Hunter’s Star Quilt

The hunter’s star quilt is now complete.  It’s my first red and white quilt and I’m thrilled with it.

This quilt was a lot of fun to make.  The cutting and piecing method is not difficult and there is no waste of fabric.  It requires no special tools or templates.  I am pleased with the accuracy of my blocks.  It amazes me a little that two solid fabrics can produce such a beautiful quilt.

This quilt features a white cotton sheet for the backing.  I had just enough red fabric left to reduce the blocks and make two smaller stars so I gave them a red border and sewed it into the back.   Piecing a little something for the back of my quilts is becoming more fun.  This picture of the back of the quilt also shows the simple straight line quilting I chose.  I quilted 1/4″ from the seam on the diagonal lines through each block, then added vertical lines through every other block as well.

It seems I’ve also become partial to the gray polka dot binding that I’ve used on a couple of other quilts this year.  In this case it was just dark enough to ground the deep red but low key enough to let the stars take center stage.

This quilt was a project I’ve intended to make for quite some time.  It feels good to have it done.

Update:  After many requests, I have written the pattern for this quilt.  It includes fabric requirements for 4 different sizes.  The Hunter’s Star quilt pattern is available here !


Project Problem

I have a problem with projects.  A couple of problems, to tell the truth.

First, I get excited about them too easily.  Something looks so simple, or so easy, or so much fun and I think I’m up to it even if I’m not.  I’m slowly getting better at making wise decisions about what I begin.  Part of the time I am, anyway.

Then there’s this funny thing that happens to me once the project supplies are in my possession.  Sometimes I jump right in and finish the entire things, but sometimes I don’t.  Sometimes it’s like there are weights on my back making the project seem out of reach.  Either it sounds just fun enough (or urgent enough) that I take care of it quickly or it sounds just hard enough that I avoid it.  Or I let myself stress so much about the outcome that I fail to start.  And it sits.

Please tell me I’m not the only person who does this.  The most fascinating thing, perhaps, would be trying to predict which response I’ll have to this or that idea/project!  Seriously, this is an area in which I drive myself crazy and being a consistent finisher is a habit I’m really working on.

I have two headboards that have sat in my basement for months.  Easy projects?  Yes.  Projects that are really fun and rewarding to finish?  Yes.  Projects that landed in my “too whatever to start” category?  Yes.  They needed to be sanded and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.  A few days  ago I went and bought a sander, and still they sat for about a week.

Until now.  I am happy to say that I finally cleared 30 minutes of my life and got to know my new sander.  It’s funny how easily some things come together once you just get started.  Now one of the headboards has a first coat of paint drying on it and the other is ready to paint.

Why did it take me months to do this?  Have you got a cure for this problem?
I know, I know.  Habits.  I’m working on them.


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