Holiday Season Dilemma

I’m guessing I’m a lot like you, with a list full of things that need doing, made longer by the advent of the Christmas season.  It’s an exciting time and I like most of the things on that list.   I want to get to them as soon as possible to allow our family to enjoy the season as much as possible, for as long as we can.

But what do you do when, in addition to these more “urgent” things, you have something like this calling to you?

The collection is “Summertime” by Barbara Jones.  I’m loving the combination of colors and the strong patterns in these prints.   I’m anxious to reintroduce myself to my sewing machine.

And so they’ll sit while other things get done.

What do you do in cases like this?


This guy is now ten years old.

He celebrated with his friends nine days ago, but now it’s official.  This guy is cheerful, generous and affectionate.  He makes friends easily.  He is creative and fun to be around.  He is good at figuring things out.  He’s a blessing to our family.  It’s hard to believe he’s already ten, but we love him so much.

A look back at the party:

and the space mission:

The captain’s chair was his for the day, and they successfully completed their mission.  The entire crew after their voyage:

My view from the control room:

Today for his birthday I took him Chick-fil-A for lunch.  He requested “shrimp and fish” for dinner, but I simplified things and we had shrimp scampi.  Although the children like their parties with friends, it’s the family celebrations that I enjoy most.  Ours got a little silly tonight, but everyone had a nice time.

The highlight, as usual, were the playmobil toys.  He has loved them since he was three years old (or younger).  He is blessed with an awesome imagination and these toys are well-suited to his personality and interests.

At his request, a closer look at the battle scene:

Happy Birthday, big guy!  We love you!


One Step Report #47

Well, here we are near the end of November, poised on the edge of the Christmas hustle and bustle.  We awoke this morning to several inches of snow.  It’s nice to get enough snow for a beautiful wintry scene although a bitter, driving wind has since scattered it from the trees.  My boys spent much of their day shoveling for neighbors, an elderly couple and some single women in our neighborhood.  It’s nice to have them out serving.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Thanksgiving weekend and am struggling with the idea of getting back in the swing of things tomorrow morning.  Can’t I just keep my kids home like this until January?   I have loved the slow pace and the freedom to do whatever we want.  I really want this Christmas season to be calm and nourishing to our hearts.  I’m not sure how I’m going to do it, but I’m certainly going to try.

This week’s report:  89 steps.

1.  I spent a great deal of time with this little cutie, helping her master the use of the bathroom.  I’m happy to say that in 8 days she has had only four accidents, day or night.  She’s sleeping in her cute little underwear and doing a great job.  I’m very proud of her.

2.  I got most of my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving.  I am NOT a Black Friday shopper.

3.  Because we were hosting Thanksgiving dinner, I got a lot of little housekeeping things done.  You know, cleaning out this drawer, hanging that thing, etc.

4.  I chose the paint color I’m using to refinish my dining room chairs.  I hope they turn out how I want them to.

5.  Something happened today that tugged at my daughter’s heart.  As I watched, I remembered the same thing happening to me when I was her age.  I remembered how I felt.  It was good to relive those feelings and I hope it helped me respond well to her expression of disappointment.

6.  Still teething, my youngest has had a tough week.  She had a terrible night a day or two ago and I ended up holding her for almost 4 hours.  I feel sorry for her pain and hope that these molars will come in quickly so we can have our happy little girl back.

7.  Yesterday I got my Christmas cards designed.  Now I only need to make 150 of them, and convince my family to get our picture taken together.  Sound fun? (And yes, I know this should have been done a month ago.  Oh well.)

8.  On Friday night I attended a bridal shower for an amazing young woman.  It’s been such a pleasure to watch her grow up.  I came home with a heart full of memories and feelings about my own journey through the stage she’s now in.  Lots to think about.

9.  I figured out how to make something that I’m really excited about, and am hoping to steal a few minutes to complete it.

Tonight we enjoyed a feeling of calm and relaxation as a family, something we relish in this brief season without sports schedules eating up our time.  In fact, it’s a feeling we’ve had a lot over the past 4 days.  I’m trying not to think about the countless tasks that will hit this week.  They’ll still be there in the morning.

I hope that your Thanksgiving holiday was a fantastic one and wish you well in all your activities and plans for December.  I can hardly believe I have only one month left in this One Step journey of mine.   Doesn’t it seem like we just welcomed the year 2010?  It’s hard to believe it will soon belong to the past.

Have a great week!


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