Joy, week 11

Tonight I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the intense but wonderful week we had.  It was so many things packed into seven days that I hardly know where to begin.  I sat down this morning to write in my journal and it took more than two hours to summarize the events and what they mean to me.

There were things that didn’t go well.  We didn’t adjust well to the Daylight Savings time change and everyone is living on the brink of exhaustion.  My youngest two literally became nocturnal for several days and for no reason.  The lack of sleep took it’s toll and soon my baby was battling a fever for several days.  Six of us have ugly coughs.  I spent $145 on gas this week to get everyone to their commitments.  We ate fast food for dinner four times.   I didn’t touch my blog.  Basically we were a family running too fast and lots of things didn’t happen.

But lots of other things DID happen.  Wonderful things.  Things I need to remember.

My oldest four children take piano lessons but my son’s schedule prevents him from going at our scheduled time.  His teacher has allowed us to take a temporarily open Saturday slot when we can fit it in and my 7 year old has stepped into our open Tuesday slot so we can keep it.   My son needed to select a recital piece but we knew he couldn’t go on Saturday and I had four hours of driving to do on Tuesday night.  At 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday night she texted me and I drove him over to her house to listen to her play the piece for him, then give him a 20 minute lesson on the first two pages.  I sat there and learned some interesting things about how he learns.  The first time he played the notes he was already memorizing them.  It was fascinating.  We came home at 10:30 p.m. and I thought to myself that we might have just set a record for the latest piano lesson of all time.  More than that, my heart swelled with gratitude for a woman who cares so much about my son and his progress that she would do such a thing.  My heart is still swelling with thanks to and for her.  It was just one of those moments that a mom doesn’t soon forget.

On Wednesday I hosted a casual lunch for five women I’ve known for years.  We all still live in the same general community but are so busy with our families that we rarely sit and talk.   I’ve really backed away from entertaining in the past couple of years so hosting it felt like a stretch for me.  Gratefully I got the house tidy and the bathrooms clean before everyone arrived.  Honestly, the event itself really wasn’t a big deal, but it became a singular thing to me when I did a little math and realized that between the six of us we have thirty seven children.  It was fun to watch the surprise on their faces when I said it, and the slow smiles that spread across their faces.  I feel so blessed to know these amazing women who are raising great families and living lives I admire tremendously.  What would we mothers do without each other?

Wednesday night I also had the opportunity to speak briefly at a Relief Society meeting in my local congregation.   It was a great opportunity to gather with more awesome women.  I go to these meetings and see women who have raised their families and take hope in knowing they lived through it.  I see women just starting their families and feel inspired by their energy and enthusiasm.  I see women who have experienced great loss, trials, and broken dreams who have moved on and made the best of life.  It is wonderful to be with them.  To have the opportunity to share some thoughts about the book Daughters in My Kingdom and to share my feelings about my Savior with them was icing on the cake.

Three minutes after speaking I was running to my car to pick up my husband and son and head to a late appointment we’ve been anticipating for weeks.   It was an appointment that was paradoxical in nature:  surprising yet completely expected, an answer and a question at the same time.  My feelings and thoughts since have been so completely split that I’ve opted not to talk about it, write about it or do anything about it until I can settle in my heart exactly what I’m supposed to do.  It’s like we’re standing here, poised to take the first step that is also the millionth step.  I know so much but so little.  I am so willing act yet so unsure of what comes first, determined to do it right and certain I’ll mess up.  It’s an interesting sort of pause.

That night 10:30 p.m. found us at the In-N-Out Burger drive through so my husband and son could eat a second dinner while I talked on the phone to a friend in need.

Thursday brought more driving, practices, games, scrimmages, lessons.  We went to the local caucus meeting for our local precinct, leaving my daughter babysitting for the second night in a row.  The meeting took more than three hours.  At 10:15 p.m. I walked to my car feeling frustrated by the outcome of the meeting and wondering if voicing my opinion in that setting was worth another night away from my children, another day of homework that hadn’t been done, another dinner I didn’t make, another night when I wasn’t there to tuck the little ones in and check the baby’s temperature.  I did my duty.  I’m glad I went.  But we paid a price for it.  At 11:00 p.m. I was at my kitchen table with my five year old son, making a poster about him for his Star of the Week day in kindergarten.

Friday the week took a wonderful turn.  I went to school to spotlight my little man and he completely ate it up.  I rather enjoyed sharing with his class just how much he adds to our family even though he is child #6.  I told them that he loves practical jokes and his teachers’ jaws dropped when they heard he’s filled his big brother’s bed with baby powder a year or two ago.  The other boys in his class looked at him with new admiration in their eyes and I’m really hoping that no one went home to repeat the joke at their house.  My little guy ate it up.  I love him so much.

My parents flew to town on Friday and my sister and her husband came down from Logan that afternoon as well.  We loved having them at our home.  My children love them so much and while I wish we saw them more, it made me sort of glad that my kids understand what a truly special thing grandparents, aunts and uncles are.   My Mom and Dad were great, picking up my daughter from the Jr. High and taking her for a smoothie “on the way home”, driving to watch my son’s lacrosse practice, wandering out to observe our #6 digging in his garden, tickling the youngest three girls until they were positively breathless with delight.  They listened, watched, complimented, helped, smiled, and generally showered us all with love as if they have no problems of their own that they put on hold to come see us (which they do).  Friday night all the adults went to dinner:  my parents, my sister and brother-in-law, my brother with his wife and new baby, and us.  It was a really enjoyable evening.

Saturday morning was the highlight.  My daughter is singing in the choir that will perform during the General Young Women’s Broadcast for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in a week.  She was up at 5 am preparing for the dress rehearsal and on her way to Salt Lake City by 6:30 a.m.   The rest of us headed up a couple of hours later.  We walked through the doors and the sight of the choir took my breath away.  They looked perfect, so beautiful, like a sunrise.  It was the reason my parents came to town, to support this 13 year old girl of ours.   I feel overwhelmed by the generosity of their trip, the magnitude of their gesture of love and support.  Because children under age 8 cannot attend official meetings in this building it was a singular opportunity to take our entire family, including the little ones, and be there together.  Again, my sister and her awesome husband joined us.  We sat there as a group and smiled and listened and felt happy.  The last hour was a filming/recording session and I loved watching it.  This whole choir experience has been such a great experience.  I’ve learned so much.  I am different simply because my daughter gets to do this.

The rest of the day was a happy blur.  Lunch from Chick-fil-A with another ridiculously large pile of sauces in the middle of my kitchen table.  Kids playing with their Uncles’ ipads.  Some of us ran to our last futsal game of the season, where my little one took a nap in Grandma’s arms and my sister-in-law joined us.  Grandma and Grandpa took my five year old on a special shopping trip for his birthday next week.  All the ladies went to a favorite store (where we were all remarkably good) and to a chocolate cafe for dessert, then back home with pizza in hand for dinner.  Games of Acquire in my dining room.  It was just one of those days that oozes with happiness.

Then, as quickly as it began, it is over and all our guests are back at their homes and it’s our big little family again.  Some of them play with legos, others play Acquire in anticipation of being allowed to play with the uncles and Grandpa next time.  Some of them snuggle with me because it’s been a crazy week and they need a little reassurance.  I went with my daughter tonight to the last choir practice before the meeting on Saturday.  I sat next to one of the dearest, best, most exemplary women I know and just felt so, so grateful.  It’s quite an experience to be in a place where you can sit still, without distraction, for 2.5 hours and have gratitude wash over you like waves on the beach.  I am overwhelmed by the goodness of so many parts of our week.  I came home and got down on my knees to thank God for every one of these people who have been a part of my week in small and large ways, to ask for the Lord’s blessings to be upon them.  My heart feels so tender, so aware that the hard work is worth it, every bit of it.  I am grateful to be a mother.  I am also reminded that the free-flowing setting on my tear ducts tonight might be inversely related to the number of hours I’ve had to sleep.

Now, this report has been a travelogue instead of a report on my goals.  I couldn’t help it.  It was too full.  Here’s a quick summary.

My daily habit of scripture study keeps me going.  Period.  I’m working hard to clean the house and feel like it might be getting better.  I’m dreadfully behind on laundry and what’s clean is piled on my bedroom floor.  Oh well.  I wish I’d been better organized so we hadn’t spent money on fast food this week.  Oh well again.  I’m doing a lousy job of exercising.  I’m writing daily in the joy books I started for my children, which is really a blessing to me.

Some weekly goals fell through simply because our lives couldn’t hold them.  I penciled things in today, hoping to fix it this week.  I met my goal to talk regularly with friends in an abundant way, also meeting my monthly goal to make time for getting together with someone at least once a month.  I managed a few minutes of sewing.  I held my two little girls A. LOT.  I tried a new recipe that most of us liked.  I reminded myself daily of a woman who inspires me to live happily.  Thinking of her made me smile and live with more energy.

More than anything else, this was a joyful week.  It was a joyful week that required a lot of me, but which also broke my heart enough to let the good things really pour in.  I am amazed at the hours I spent basking in the joys of family, friends, and most of all, in the miraculous love that God has for us.  That love is joy.

I wish that kind of joy for you this week.

Joy, week 10

Tonight was a great night, a night that provided a massive sigh of relief and, therefore, a sunny outlook on all the effort that preceded it.

This week was many things.  It was a week of soccer practices and games, a week of laundry, a week of homework, driving and long lists with only a handful of items crossed off.  But the best name for my week would be “The Hunt for the Yellow Shirt.”

My oldest daughter is singing in a choir for the General Young Women’s Broadcast for the LDS Church in two weeks.  We knew going in that there would be long weekly practices and other things to do.  We had no idea that the clothing assignment would cost me 15+ hours of time spent going in and out of every store looking for a yellow shirt, an entire tank of gas (which topped out at over $100 this week… ouch!), and the general unhappiness of little ones who are dragged from place to place to place.  Monday afternoon found me in a thrift store with ten children, five of them under age 6 and three of them not mine, hunting for shirts.  I found several along the way that met the requirements but didn’t fit, and passed them along to other moms who were also hunting.  We found one that was fabulous, but two days later were told it wouldn’t work.  Once more we searched until finally I’d assembled four different options.  I started having nightmares about yellow shirts.   Tonight we went to the practice, presented our choices and let the leaders decide what they wanted her to wear.  Having that responsibility taken care of, I could sit down and relax and from here on out we’ll enjoy the experience.  A few days I felt highly frustrated that this tiny little life detail was taking over my life; tonight I’m just thankful that we were obedient, that I worried about it when I did and that I can move on to other priorities.

It all sounds so simple and so silly when I type it, but truly my week was largely an active hunt for a shirt.  Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?  In a way I think it’s so silly, but it’s also one of those things that reveals what motherhood is all about… doing what needs to be done so your children learn what they need to learn and are able to experience what they need to experience so they can become what we dream they’ll become.  Which is why the yellow shirt was paramount.  It’s also why I feel so relieved tonight.

There were some awesome moments this week, too.  That afternoon in the thrift store with extra children?  It felt so good because I was truly being of service to someone at the perfect moment.  I felt so grateful for the opportunity.  We had a lot of fun, too.  After we went shopping we stopped for ice cream cones, then grabbed pizza for dinner and came back to my house where the children ran and played on a beautiful spring evening.  The squeals of their laughter was music to me.  Soon their mom joined us and we laughed, talked, laughed some more, had Family Home Evening together and ate Girl Scout cookies for dessert.  It was one of those rare nights you remember as perfect, reflecting on with quiet happiness in coming days.  Throughout the week almost all of my children have come to me at different times to comment on how wonderful that evening was and can we please do it again.  We experienced joy  in the moment and have savored joy in the memory ever since.

On Tuesday night I was completely in over my head with multiple commitments all because of one rescheduled soccer game.  I did something that is honestly rather foreign to me and asked for help.  It was probably very good for me, but I’m also here to tell you that it’s very humbling to ask someone to go pick your children up from their piano lessons.  Yeah.

I saw my sister twice this week, once with her husband.  We laughed as my two year old stepped up to the plate as impromptu comedian for the evening.  On the second occasion we sat and talked about… quilting fabric, and had a fabulous time doing it because we both love it so much.

A few of my children had good moments this week and it surprised me how happy I felt all day long.  On one occasion I felt like shouting from the rooftops over a very simple victory.  I guess I’ve been pretty stressed about some heavy stuff.

My personal goals were largely deferred this week for two reasons:  the yellow shirt hunt and opportunities to serve.  It’s ok.  My greatest goal of all is to be a better wife and mother, to be doing the most important things, and I think this week qualifies.

The house looks a little better, I’m closer to being caught up on laundry.  I spent one-on-one time with several of my children this week.  One of my daughters chose to bridge the gap in a misunderstanding among friends, being the one who was kind in all directions.  I was proud of her for her actions and hope she learns great things from it.  This morning I sat with my two youngest girls and listened to birds sing outside our kitchen window.  I rocked my youngest to sleep this afternoon.  I’m caught up on the joy books I started on January 1st, with an entry each day for all eight children.

Life is wonderful.

It’s also starting early tomorrow morning.  I’ll be honest, the Monday morning after the spring Daylight Savings time change is NOT usually the easiest.

Have a great week!

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