Economy of Abundance

I wish I had pictures to help illustrate what I’m feeling these past few days, but I don’t.

For the past 6 weeks I’ve been working on a major undertaking that involved putting together large bulk orders of products from multiple places for the benefit of a group of people I’m associated with.  As things came to a culmination last week, I was staring at literally, thousands of pounds of materials that needed to be picked up, packed and distributed.

And I’m 8 1/2 months pregnant.  (We won’t talk about some of my assesments of my personal mental state when I decided that I could pull this off right now. )

I’ve been doing this for a while; it’s a volunteer job for me.  I do it because I care about the people, the products, and because I was asked to do it.  But this order was about a 400% increase over what we’ve done in the past.  I was both thrilled and terrified.  In my mind I re-lived every scenario from past experience and knew how many glitches could mess things up.

So I prayed.  A lot.  Not for me, but for everybody who was counting on me.  And I have this to say:
God’s economy is one of abundance.

I’ve said that before, and I wholeheartedly believe it is true.  But it’s a lesson I re-learned last Saturday when I watched people show up, dig in, help out, and get an enormous job done in only 2 1/2 hours.  I re-learned it every day last week when the next little step worked out instead of blowing up in my face.  And every time my husband took a break from very important things to make sure that I wouldn’t have to physically manage it alone.

We’re living in a society that is completely fixated right now on scarcity of every kind.  But I know that’s not God’s way.

I could bore you with lots of details, and some would try to explain them away.  That’s fine.  But this I know, that it is often in our scarcity (in my case this time, the scarcity of energy and physical abilities that come at the end of  a pregnancy) that God is able to show us just how much he can do.  Somehow he is best able to do this for us when we feel weak, or afraid, or when we’re intensely aware of how many things can go wrong.  That’s when he shows us that he can make things work out, in ways we didn’t expect, using people and help we didn’t forsee, and do it faster than any prior experience of ours would predict.  And I learned how much God cares about all these people I was trying to help, and that he cares about my efforts to do it.  Isn’t life wonderful!

So I’ve been feeling really grateful for the past few days, and I needed to express it.

Blue and white dishes

Do you ever find yourself shopping, and here and there you pick something up for a song, only to discover down the road that everything you bought goes together?

I love the color blue, but live in an area where blue isn’t nearly as popular as other colors, such as brown and black and darker jewel tones.  But for me, it’s all about the gorgeous shades of blue.  This, of course, means that I don’t see nearly as much of blue as I’d like to, but it also means that the colors I like often get marked down to ridiculously low prices.

I also happen to really, really love dishes.  I mean that I love them a lot.  Give me a store that houses both women’s fashions and housewares, and I’m all over the housewares department without a backward glance at the fashions.  I love the simple beauty of dishes, and their inherent usefulness.  They seem to hold such potential, like they’re just waiting to be filled or covered with goodness to nourish someone.  I guess, in many ways, dishes are artful symbols of abundance to me.

So, I just discovered that I’ve managed to collect 3 platters, a bowl, a baking dish, and 12 plates that all look really cool together.  And the most expensive item was $3.50.  I like that a lot.

Don’t you think this dish is just baking for something wonderful to bake in it?
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The bowl and platters have been used multiple times already.  The platters are the perfect size for bringing in meat from the barbecue or covering with sandwiches or wedges of watermelon.
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The plates were a happy accident.  I love their white rims.
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and the fact that they’re so simple.
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And blue.
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I love that life is so full of simple gifts.  Simple pleasures to enjoy.

Cupcakes and Friends

My girls had some friends over earlier this week, and I let them loose in my kitchen for an adventure in baking cupcakes.

Part of me wishes that I’d taken pictures of them while they were making the cupcakes.  They had a great time.  But I think it was best that I didn’t get the camera out until the end of the project because I think they would have been a little intimidated by the camera.  They would have felt more like they had to do it “right” and less like they could have fun.  So it all worked out well, I believe.  I just sat in the other room and listened as they mixed batter, poured it into muffin tins, baked, checked for doneness, mixed up frosting, decided how much sugar they should add to the frosting to make it thick enough, and on and on.  It was great.

And in the end, the cupcakes they produced were great, too.
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The icing set well, and they were very cheerfully decorated.  The cupcakes themselves even tasted good.
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Best of all, we had five happy girls who were very proud of their creations.
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We also had an amazing kitchen counter when it was all said and done:
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Have you ever seen a batter bowl like this?
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Yep.  We had a pretty decent mess.
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And some scrubbing to do.
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We even had a few cupcakes that had been forgotten.
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But more importantly, we had happy faces.
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And a fun memory, not to mention sweet treats.
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I also think they learned.  This was a building block in their baking skills experience.
It will help them get better at it.  (In fact, my girls baked some miniature cakes the next day for their dolls, and they did it in less time and with much less mess.)

Sometimes I forget that learning makes some messes.  But we get better at it, if we keep trying.

It gets easier to clean up, and we make fewer messes as we learn and grow.   But isn’t it wonderful that we can try?
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I know that I make a lot of messes, both in my kitchen and in many other aspects of life.
I’m grateful I can keep trying and make fewer messes as I improve.
And hopefully, in the end, I’ll have some yummy cupcakes to show for it.

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