Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Blocks

I’ve had my eye on this quilt along for a few months now.  Naturally, now that those who’ve been quilting along with Rachel’s posts are FINISHED with their quilts, I decided to throw in and make one.  Oh well.

I decided to use my Rural Jardin layer cake for this project.  I’m using a cream colored Bella solid with it, and am excited to see how the whole red, white and blue with a twist theme works in this quilt.  I had a red, white and blue quilt all planned to make in May, but that’s not happening right now so this looks like a fun, fast substitute.

Last night I put together the first two blocks, making two blocks of each.  Part way into the cutting I realized that you can’t really get the first block out of a layer cake piece unless you have two of the same print in the stack.  I decided to throw in two secondary prints instead of one, but used prints that are similar in color.  This let me alternate them.

I like how they turned out.  Block Two was simple and fast.  Here they are:

Two down, six to go.  This will be fun!  Anyone want to join me?  (Em, have you cut into your layer cake yet?)


Pinewood Derby

Last week was the annual Cub Scout Pinewood Derby for our troop.

It’s a fun event to attend as a family, so we skipped our soccer practices and everyone went to support their brother.  I still remember attending the Pinewood Derby for my five brothers when we were growing up.  It’s a fun event, although now I have greater appreciation for the pressure that comes with getting the car made.

The families were on one side, and the scouts on the other.  It was fun to watch a great group of boys line up for the races with their pit passes around their necks.

The blue blur below is our son’s car winning one of its races.

It was also fun to watch the big brothers clustered at the finish line.

In all, it was a pleasant evening, especially for this handsome guy.

Our father and son engineering team ended up with a second place overall finish and the “Most Aerodynamic” award.   Great job, guys!

Hopeful Homemaker

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