Grandma’s birthday card

My grandma turned 80 years old this week.  I had a hard time thinking of a simple, inexpensive, but thoughtful thing to do for her until I thought of the numbers.  Then it hit me:  8 children, 80 candles.  So we went to work.

I grabbed my pack of 80 candles I’d purchased months ago at the dollar store (Relief!  We hadn’t broken into them yet!)

birthday candles

I divided them into sets of ten candles, keeping like colors together, and tied each bundle with a different colored ribbon.

ribbon wrapped candles

Then I took a picture of each of my children holding one bundle and added text to the photos, counting from twenty (my youngest) up to eighty (my oldest.)

I printed the pictures and mounted each one on a piece of pink cardstock.  On the front I added a picture of the cupcakes we baked in her honor.  I scored each piece of cardstock along the left edge so the little booklet will easily bend for her to turn the pages and stapled them together with pieces of ribbon to tie over the staples.

There were a million things I would have liked to add to this project, like notes from my kids for sentimental value and embellishments for the sake of making it prettier.  The problem was that I thought of the idea late, and now her birthday has already passed, and I knew that if I didn’t mail it the moment I finished I might lose the courage to get to the post office at all.  So this is where the project ended.  I thought it was a fun idea, though, that could be used for other birthdays.  Now it’s en route to her, and I hope she likes it!

Real Life Mathematics

vintage flashcards

I’m sitting here helping my 5 year old with her kindergarten math homework.
Two of the children who are SUPPOSED to be emptying dishwashers and cleaning the kitchen before dinner are currently having a sword fight with wooden spoons.
Someone is crying.
Someone else is yelling.
Another cute little person is whining.

My kitchen is a mess.
My family room is a mess.
My ears are ringing.
I’m behind on laundry.
I’m behind on everything.

And I keep thinking:
Wouldn’t it be nice if 8 didn’t really add up to 8?
I mean, I love each of my children to pieces and cannot imagine life without any of them.
We intended to have a big family.
Seriously, all eight of them are keepers.

BUT…. sometimes I wish that they could all be here without the natural consequences of the number 8.
I wish we could have the mess of, say, three.
Or the laundry of 5.
Or the noise levels of two.
The grocery bill of 4.

Sometimes I really wish that the mathematics of a large family didn’t mean that the messes, the expenses, the laundry, and especially the noise levels seem to be exponentially larger.

Yet all I can do is wish.
Real life math.  Sometimes it really stinks.

Valentine Mailboxes

Mail delivery within our household has certainly picked up:

red mailboxes

Years ago I found these miniature mailboxes.  They’re metal, so they’re sturdy, and I love the color.  They were on clearance, so I bought the rest of them and every Valentines Day I get them out.  Each family member has their own mailbox.   It’s photos like this that make me think “Sheesh!  There really are a lot of us!”  That seems like a really LONG line of mailboxes!

We line them up in a spot where everyone can reach them (my dining room window sill) and all of a sudden my house gets unusually quiet with children scurrying around making valentines for each other.   Instead of the traditional method of putting the flag up for outgoing mail, they put the flag up when mail has been delivered.

Looks like we’ll have a love-filled week.  Hope yours is as well!

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