror, reaches for its reflection in joy and fascination at the life it reveals.  When was the last time I looked at myself with joy and amazement at the life that is in me?  I made myself pause and look into my own eyes until I could really see myself in them, until I saw enough good that I smiled back at my reflection.  In spite of the ups and downs of motherhood and life, I have found myself lately in an ongoing experience of revelation, understanding and learning.  I’ll be sitting in a chair, or driving, and suddenly I’m filled with warmth as new (to me) ideas and understanding literally fill my mind.  I’m hungry, so very hungry, for the word of God, wanting to devour it all right now and yet feasting abundantly on a single sentence is equally enjoyable.  With it has come enhanced and distinct understanding of who I am, not just here, but before I came here – one experience bringing so much clarity and understanding that I still can’t get over it.  I am finally learning that although I am flawed in countless ways, God did not make a mistake when he made me.   He knows me, understands what makes me tick,  and loves me.  It’s a miracle and I’m amazed by it.

Alongside and woven with this golden thread of learning is the laboratory of life – life with a lot of children, in a busy household with clutter, fingerprints on every wall, dirty socks hidden in stranger places than I can predict and more meals to prepare than I have interest in cooking.   I often feel irritated with myself at the gap between my conceptual understanding of principles and my inability to actually put them into action in our family.  Too often I “get it” but struggle to really “live it.”  It’s occurred to me lately that perhaps never before has so much been expected of a generation of parents in so short a time as there is now.  Technology and media have completely changed the game in raising teenagers and in all our bumbling around trying to find the right balance we also make a lot of mistakes.   Tonight I’m grateful that my bumbling efforts also allow me to bump up against the reality and power of Christ’s Atonement.  I need it more every day, not less, and the need generates a lovely, prayerful dialogue in my days.

So I guess I’m back.  Back because I want my attention span to be longer than the fraction of a second it takes me to scroll past an instagram picture (fun as it is!), because I miss this layer in my life, because if I don’t do this I’m afraid I’ll turn around a few years from now unable to remember anything specific because it’s been such a blur.  Back because life is good and because it is hard and because I’m so blessed and because I struggle.    Because motherhood matters.  So does hope.  And family.   (And because I can’t get enough of quilting.)

Hello again!

Coffee Cake Cookies

I wish I’d kept count of how many years my friend Marilynn has been hosting her annual cookie exchange.  Over the years it’s become a holiday tradition for everyone who attends, and we all look forward to it.  After at least 8 years of exchanging cookies, lots of recipes have been used and this year I really wanted to find something new, something none of us has made before.

I found this recipe for Coffee Cake Cookies on Pinterest and decided to give it a try.  The idea of making a cookie that is like eating just the top layer of a coffee cake sounded delicious!  Because I don’t prefer store-bought cookie dough I decided to combine recipes and make my own version.  9 dozen cookies later, I can promise you’ll love them!


These cookies require three steps:  the cookie itself, the crumb topping, and the brown sugar glaze, so they take a bit of time to make, but are totally worth it.


Cookie dough:
1 cup softened butter 1 cup granulated sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1 large egg 2 – 1/2 cups flour 1 Tb baking powder Crumb Topping:4 Tb. butter 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup flour Brown Sugar glaze:
1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1 – 1/2 Tb. water To make the dough:In a mixer, beat butter with sugar.  Add vanilla and egg and mix well.  Add flour and baking powder and mix until combined.  Dough should be soft but shouldn’t stick to your fingers.
Roll cookie dough into 1-1/2 inch balls and place on cookie sheet 3 inches apart.  Flatten cookie dough with the heel of your hand.

To make crumb topping:
With a hand mixer, combine butter, brown sugar and flour until crumbly.

For glaze:
In a small bowl, combine brown sugar, water and vanilla and stir until smooth.  Glaze should be easy to drizzle but not runny.  If it’s too thick, add a few drops of water until consistency is right.  If it’s too runny, add another spoonful of brown sugar.

To prepare cookies:
Bake at 375 for 5 minutes.  Remove cookies from oven and gently press the back of a spoon into the center of each cookie to make a subtle indentation.  Sprinkle approximately 1 Tb. crumb topping into indentation of cookie.  Return to oven for 5-7 minutes, or until edges of cookies are just beginning to turn golden brown.  Remove from oven.  Let cool on cookie sheet for 2-3 minutes, then transfer to cooling rack.  Drizzle with brown sugar glaze and allow to completely cool.  Enjoy!

Makes 2 1/2 dozen cookies.

Recipe adapted from Oh, Bite It.


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