Quilt Along Strips

I decided to join the quilt along at p.s. i quilt .

I had a Celebrate Spring jelly roll from a few years ago that I never used for its intended project and since this year is going to be a stash buster year for me, I decided to use it.  Instead of purchasing a jelly roll of solid fabric I cut my own strips from my Kona White stash.

I was nervous that this fabric line would look old or outdated, but I think it will be fine.  The colors are fresh and soft and it will make a great spring quilt.  I’d forgotten what most of the prints in this collection looked like, and as I was sewing and ironing I wished I had a larger piece of some of them because they’d be great blender fabrics.

My strips are pieced together  (sixteen sets of 5 rows each) and ironed, waiting for the next step.  Should be fun!


A Year of Habits, no. 2

“Good habits are not acquired simply by making good resolves, though the thought must precede the action. Good habits are developed in the workshop of our daily lives. It is not in the great moments of test and trial that character is built. That is only when it is displayed. The habits that direct our lives and form our character are fashioned in the often uneventful, commonplace routine of life. They are acquired by practice.”  -Delbert L. Stapley Two phrases in that quote jumped out at me:  “the workshop of our daily lives” and “the often uneventful, commonplace routines of life.”  So true.  Life is fascinating, isn’t it?  In many ways, the boring stuff is the meat because what we do in those workshops, those commonplace routines, decides all the rest.

I’ve been working on the workshop this week.   My first task is to master the daily schedule, for it is the key to success in every other area.  Each day was different, and I didn’t get to everything on every day.  My two youngest children got sick on Thursday, with another getting sick on Saturday.  Given the usual challenges that come with illness and the hours of sleep lost by them and me, I feel really good about the degree to which I managed my “ideal” schedule this week.

Here goes (in no particular order):

First up, the habit of planning.  I did a ton of it on Monday in Las Vegas.  Since that day I’ve had countless thoughts and ideas come to mind to help me implement plans.  I was also able to take care of some specific action items in regards to individual children because I planned to.  I’m working on a weekly planning agenda that will help me stay on track.

Second, housekeeping.  One of my major goals for 2011 is to improve the housekeeping habits for all ten of us.  I can’t claim many inroads in the children’s habits yet, but my own efforts have made a big difference.  We’ve been tidying our bedrooms before school in the mornings and again before dinner.  The house hasn’t been this clean for this long with so little time spent on it.  I’m excited about my progress and will share more details as they become real habits.  Right now they’re still fresh starts.

Third, the habit of finishing.  I’m really good at dreaming things up.  I’m good at starting.  I’m often good at finishing… eventually.  Deadlines help, but too many things wait around for too long until I get to them.  So, I’m going to become a finisher.  I finished a few things this week.  Most of them are simple and just need a few minutes of attention.

Fourth, creativity.  I did something creative every day.  I worked a little bit on physical things, and also spent time being creative in playing with children, caring for my home, etc.  On Saturday afternoon my sister came over for a couple of hours and we did some sewing.  We had a great time and I worked on a secret project…. more to come soon!

Fifth, Spiritual Growth.  I did a better job of starting my mornings with the scriptures.  I didn’t do it every day, but most of them.  I’ve been reading a lot in the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy.  Such treasures in there!

Sixth, Physical Health:  I implemented my plan for daily exercise.  Lack of sleep threw the schedule off a bit, but it was a great start.

Last, Reading.  My intent is to give myself 30 minutes to read each evening before bed.  The end of the school term created a lot of upheaval in our evening schedule last week, causing late nights.  In the past 3 days I’ve had about 6 hours of real sleep due to sick little ones, so the reading got lost.  I did start a new book, however, and have a strict reading schedule for myself over the next month.  I’m only about 20 pages in but am really enjoying it so far.

So there it is.  A much better beginning… I feel so grateful for the Lord’s help in accomplishing many things this week and for His help in showing me better ways to organize and take care of things for our family at this stage in life.  I am so excited to see where these efforts lead.

Wishing you a great week, Jennifer

Feast for the Eyes

I’ll be honest.  I’m not a fan of Las Vegas.  I can think of a million other places I would vacation first.  When I ended up there early this week I really didn’t do any exploring.  I mostly stuck to my hotel room and worked on things that are important to me.  I can shop anytime.  I can’t be alone anytime.

I didn’t frequent many places, but one thing I noticed in the hotels/casinos I did end up in was the dim lights.  It seems they forever want you to live at dusk there… it must dull your awareness of what time it is and how long you’ve been there.  Imagine my surprise on Monday morning on our way to breakfast in The Wynn to see something like this:

There was light back in there, and pastel colors, and flowers!

I had to get in there!  It’s called The Buffet, and I must now admit that I have a favorite place in Las Vegas.  I didn’t have my camera with me, so we ate somewhere else that morning (and discovered my husband’s new favorite smoothie) in order to go back Tuesday with the camera.

I was not disappointed.  The Buffet has 17 different food stations with an impressive variety of food.  Everything we tasted was delicious.  There are large rooms tucked back in the restaurant and off to the side, but we requested a table in what I’m calling the garden room.   Eight huge arrangements line this room, reaching from floor to ceiling.  The ceiling is arched with a glass ceiling and lots of mirrors high on the walls.  I estimated that each of these arrangements was around 20 feet high.  To get a feel for how big they really were, notice the scale of the tables and chairs next to the arrangements in the picture above.

Flowers, succulents, fruits, vegetables all used in incredible ways to create the most amazing artificial arrangements I’ve ever seen.  The bananas were my husband’s favorite while I loved the light fixtures:

I loved the use of lavender and succulents as well.

My husband insisted on taking somewhat blurry pictures of my left-handed self eating breakfast.

I think the arrangement below (on the right) was my favorite.  I love the balls at the top, the red tulips beneath, and the pots of trailing succulents.  Gorgeous.

But really, what made each arrangement so beautiful was the variety in them all.  Next to one another there was much to admire, compare and contrast.  It was all so beautiful and I kept wondering who the designer was.

This one was drenched in flowers.  So beautiful.

I found a lot of online food reviews for the Buffet, most of them positive.  Our experience was a good one; we would definitely go back.  In my mind this experience was about more than the food.  I didn’t feel like I was on The Strip.  This restaurant was a place of light and beauty.  Atmosphere was a huge part of my experience.  It was the most fun I’ve had eating out in years. (Or maybe I was just really relaxed after 36 hours away from my children.)

I admit I didn’t want to leave.  I wanted to sit and read a book just so I could look around at all these awesome flower arrangements and be surrounded by such color for a while.  I commented to my husband that I must be flower starved, and he reminded me that I have 250 tulips coming in the spring.  It’s a start.

Last night I dreamed that I created centerpieces for a party with this room as my inspiration.  Wouldn’t it be fun to re-create something similar?  Lots of inspiration there.  You could go a dozen different directions with this.

Have a great day!


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