Candy Cane Almonds

I’m here to do some free advertising today, advertising based entirely upon the response I got at Saturday’s baby shower when I put a little bowl of cute pink speckled something on my kitchen counter.

What are they?  Everyone wanted to know.  Candy cane almonds.  The package says, “Roasted Almonds in Dark & White Chocolate with Real Crushed Peppermint.”

I found them at Walmart on their big seasonal candy aisle.  I was walking down that aisle recently to purchase some Gatorade for my Gatorade-guzzling husband and these caught my eye.  They were expensive enough ($10 for 36 ounces, or just under $5/pound) that I passed them up, but when I was doing some last minute scrambling to pull together the shower I remembered them and splurged.

I know they say you’re only supposed to serve tried and true food to guests, but sometimes it’s nice to try something new when you have a lot of opinions to consult.  Plus, sharing with a large group guarantees that all you’ll do is taste them, which is what we’re all trying to do at this time of year, right?

Here’s what happened.  A few people tasted them,  then told the person they were next to.   A couple of the ladies came back for second helpings of soup or vegetables, but I think all of them came back for more candy cane almonds.  When several of them came to get a hand full to stuff in their pocket before leaving I had to hide my smile.  The more it happened, the funnier it was.  People really liked them!

So I’m doing you a favor and telling you about these delicious little treats so that you can grab a container to have on hand for the holidays.  Maybe you’ll need it at an event you’re hosting.  Maybe you’ll have an unexpected group of hungry teenagers crash at your house for an evening.  Maybe you’re supposed to bring something to share to a Christmas party but you’re running ragged already and have no time to cook or bake.  Maybe you’d like to add something new to your Christmas goodie bags.  Whatever the reason, do yourself a favor and buy one.

This is what the container looks like.  They had eggnog flavor, too, but eggnog happens to kind of gross me out.  So I’ll let you try them if that’s one of your favorite flavors and let me know if they’re good, too.

After the shower was over my sister and I went to the store and we each bought some to use during the holidays.  I’m having company for a week and I’m sure there will be a perfect night to get them out.



A Year of Habits, no. 48

Well, the week is over and I suppose there’s not much to say about it after Thursday night’s dump.  If I had to sum up my feelings in one word I’d choose “relief.”   With another child sick today we have just one family member left who apparently has an iron stomach.  At this point I’d say he has a good chance of missing it entirely, which would be nice.  I’d love to be finished with this virus.

The baby shower came and went and I feel so relieved that we pulled it off.  The best part of the entire thing was doing it with my sister, who I got to spend several hours with.  She is so much fun to be around and does a good job of everything.  The shower was for our sister-in-law and it was fun.  Somehow I managed to get some Christmas decorating taken care of on Friday so the house looked festive and clean when people arrived.   The food worked out and even tasted good, and when it was all over I could hardly believe that it went so smoothly.  I feel so grateful.

I also managed to get the bulk food order divided and sorted and almost everyone has come to pick up their order.  It will be nice to be finished with it as well.   All week long I was so worried about getting through the baby shower and distributing this order.   When both responsibilities had been taken care of  my brain was stuck, unable to remember what I should be doing next.  I knew I had a long list of things to be working on for Christmas but I wasn’t processing any of it.   My head has cleared today as the day progressed and I’m back to my usual state of having a to-do list for tomorrow that is much longer than the day will hold.  Cleaning, laundry, and we still have lots of homework to make up. {I’m a little worried about the homework part. Deep breath.}

Tonight as a family we watched a Christmas message that was very uplifting and which helped set the tone in my heart for the coming week.  However it works out, whatever I do or don’t get done, I hope I can keep this feeling with me and really enjoy the Christmas season.  I am so grateful for the Christmas season and want my children to feel both reverence and excitement.  We’ll see how that blends with make-up work.

Life is good.  I am so fortunate.
Have a great week!


Kellie’s Baby Shower

Honestly, it was a miracle that this baby shower happened at all.  With the stomach flu making its way through our family all week I was amazed that no one was sick on the day of the shower.  Somehow I got a few Christmas decorations up and the main floor was clean and sanitized.

Most of the things on my list for the shower were crossed off, undone.  The bare essentials were all I could offer.  While I’d envisioned much better, it all worked out fine.  Everyone had a nice time, a lot of people came, the mother-to-be was happy, and because the Christmas decorations were out it still felt festive.  I suppose this should be a good reminder to me that even without all the extras I have swirling around in my head, a party can still be a party.

Kristen and I decided to serve a light lunch.  We each made a pot of soup.  Along with that we had rolls, a veggie tray and mini-cupcakes.  Simple but nourishing.  Kristen made a delicious chicken noodle soup.  I made a vegetable chowder.  It’s a recipe I’d forgotten about but now that I’ve re-discovered it I’m sure it will make it’s way to my my table a lot this winter.  I’ll share soon.

I had planned on making homemade rolls.  It seemed like the least I could do with such a simple menu.  But when the big day arrived I realized it wasn’t the best idea so instead I purchased a few dozen different kinds of rolls and offered a variety.  This, too, was a good reminder to me that it’s ok to just buy something and call it good.  They tasted great and people seemed to like choosing their own.

We served oyster crackers with the soup.  They were pretty in my urn vase.

The veggie tray helped to round things out and Kristen saved the day by baking some miniature Orange Creamsicle Cupcakes .  They looked so cute with a little kiss of frosting on the top (thanks to my daughter.  She’s getting pretty handy with a bag of frosting!).

It was a light but nourishing meal, which many women seem to like.  I’m so glad we did it, and I particularly enjoyed hosting it with my sister.  She’s really amazing.

Now, on to the rest of December!

Hopeful Homemaker

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