A Year of Habits, no. 11

Another week is gone and although I could come up with a half dozen little things to say about this area or that, there is really just one thing that stands out to me.

Last year’s One Step goal was motivated by a burning desire to find my stride, to figure out how to be a good mother for 8 young children.  This year’s focus on habits is a continuation of that goal.   As I said in this post , my heart wants to fly, to soar like an eagle.  I want so much to reach new heights and find great joy in what I’m doing.  I want to feel like I can handle the day to day demands of my particular circumstances.

On Friday night I took twelve children to the BYU v. Utah women’s gymnastics meet.

By myself.

Yes, just me and twelve children.

I let my oldest four invite a friend.  Kids started coming around 4:30. They played, I fed everyone dinner, piled them into the Space Shuttle, and off we went.

My husband wondered if I would end up calling him because I’d lost one.

We went anyway.

And guess what?

It turned out wonderfully.  I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  The children were great and had a lot of fun taking trips to the concessions stand and to the uppermost bleachers while I camped out with the little ones, providing a sort of “headquarters” where everyone could check in and sit to watch the meet.  I felt calm and relaxed.  I enjoyed watching the meet.  I enjoyed sitting with my youngest three, entertaining and holding them.

When the meet was over I ran into some friends.  We said hello and as we talked I told them, “I’m here alone with twelve children, and right now I can only find seven of them.  What do you think of that?”  They laughed as if I was crazy, which I am.

It worked out.  I felt directed to head to a different area of the Marriott Center and there they all were.  We enjoyed a pleasant walk in the cool evening air on our way back to the van, then headed home.  By the time I delivered all the friends to their homes and got my own crowd home and in bed it was well after 11 pm.  A long night, to be sure.  But a great night.

Why is this the most relevant experience of my week?  Because it means I’m growing.  It means that my abilities are being magnified.    It’s happening at a time when my oldest two really need me to loosen up and do more of this.  Just a few weeks ago I would not have considered an outing like that, especially without another adult.  The mere thought would have brought stress.  I haven’t yet learned to enjoy having all eight of my children in public places, especially loud places with large groups of people.  It’s not that they’re bad; I just stress about their behavior and about possibly losing one.  I also find the noise and chaos to be terribly overstimulating.   Twelve children?  That would have been out of the question.

But I did it.  I enjoyed it.  I would do it again.  Did I have the Lord’s help?  Absolutely.  I need His help every day.

And so my heart has been rejoicing in the knowledge that slowly but surely I’m getting better at this.  My house is still messy.  I’m still behind on laundry.  But I’m handling it better.  I feel less overwhelmed by it and more grateful for the privilege of doing it.

I know it’s nothing magical.   I didn’t suddenly gain new abilities.  I’m aware that in ten minutes I might feel maxed out by just one of them (like last night when my three year old threw the tantrum of the year while in the bathtub – it was NOT pretty).  Still, for one evening I was equal to the task.  Not just equal to surviving the task, but capable of making the experience a lot of fun for everyone.  It’s like catching a glimpse of the clearing through the trees.  I’m grateful beyond words for the feeling that I just might get the hang of this one day.

I think I’m growing up.

And I love the looks of that clearing!

Gratefully, Jennifer

My Hand Up

The school my elementary-aged children attend hosts an annual event called Leadership Day.  It’s a day when students and staff host parents and community members in sharing experiences with leadership.  The school uses a program called the Leader in Me, which is Stephen Covey’s 7 habits adapted for use in a school setting.  I love the exposure my children have to these great principles every single day at school, and I’m trying to use them more at home also.

This year all the students had to complete an art project of their choice for display on Leadership Day.  The theme was “Finding Your Voice”, which is Covey’s 8th habit.  I really enjoyed watching my kids think of ways to share this idea.  One of my daughters entered this piece that she painted on President’s Day , using the image of birds singing to describe how she felt about finding her voice.

My first grader’s project was so sweet.

She’s very loud and emotional at home, but at school is quiet as a mouse.   She’s a perfectionist in her school work and stresses about all the little things.  She’s been slow to make friends, but is learning a lot.  Her reading teacher is in love with her and emails me constantly about what an ideal student she is.  (My husband and I chuckle at this because we also know the rest of her personality, but it’s a relief to know that she is a model child at school.  Sometimes I wonder which is worse, the kid who’s perfect at home and a problem elsewhere, or the child who’s great everywhere but at home?)  She is a little sweetheart, and my heart salutes her because we know how much stress and anxiety she experiences in order to be that model student.

At her student-led conference a few weeks ago she was invited to set a goal for herself.  We chose the 8th habit, and her goal is to have the courage to raise her hand at least once every day and share something in class.  Oh, it made her nervous to write it down, but it is such a great goal for her.  With this goal in mind, she created her piece of art using oil pastels.

Her title:  My Hand Up.

Her description:  I will be brave and raise my hand.  I will share my thoughts.

She had me trace her arm on the paper, which gave it more meaning for her.  It’s her arm, her hand up high.  My heart swelled with love and pride when she showed me the final product.  I love the colorful fingernails.  I’m so proud of her for setting a goal that will truly help her grow.  I’m proud of her for having the courage even to declare the goal.  And I’m grateful for this little first grader in my life.

Hopeful Homemaker

A Year of Habits, no. 10

Whew!  I must say I’m happy to have last week over with.  It was unusually draining, and I’m hopeful the coming week holds much more promise.  So many unexpected mini-emergencies and crises to deal with left me feeling emotionally exhausted on Wednesday afternoon.  The random events and crazy pace continued through the week.  The tragic events in Japan certainly added a heaviness to my heart.  It’s been a learning experience.

I’ve looked over my list of goals for next year.  I can’t find a direct line between my goals and my week.   It wasn’t that kind of week.  It was a week spent responding — over and over — to unforeseen circumstances and events that required immediate attention.  I spent a great deal of time away from home because of it, which sacrificed  my typical housekeeping efforts in addition to disrupting our routines.   And it’s ok.

In the Lord’s prayer comes the phrase, “give us this day our daily bread.”  I’ve thought of that this week.  I didn’t get ahead in anything; in fact, I fell behind.  But I must also acknowledge that the Lord has kindly given us enough , every day, to get by.  I believe my children know how much I love them, especially those I “went to bat” for, some of them multiple times and in big ways.  I hope and pray that weeks like this will work for our good, that we’ll recover physically (in spite of last night’s time change), emotionally and organizationally.  I hope we can come away from last week with more confidence in ourselves, in each other, and in the Lord.

And so my report is simply this:  I and my family have received, at the Lord’s hands and through His grace, our daily bread.  We have a roof over our heads.  We had fresh, warm food for dinner tonight.  We have clothes to wear, beds to sleep on.  Even more than that, we’ve had tears wiped away, laughter follow tears, forgiveness follow mistakes, accidents result in minimal harm.  We’ve had prayers answered.  We have many more prayers which we trust will, in the Lord’s time, be answered as well.  And when I felt empty, drained completely dry by the day’s demands, He made His might, His strength, available for me.  I am humbled by it.  Humbled and grateful.

Getting ahead is awesome, but daily bread is all we really need.


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