Sweet Dreams Lone Star: Adding Applique
You may remember my unfinished lone star from a few weeks ago. I sewed the diamonds together with the yellow in the center because I like the light pink round. But my Sweet Dreams lone star will be getting another layer.
Adding applique to the quilt will obscure the star somewhat, which isn’t typically what we do with lone stars. They’re so bold, and it’s fun to show off the perfect points, but I’ve made a lot of them and I’m ready to try something new with this one.
I bought the In Bloom acrylic templates by Anna Maria Horner and made a long length of bias binding to use as the stem. I struggled with color until I decided to go with something light instead of green. This applique layer needs to add more light and dark values to my quilt.
At this point I’m still playing with the floral design. Nothing is stitched down and I’m having fun cutting shapes from my fabric stash. I like the floral design at the tips of the star, and the vine, but I need to work out what to do in the center of the star. I also want to add more in the background. This not knowing used to scare me, but now I love it.
It takes time to let a project unfold like this, but it is also an invigorating creative experience. I am waiting for more of that purple floral to arrive so I can continue with my plans. This project should provide me with pleasant hand stitching time during the winter.
Again, I feel pulled to make things in ways I’ve not done before. I hope that this sweet dreams lone star project will be a rewarding and beautiful one. (Fingers crossed!) Either way, I’m growing, and that’s what matters!