Columbine Embroidery

The Rocky Mountain Columbine is Colorado’s state flower.

I was raised there, and loved it when I occasionally spotted columbines growing in the wild.  They are such beautiful flowers, fragile and dainty and yet also strong.  You would have to be to survive winter in the Rockies.  For some reason when I see or think of the columbine I feel hope.

I’ve seen columbines in many colors, but none are as beautiful to me as the blue-violet petals of the flower designated by Colorado.  I have grown columbines in my gardens over the years and have learned that they’re hardy but also susceptible to aphids.  In the seasons the aphids have been bad, I’ve had an almost irrational need to make sure my columbines survive.  I love these flowers.

The years I’ve spent quilting have taught me something about the way my brain works.  While occasionally I learn/make something and quickly move to something else, what happens more often is a tendency to have lots of closely related ideas come to mind, and a desire to explore them is strong.

So it shouldn’t be surprising, I suppose, that after making that fun State Flowerscape quilt , I couldn’t leave my favorite state flower alone.  I drew a larger version of the flower and went to work embroidering it.  My embroidery skills are a little rusty but it worked.

I’ve already sewn this piece into a project and given it away, but I have plans to revisit this design and use it in a future project.  For the sake of my own sanity I’ve written a simple pattern and if you’d like to download a copy as well, you’re welcome to it!

Download Columbine Embroidery Pattern Here
Hope you enjoy it.  I’ll share photos tomorrow of what mine turned into.

State Flowerscape and EPP

Remember my State Flowerscape quilt ?

The more I sewed with Kristin’s lovely fabrics, the more I thought about trying to fussy cut the 50 Nifty print to showcase a particular flower.  Since I am a Colorado native, naturally my first thought was to use the Rocky Mountain Columbine.

I was not disappointed!  It happened that I’d recently decided (rather impulsively, I might add) to join the Ice Cream Soda EPP (English Paper Piecing) quilt along that Jodi had started.  My first set of shapes arrived and were the perfect size for the columbine.

The only previous experience I’ve had with EPP was the Sweet as Honey beehive I designed for Bonnie Forkner’s blog hop.  It is still a favorite project and hangs in my sewing room.  I look forward to getting more practice with these ice cream soda blossoms and hope to have a really awesome quilt to show for it when I’m done.

In this, my first block, I’m happy with the contrast in color and with my novice attempt at fussy cutting the flowers.  Most of all, I am excited that the state flowers work so well with this kind of project.  One more reason to buy that awesome print, and more proof that different fabric styles can mingle quite nicely.

Want to win some fabric?

Over on Instagram
I’m sponsoring a giveaway for one of the State Flowerscape map panels and a bundle of coordinating fat quarters, including the awesome print these columbines come from.  You can find me there @hopefulhomemaker and comment on that post to enter. (please note that the giveaway is being hosted entirely on my Instagram account, NOT here on my blog)  The giveaway will end on Friday May 5th.

Have a great day!

Catenary quilt top

With all fourteen rows appliqued and sewn together, my Catenary quilt top is finished.

I have enjoyed and grown to love the art of hand applique over the last six months.  This is the third applique quilt top I’ve finished this year (all patterns by Carolyn Friedlander) and I think I’ll always have a hand sewing project going from now on.  This particular project was especially fun to plan as I auditioned and selected fabrics.

I really wanted to try one of Carolyn’s patterns with fabrics that are larger in scale and bold in color/pattern.  It’s been such a fun project and I can’t tell you how much I love the blues in this quilt.  It’s like the colors of my soul have spilled onto fabric.  I also enjoyed mixing some Bonnie Christine, Jennifer Paganelli and Violet Craft fabrics in, as well as a bit of lawn.  For the borders along each side of the panels I chose a low volume floral print from Erin Michael’s Purebred collection for Moda.  Somehow it’s just perfect.

Naturally I’ve already begun a new applique project.  My hands were itching to stitch in the car for a few days so I quickly started prepping again.  I’ll share more soon!  I also need to figure out how I want to quilt this beauty.

Thanks for visiting!

Related Posts:

Catenary – A New Project
Catenary Progress Botanics Quilt top Aerial Grove quilt top

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