I was in the mood for a change in the family room, so the nautical style painting that usually rests on the sideboard was retired to the basement for the holidays, and in it’s place I lugged up a very large vintage window that I’ve had for years but haven’t used.
I’m thinking this makes a nice neutral foundation for holiday decorating. I kind of miss the color on that wall, but the restful neutrals will soon be layered with Christmas beauty. I’m thinking a wreath would look pretty hanging on the window, or maybe a chalkboard with a favorite quote. Hmmm. It will probably take some trial and error to get it right. What do you think?
It’s snowing outside as I type this. Snow is so beautiful, but it always makes me feel anxious unless my whole family is home and we don’t have to go anywhere. That seems to be the only way for me to look outside at winter and feel ok about it. I also find it’s harder to move through my housekeeping when the skies are gray and the house feels dark. I’d love to work on a quilt or read a book, but I have two different social events at my house tomorrow so cleaning it is. My little girls seem bent on mischief today. Let’s hope I can get this place cleaned up!
Have a great weekend, Hopeful Homemaker