
I can read his thoughts:  “If I stand here without looking at her, and try to keep the smirk off my face, and pretend to pose or scratch my neck or something, then maybe my crazy mother won’t take this picture of this sling before she drives me to get a breakfast burrito and then to school?”

My verbal response to his unspoken thoughts:  “Don’t worry.  Someday no one will believe the stories you tell them about all your broken everything and you’ll have MY pictures to prove it.”

Yup.  He’s done it again.  Broken collarbone?  Check.  Collarbone separated from the shoulder in a second spot?  Check.    Snowboarding over Christmas break?  Nope.  And when our son pressed the doctor on this one, the response was simply, “Well, if you even bump this wrong before it heals, you won’t be snowboarding for another three years.”  And so our son was happy about a three week break awfully fast.  (We should have tipped the doctor for that!)  Three weeks or three years?  Well, even a fifteen year old can make that decision in a snap.  We don’t want plates and several years of surgery to deal with on this one, so we’ll just hope nobody decides to punch him in the shoulder at school this week.  And to think that he continued to snowboard with this injury, with his lung a tiny impact away from being punctured, for another SIX hours, kind of makes me sick.  And really grateful to the Lord for watching out for our stubborn, snowboard-loving son.

Did I mention that I love this kid?  So much.  I’m so sad for him, but I also shake my head and laugh.  What else is there to do?

Get some ice and ibuprofen, I suppose.  And update the family Christmas letter that I still haven’t sent.:)


Fourteen Years!

Fourteen years ago today, my oldest daughter was born.  What a gift the years have been, and how thankful we were to celebrate her birthday today.

She is strong, beautiful, happy, spontaneous, smart and funny.  She has a natural tendency to enjoy being alive.  She’s a dream come true and I love her heart.

Notice the rainbow?  How often do you look outside on your birthday when it hasn’t been raining and see a double rainbow in the sky?  We all went outside to watch it until it disappeared.


Yesterday we went shopping together for her birthday.  We picked up one of her friends and went to the BYU Women’s soccer game – the first game I’ve ever attended for any sport that is part of the NCAA tournament, and this was a Sweet 16 game!  The rain kept to a drizzle and we had a fantastic time.  We found front row seats across from the Cougar bench and watched 110 minutes of  intense soccer, only to have the game still scoreless after two sudden death overtimes.  Next came a shootout in which both teams tied again, 3-3, followed by a second shootout, this one sudden death.  Both teams matched each other and then Marquette missed a shot, giving BYU an opportunity to win.  The shot was good, BYU won, everyone was screaming and jumping for joy, and they’re in the Elite 8, which will also be played at home!  Going to that game was kind of a last minute addition to our weekend, something that complicated several other things but was such a great opportunity that I couldn’t bear to have her miss it.   After watching her screaming and loving every minute of it, I realized that these seemingly small decisions to make time for special outings is an essential part of the memories we package together of our childhoods.  I watched her and thought that someday she’ll be watching a game with her children and she’ll tell them what it felt like, all those years ago, to be at that game.  I also realized how close she is to leaving home, how soon this swarming crowd of college students will be her world.  Oh, we made a priceless memory at that soccer game!

(Yes, in the picture above she’s hugging a snow shovel.  She was messing around with her Dad.  It’s so goofy but what I love about it is that it’s totally her .  The smile – she’s actually laughing – the light in her eyes, everything about it is who she really is.  She has this habit of striking a comical pose for all her pictures, so they’re always funny but never really her .  I can’t tell you how happy I was to snap this one.)

Today brought breakfast in bed, a new skirt to wear to church, ping pong in the basement with her Dad, and a game of chess with him as well.  I made one of her favorite meals for dinner topped off by what’s become the norm for her:  dutch apple pie instead of cake.   It was a great day and I think my favorite part was the warm, genuine hug of thanks that she gave me.

I am not always the mother she needs or deserves, but I am so thankful to be her mother.  She has been a joy to me all her life.  I wish I could slow down these years just ahead, but I know we’ll live them more like we’re in front of a fire hose.  Today, at least, was a day to slow down and enjoy, and for that I am grateful.


Right Now…

This morning I am savoring the memory of last night’s mini-concert by Mindy Gledhill, performed at a lovely little shop, Dear Lizzie.   I was at the back without the best view, but she sang my favorite song and I loved it!

I’m also remembering the general loveliness of the store (candy counter above) which puts me in the mood to wander around my house and see what I can do to bring more loveliness here.

Mindy also sang some Christmas songs from her album, Winter Moon.   I find myself already in the mood for Christmas even though we have sunny skies and warm temperatures for another day or two.  The arrival of Christmas merchandise in all the stores and the large stacks of catalogs in my mailbox every day probably contribute to this.  I really want to make things for Christmas!  Does anyone else get that itch at this time of year?

Right now I’m grateful for the warm temperatures we’re having;  I dread having to turn on the furnace!

Last night after the concert I sat in the parking lot in my car and talked with my mom, sisters and sisters-in-law about the book we just read for our little book group.   I’m enjoying the group so much.  It’s fun to see what everyone recommends and even more fun to just talk.

Along with the book group, I’ve been using our library for most of the books I want to read.  In the past I’ve purchased most of the books I read because I rarely find what I’m looking for at the library, but I’ve been lucky lately.  The wonderful thing about it is how much reading I’m doing thanks to due dates!  I do wish I could find good quilting books at my library; I have quite a wish list of those.

This morning the stomach ache I’ve had for days (due to the election) seems to have subsided.   It’s nice to feel more normal.

Today I have to pull together and purchase a bulk order of food for people in my neighborhood.  I know it will work out just fine but I feel stressed nonetheless.

My plan to get up an hour early and work on personal goals in the morning is going well.  I’m so happy with what I’ve accomplished!

Mostly, I’m glad I managed to run away for a bit (thanks to my awesome husband!) and see Mindy sing.  It was such a happy highlight.

I’m also wondering what happened to my three and four year old daughters that caused them to suddenly get so quiet upstairs.  Guess I’d better go check!

What are you doing right now?


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