Vintage Sewing Inspiration

For the past week I’ve been strongly tempted to stop at the thrift store just to see what fun thing I might uncover.  I’ve resisted.  As much as I love the treasure hunt feeling of it all, and the satisfaction of finding great old things for great little prices, even thrift stores cost money.  And one thing I know about shopping is that if you don’t go, you never know about that great thing that you can’t live without.  So you live without it quite happily.

I’ve been reminding myself that I have lots of wonderful treasures at home which I’m not fully appreciating.  I want to appreciate them more, and enjoy what I have.   Finish the projects I care about, then get rid of the rest.  So I’ve stayed home, and it feels good.  It’s made the break a lot more relaxing.  It also provided me with time to clean my office and find homes for some of those under-appreciated treasures.

On the same day that I stumbled upon my incredible wood blocks , I found these fun old sewing materials.

I love the old wooden thread spools.  They look so pretty in my glass jar, which now sits in my office with all my sewing supplies.

I also found this adorable little child’s toy iron, which just HAPPENS to be made in my favorite colors.  Along with that I scored some vintage rick rack, also in my favorite colors.  The aqua and white are the tiniest rick rack I’ve ever seen.  I’m trying to think of the perfect project to use them on.

Gratefully the white rick rack was incorrectly marked and I was able to purchase them all for 50 cents each.  Nine yards of vintage rick rack in my favorite color for 50 cents!  Something about these colors make my heart sing.  In fact, I’m pondering a quilt made from these colors, inspired by the iron and the rick rack.

My children go back to school on Monday, which brings the blessing of a better routine, but which also means that most of my time is once again scheduled by the demands of the world.  I had hoped to do some sewing during the break, and I haven’t had time to do it.  I feel a little disappointed, but I also know that the choices I made were the right ones.

Lastly, I also found these old paper flags while at the antique mall.  I rescued them from the store so they could sit on a shelf in my old blue mason jar.  My philosophy is that every room could use a little red, white and blue.

I love how the edges are a little bit worn.

I’ve learned with things like this that you grab them when you find them, especially when they’re cheap, because they won’t be there when you come back.  Last year I passed up an awesome silver star that I’m still regretting.  It will be so much fun to use these flags  next summer.

I’m thankful to have these new bits of inspiration to nurture my creativity this year.  I’m hopeful it will be a great year.

Vintage Blocks

It’s been snowing for 36 hours straight.  I’ve been doing laundry for 36 hours straight.  Okay, I slept for 6 hours last night, but it really is all I’ve done for two days now and guess what?  I feel like I haven’t even scratched the surface!  Seriously, there are a lot of dirty clothes in this house!

Rather than feel discouraged about how much more there is to do, I’m taking a break to post about the neatest thing that I found at an antiques store early in December.

It was this set of 5 vintage blocks.

Aren’t they neat!  They are all free-standing,from 7.5 to 8.5 inches tall.

We have a mailman, a conductor, a milkman (he actually looks rather boyish), a policeman, and a fireman.

Guess what else?  They have backs!

How cool is that?!?  You could build a whole room’s decor around these guys.

I have never seen anything like this.  I am so curious about who made them, how old they are, etc.  Wouldn’t it be fun to  have a whole set of them?  Or a family?  Talk about durable!  My little ones would play with them a ton.  In fact, they will play with them a ton as soon as I’m ready to surrender them to the large bucket of blocks that we keep in our family room.  For now, they’re standing at attention on the bookshelf in my office, just because I like them so much.

If you’ve ever seen anything like them, PLEEEASE tell me what you know about them!  I’d love to find more!

For now, it’s back to the laundry room for me.  I hope you’re doing something much more fun!

Hopeful Homemaker

Binding, a find, and a bird

I promised myself that my Christmas gift to myself this year will be to finish up some projects that have been waiting for attention.

So, I stole a few minutes and made my binding for two quilts that I REALLY want to finish (one has been waiting for months!)  I’m excited to get them on the quilts and finish them up.

When I was at the thrift store recently looking for ugly sweaters (what’s with EVERYONE needing an ugly sweater this year?), I found these great little miniature compote dishes for $4.  They stand about 1.5 inches tall and about 2 inches in diameter.  SOOOOO cute!  I can’t wait to find something to do with them!

And finally, my quilt is back from the quilter’s.  This one is a fun combination of three different ideas that sort of happened as I went along.  I’ve been in love with all things birds for a while now, but this is the first quilt I’ve made that includes a bird.

I’ll show more pictures of this quilt when it’s finished.  I’m really happy with it.

I’ll get to work on this ASAP, but first I have to finish (I mean, start!?!) my Christmas shopping.
I think this is the year of lowering our standards so I can impress everybody next year.  Oh well.

Have a great day!


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