A Little Experiment

Last fall I added allium to the list of bulbs planted in my yard.  They came up beautifully in the spring and I loved the pretty purple ball floating so high above the ground on their tall stalks.

One afternoon a friend and I were talking on my driveway when she pointed to the allium and asked, “Do you spray your flowers?”  I was completely confused by her question and she explained that she and a friend of hers both spray paint their allium after they brown.  She said they look amazing for the rest of the summer.  I was totally surprised by this and a little bit dubious, but even when they browned their form was so pretty in the flowerbed that I decided to try it rather than cut them down.

Some of the flowers had already fallen over so I started on them.  I tried white paint first but didn’t love it.  Not enough presence.  Next I got a beautiful tomato red paint and re-painted them.  Much better.

They sit in a vase in my dining room and I love how they turned out!

For the flowers still standing in the yard I took a piece of cardboard to sort of wrap around each flower and catch as much overspray as possible.  I didn’t want to paint the surrounding plants, concrete, etc.  They’re not perfect, but all of a sudden there’s more color out there and I like the way it looks.  Here are a couple of them mingling with blue delphinium:

My little experiment went well, and will be something to consider doing in future years.  I’m certainly planting more allium!

Joy, week 26 (or What I’ve Been Doing This Week)

It’s 10:20 p.m. and I have a house full of children who still won’t hold still and go to sleep.  The girls are trying to negotiate terms under which they can sleep in alternate rooms tonight, and I’ll be honest:  I don’t feel like a negotiating mom right now.  I don’t even feel like a  mom at all.  I feel like I’m about 2.5 seconds away from turning into a wicked witch.

Ridiculous, I know.  But true.  Truthfully, I’m just super tired.

The week has been a blur of ice machines, pillows, medication, meals and small milestones.

This week my husband had reconstructive surgery on his knee.  The damage was worse than the MRI showed, and they did a lot of work.   The result?  A stable knee which will heal just fine, but which will take longer than usual to heal.  He can’t put any weight on it for 6 weeks.  SO I kind of just became a one man show for the summer.  This will definitely be a process.  When I think that the ankle drama a few weeks ago kind of threw me off, I have to laugh at this because the ankle was nothing to this experience.  He’s been a good patient, relatively easy to care for, patient and kind and grateful for my efforts.  But he’s pretty trashed and I guess tonight it’s catching up with me.  The nights have been hard and I haven’t slept more than 3 hours at a stretch for several days, but it’s an honor to do it and I’m grateful I can.  I’m grateful he’s home and not in the hospital.

I’m grateful for a lot of things.

I’m grateful for how many people I’ve talked to because I’ve had countless opportunities to say aloud, “It’s going to be ok.”  I’ve said it so much I believe it, even when I turn and walk away with tears pricking at my eyes.  I just have to get stronger, and this is good for me.  What choice do I have?

I’m grateful we’re all together, that our house hasn’t been eaten up by fire, that we have health insurance, that so many things are right.  But because I’m so tired there’s a part of me tonight that whispers, “I want my life back.”  I know all it means is “I need some sleep”, but it comes out in funny forms sometimes, like wishing for some other point in time when things felt steady.  It hasn’t been a steady year.  But then I have to laugh at myself and ask, “When did I have the sense to look around and think that THIS was the point I would want back at some future date?  When have I ever been fully satisfied with how things were going right then?”   When we’re in it, there’s always something more to do or wish for.  So you blink a few times, check the clock, check the ice, check a million little things and then get ready to do it again.

So here’s what I’m learning:

1.  I should have pursued a degree in Nursing.
2.  When it’s hard to find things to be grateful for/happy about, you only have to look a little harder.  It’s buried in there     somewhere.
3.  If someone in our family is going to break something, it WILL need surgery.
4.  When you desperately need life to slow down but it doesn’t you can pause for a moment on little islands of calm.  If you look around and notice everything in those moments, like the breeze in the tree above you or the smell of the honeysuckle or the sound of sprinklers in the distance or the taste of a perfect slice of watermelon, it helps.
5.  Keep lots of 20 pound bags of ice in your freezer.  You never know how many of them you might need.
6.  If you happen to chip a large piece of cartilage (or two) off your femur in a biking crash, your surgeon can cut away more cartilage and drill holes in the bone to cause lots of bleeding in that area so your body can grow a form of replacement cartilage.  I find that totally amazing.  You just can’t walk while it’s happening.
7.  Enjoy what’s going on right now, even if you’re on the verge of becoming a wicked witch.  It’s all you’ve got and things can always get worse.
8.  If your insurance company messes up the same thing FOUR times with a dozen different claims, just BREATHE.  Keep breathing.  And try to get the direct phone number to someone who works there who also has a brain.
9.  If you tell your little children that you’re about to turn into a witch (thinking, of course, that they’ll figure it out and be quiet) it might backfire on you and cause them to WANT it to happen, just to witness the transformation.
10.  Pray always.  It really helps.

How’s that for variety?

So now that I dumped my frustrations here instead of jumping on my broom, I’ll just say that I did nothing at all this week to reach any of my goals.  I just tried to get us through the week.  I witnessed tender moments with some of my children and had a couple of moments when I was a really, really good, really effective parent.  If only that part of me would take up permanent residence here!  I got a bit of exercise, drank a lot of water and got to see two of my brothers and their families, as well as my sister and her husband this week.  What a joy!

We took care of all the cherries before the surgery.  It took all the children and I five hours in the kitchen to do it.  We dehydrated and froze all of them for snacking and for future use.  There was no time for jam or bottling.

So you see, life is wonderful.  And even though I’m pretty sure I’ll NEVER list 2012 as a year I’d like to go back and relive, I hope I’m living it well enough that I can look back on it as a year in which I grew, a year when I improved in essentials, a year when I chose joy.

So I’m going to paste a smile on my face and go talk to those kids.

And then I’m going to figure out how to make the 4th of July a decent day in spite of  what’s going on here.  It’s my favorite day of the year and I usually do a lot of work for it.  I’m not sure what, but I’ve got to do something to make it memorable (in a good way) or I might dissolve into a puddle of tears.  We’ve been out of town around the 4th a lot in recent years and when we planned the summer I was so happy that we would be home for the 4th with nothing going on!
Oh, I had big plans.  It’s all working out great except for the nothing going on part.  So I have a little re-working to do.

Have a great week!


England Swings Flag Quilt top

I finished up this happy quilt top recently.  It came about in funny way.  Like so many others, I enjoyed watching from afar some of the celebrations surrounding the Queen’s Jubilee recently.  I’ve loved all the pictures of the Union Jack and seeing the Queen in her aqua suit.   I’ve thought many times about making a Union Jack quilt but never really looked into it.  All of a sudden, however, I was dying to make one.  I looked around for a tutorial but wasn’t sure I wanted to use the one I found, and all the quilts I love seem to come from the same pattern which is NOT available in pdf format.  So, my hopes of quickly putting together a block or two were quickly dashed and I shelved the idea once more.

Then I remembered a stack of fabric sitting in my drawer.  The collection is called England Swings and it’s even prettier in person than it looks here.  I cut my own 2 1/2 inch strips to make a custom jelly roll and used the Flags Quilt pattern by American Jane.

You’ll see some Flower Sugar in there, as well as a bit of Jennifer Paganelli.  The rest is all designed by Rebekah Merkle, and if I remember correctly it was inspired by her life in Great Britain.  I think that the pattern and the fabric make a nice pair.

I love the slightly nautical feel, the crisp colors, the mostly red, white and blue color scheme with enough yellow and green thrown in to mix things up.  I’m so glad I finally got this fabric out of my drawer and did something with it!

It’s off to the quilter and if I’m really lucky I’ll be able to finish it before the 4th of July.  I’d love to lay on this one while we watch fireworks.


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