One Step Report #10

Here we are again!  Another week gone.  This was a week when many friends and relatives have been on my mind and in my prayers.  Interestingly, all related to little children.  It’s been a thoughtful and introspective week.

My report:  58 steps.  Good enough.

A few highlights:

1.  We got everyone up and ready for Church on time this morning, even with the daylight savings time change.  (Wish me luck in the morning for the school routine) 2.  Re-read my patriarchal blessing and spent some time pondering what I need to do in order to “lay hold” of the many good things I’m promised to a greater degree.

3.  We were able to re-stock our freezer significantly for our food storage:  80 pounds of chicken, 40 pounds of butter, 20 pounds of veggies, all at super prices!  (This is how I shop, stock up on the great sales and then use it for months while I wait for another great sale.)

4.  Went through all the clothes in the bedroom that sleeps 3 little girls.  We removed everything they’re growing out of and organized it all.

5.  Found a few minutes to begin sewing together the blocks for a new quilt.  Lots of color and lots of white!

verna fabric quilt squares

6.  Made it through an unanticipated object lesson in what happens when you have a jumping contest on your little sister’s bed.  (Hint:  it breaks.)  I started off a little angry until I remembered my bowl of beads in my bedroom, and then changed my strategy.  Having them pay for the repairs will teach a better lesson than a mom who doesn’t control her emotions will teach.

7.  Tried a new recipe for homemade rolls.  More to come on this another day.

dinner rolls

In all, a really good week.  I feel very grateful for the many blessings I enjoy.  Tonight I’m hoping that everyone will co-operate on the early bedtime plan so that tomorrow morning they won’t be grumpy.  It’s not looking too promising since the sun JUST CAME OUT for the first time since Friday, but I will try!

I hope you have a great week!

Hopeful Homemaker

A Different White

Yesterday the weather was so warm that my children played outside all afternoon, then treated themselves to homemade snow cones.  I was able to begin painting a couple of things that I’m excited to finish.

The painting, however, will have to wait.

Today I’m sitting curled up on the couch in my husband’s favorite fleece blanket.  It has been raining and snowing all day, and our world is slowly turning white.  The temperatures have dropped significantly, and just looking outside makes me cold.

Although I know the precipitation is a blessing, I admit I prefer a different kind of white:

Remember my ranunculus from a couple of weeks ago?

They stayed fresh and gorgeous for over two weeks!   They simply continued opening up, wider and wider and bigger and fuller.  I am in awe of each perfect petal.

Now a couple of them are in my flower press, sure to bring a bit more happiness soon!

flower press

Upon opening the press (an old yard sale find) I discovered some forgotten wildflowers, evidence of a summer’s day gift from my little girls.  The sight made me long for the carefree days of summer vacation.

For now, we’ll keep waiting while we watch the snowflakes fall…


Sadi Gulistan said, “If of thy mortal goods thou art bereft, & from thy slender store two loaves alone to thee are left, sell one, & with the dole buy hyacinths to feed thy soul.”

pink tulips 1

I will freely admit that the beauty of a hyacinth combined with its heady scent is wonderful.  Yet after years of quietly repeating that quote to myself, I must say I’ve found that many different flowers feed my soul.

tulips 2

This week it was tulips.  They were a $5 splurge at the grocery store.

pink tulips 3

I love the way tulips are both bold and delicate at the same time.  Strong but fragile.  Graceful yet dramatic.

pink tulips 4

They’re so tall and straight and pretty when they’re all closed up, but then they begin to open…

pink tulips 5

and the drama and beauty merely increase.

pink tulips 6

People are like that.  Most of the time what’s on the inside is even better than what’s outside.

I like the way these two ended up leaning on each other.

pink tulips 7

This week my tulips reminded me to have an open heart, to accept each day for what it offered, to find beauty in what I have.  Sometimes we need beauty as much as food to remain truly alive.  Flowers really are food for my soul.

pink tulips 8

Which flowers feed your soul?  Please share!

Have a beautiful weekend!
Hopeful Homemaker Posted at The Inspired Room

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