I love having daughters

I was in the hallway at church on Sunday as my children came to meet me after their classes.  One after one they said to me, “Mom!  It’s Janice’s birthday!  We need to have a party!”  By the time we got home their enthusiasm for the idea had taken on a life of it’s own.  A phone call was made and a time chosen.

I went to work in the kitchen and sent my girls outside to create the party scene.

A little while later I peeked out the window to see what they had come up with and smiled with delight.  It wasn’t just the supplies they’d chose to use that made me happy, but the feeling of love and teamwork they displayed.  I felt like I was watching a scene from Little Women or something.  They were a group of sisters totally consumed with making something pretty as a gesture of love for someone they care about.

I think that most mothers feel like they have more than enough bickering among their children and I would certainly fall in that category.  When afternoons like this one come along I thrill at the way they treat one another.  The “payoff” moments are fleeting, but they do come and it’s an added blessing when you’re there to witness them.

My two year old is an absolute riot.  I wish I had a running audio recording of her from morning till night.  The things that come out of her mouth are beyond hilarious.   During this little decorating event she was walking around saying “Someday when I am a mom I will make pupcakes for Sister Ingalls’ birthday!  I will.  I will make pupcakes when I am a big mom someday.”  The picture below was taken in the middle of such a recital.

The birthday party was a success.  I’ll share pictures of it this week.  I also need to remember what happened before the party.  I am so grateful for these daughters, for the way they nurture one another, for their creative vision and talents, for their desire to help make special memories for others.  I am such a fortunate mom!

Hopeful Homemaker

Ankle Update

He’s home from the hospital in a cast that reminds me of moon boots because it’s so thick.

The surgery went well.   We have a picture of his foot cut open to the joint as proof that this really happened.   The discharge orders are much more restrictive than I anticipated…. he can only get up to use the bathroom for several days and can’t even sit up for meals until the end of the week.  He’s confined to the house for 7-9 days.

At the moment he’s sleeping peacefully, thanks to pain medication and the lingering traces of anesthetic.  I hope this week goes well.  Keeping him off the ankle proved to be increasingly difficult leading up to the surgery and the stakes are even higher now.  If he puts any weight on it the screw will snap and the surgery will be a failure.  I wonder how we’ll keep him from going crazy so he doesn’t make all of us crazy….

I confess I’d convinced myself that the screw would be pretty small.  This x-ray kind of makes me cringe.

I feel so bad for him.  It’s definitely not fun.
At least it will heal (if he’s responsible).  That’s the good news.  And I’m a fan of good news.


Joy, week 16

I had a quiet pause in the car on Friday afternoon while I waited for my children to exit their school.  I thumbed through my 2012 notebook to review my goals for the year and see where I really stand.  It was revealing.

I’ve accomplished some specific things that I set out to do, such as an overnight trip to do some sewing with my sister.  There are a great many specific things I haven’t touched yet.  The goals for implementing certain changes or habits in my life/home are more humbling because it’s difficult to change.  I would like to regroup a little, get back on track.  All I need to do that is some quiet time.  Anybody have some quiet time for sale?

Seriously, I do feel like I need to refocus, but I’m in the sprinting stage.  Life from here to summer will be a blur and I want to do a good job.  I’m going to do my very best and remember that in a few weeks we’ll have a major shift in schedule and I can start over in those areas that are lacking.

The week was a good one.  I’d sum it up in two words:  doctor, soccer.  Tonight we had a little birthday party for a friend of mine and the children enjoyed themselves immensely.  We laughed and shared stories and enjoyed the utterly perfect weather.  A wonderful evening, making me sigh with gratitude for the gift of friendship.  Last night we spent an equally enjoyable evening with some old friends.  I feel so blessed to know these remarkable people.

I have so much more to say, things that have been floating around in my head all day, but I just dozed off for the 3rd time.  We have to get our son to the hospital super early in the morning for his ankle surgery so I think I’d better call it a night.

Have a great week!


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