Quilting Away…

Right now my sewing table looks like this:

I finally found the courage to quilt my Wild Thing quilt.  In 5 or 10 minute segments I’m making progress on it.  So far I’m really excited about how it looks.

Reminder to self:  Next time you think you need to try to talk through a concern/worry/problem, try quilting for 30 minutes and see if it doesn’t save you tears, frustration and a headache.  Sewing is good therapy.

I’m excited to show you the finished product.  Hopefully it will be soon!


Vintage Silver Goblets

Not long ago I came across a fun vintage find.

This set of six silver plate goblets stand 2 1/2 inches tall and are about the cutest things ever!  They were still in their original box.  I paid less than $1 each.

They’ll never be used for brandy at our house, but I’m excited to fill them with some tiny flowers or little mints and put them at place settings for a luncheon or breakfast.

I love the patina, the shape and the size of them.  They make me smile when I see them.  I’d like to think of a fun way to use them in everyday life.  Any suggestions?

Hopeful Homemaker Linked to Reluctant Entertainer

Cherry Trees and Hope

I love my cherry trees.

Nearly every day I pause and look out my window to observe them, even in winter.  Even when it seems like nothing is happening.  I’ve learned that when I think nothing is happening, I am mistaken, for one day I’ll see this.

I draw strength from these trees.

Their potential gives me hope.  I want to believe that I have potential like my trees.

Sometimes I feel like I work so hard, but all it amounts to is an occasional bud here or there, and the tree as a whole (my life) seems unchanged.  I wonder how it can possibly add up to anything of value.

My cherry tree tells me to hang on, to have faith that one morning I’ll wake up and the sun will be shining…

… and this will happen.

Some stages of life seem to have very long winters.  My tree helps me hope that spring might still come.

I want to believe that my life can blossom…

…into something as beautiful and productive as my cherry tree.

I hope that someday my life may even be laden with sweet, juicy fruit.

Until then, I sit beneath it’s blooming branches, breathe deeply, and keep hoping.

So if in your life it still feels like winter, I hope you’ll join me in waiting.  There’s a chair out there, if you want to sit and stay a while.

Today I am grateful for cherry trees.

Hopeful Homemaker

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