Cowboy Birthday Party


Friday afternoon we had a birthday party for my son who turned seven years old.  He wanted a cowboy birthday party and a homemade horse for everyone to take home.  We had a great time and here’s the summary of what we did.


We invited our guests to dress as cowboys, and when we greeted them at the door the first thing they saw was the hitching post.

*Edited to add:  I wrote a tutorial and drew a pattern for making your own stick horse, found here.


Each of them got to pick a horse.


Because a cowboy’s best friend is his horse, we had a table with permanent markers waiting and they got to add eyes and any other markings they wanted to personalize their horse.  Then, because we had guests from both school and church, we had them introduce themselves and share the name of their horse, which brought lots of smiles.


Before everyone came we turned a small hallway into a photo booth with our wanted poster hanging from the beam above.  I had some eyeliner pencils in my pocket and we drew a mustache and beard on their faces before taking their pictures in the poster.  We also had a bandana for every boy to tie around his neck.


This week we will print all the “wanted” photos in sepia tones and he will give them to his friends with a thank you note.


We took some group photos at the beginning so I wouldn’t forget.  Next came the games.


We had to have a horse race, of course.  (Or two.)


We did a bean bag toss, which was called “shoot the rabbit hole.”  For every shot they got through a hole, they got to eat a rattlesnake egg (jelly bean).


We drew a rattlesnake head and taped it to the end of a rope.  My son held one end of the rope and shook the other end.  The boys had to jump over the moving rope without it touching them.  This we called the rattlesnake jump.


We had a tug of war.  Several, actually.  They loved this.  I like to mix up the teams each time.


The one game request my son had was for Snatch the Rat.  It’s turned out to be a favorite game.  I blogged about it here.


When the games were complete, we moved to the mess hall for some grub.  We served hot dogs, root beer, potato chips and cupcakes.  We also had a bucket of peanuts.


Let me tell you, it’s awfully funny to hear wound up seven year old cowboy talk around your kitchen table.


We opened gifts.


We blew out candles.


I was grateful for all the help I got from my ranch hands.  They raided closets to look the part and helped everything run smoothly.


And then it was over.  The Bar T.H. Ranch closed and we cleaned up the place.


We were left with one very happy cowboy.  And a happy family.  It was a great party.


I walked out my front door yesterday and this sight stopped me cold.


When did this happen?  How is it that my youngest son is turning SEVEN?!?  I stood there a minute, remembering how important it was to him to have this very pair of shoes.  Vans like his oldest brother.


He looks so much like his brothers did at this age.  I just can’t believe that it’s already been seven years since he joined our family.  Seven awesome years that have slipped through my fingers in spite of my efforts to hold onto them.

I hope he has a great day today.  Happy birthday to my little man!


In the moment

It’s been an interesting day.   As it draws to an end I’m alarmed by all that didn’t get done but grateful for what I was able to take care of.  As I reviewed the day I noticed that when I allowed myself to live in the moment I was happy and content, but when I let my mind run too far ahead of me I was stressed.  In fact, all of March has been like this.

I guess I need to work at being present in the moment instead of mentally racing ahead to the things I’m worried about!  To start myself off, here’s a little gathering of moments I loved because I paused to notice them.

orangetulips These tulips were an impulse purchase that I thoroughly enjoyed.  In fact, I bought myself a simple bundle of flowers a couple of times recently and having fresh flowers in the house has been good for my soul.


{Happy} Speaking of flowers, the warmer days and little tips of plants poking out of the ground have me feeling almost giddy.  I added a couple of colorful pillows to the porch bench this month and seeing it makes me happy.


Last week we had a little dance party courtesy of my parents who were in town.  They gave each of the children 15 glow sticks to make something awesome with and then we turned off the lights and turned up some music.  It was so much fun!  Seeing this picture made me laugh at the memory of my daughter dancing to Gangham Style in the dark (I probably spelled the name of that song wrong, but I’m too tired to research it.  Sorry).


Tomorrow I’m hosting a birthday party for our youngest son, who will be seven years old.  I’m ridiculously behind on pulling things together, and am fighting an ugly cold/headache so I’m just not feeling like myself.  This project is still sitting, untouched, on my sewing table.  Do you think I can make 8 stick horses before noon tomorrow?  I’ll do my best!


Tonight my focus is on taking a deep breath and enjoying the things I have to do.  When I do that, the day works out and I’m happier in the process.  Even with a cold.

Jennifer linking here.

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