Scrappy Trip Around the World Quilt


Yay!  My Scrappy Trip Around the World quilt is finished!  When I planned the quilts I’d like to make in 2013, this was nowhere near my list, but as the pictures on Instagram (#scrappytripalong) began to pour in, I decided to make one.  I’m so glad I did.  This quilt is busier and more colorful than those I’ve made in the past, and it was perhaps the most enjoyable quilt I’ve ever pieced.


“No fabric is sacred” was my mantra as I pulled and cut strips for this quilt.  If I didn’t have an immediate need for it, then it was fair game.  I didn’t use any black, but let navy blue and gray be my dark colors, and there are only a few red prints in the quilt.  There is more yellow and orange than I usually use, and I love how bright and cheery it is.  Unlike many, I wasn’t concerned about using a fabric more than once, so most of the prints I picked show up twice because I could cut two from one strip of fabric.  Lots of pinks, blues and greens.

I made 36 blocks, so the quilt is 6×6 blocks and measures 72 inches square.  It’s the second 72 inch square quilt I’ve finished in the last few weeks.  My Scrappy Swoon is the same size.


I pulled some flannels for the backing and love how soft it feels.  Once more I chose straight line quilting.  I quilted on both sides of the seam every other block both horizontally and vertically, then went back through and quilted on the diagonal in both directions through the grid made by my first set of lines.  It seemed to take forever, but as soon as I finished I was glad I did it.


I used my first black and white binding on this quilt.  I went to 5 different quilt shops in search of a black and white stripe with no success.  I didn’t want to wait for shipping time so I settled on a white on black safety pin print by Monaluna and I think it did the trick.   It does feel good to use what you have.  I didn’t buy a single thing for this quilt.


It now hangs from the corner post of my bed and has already been used on our first night this year of leaving the windows open while we sleep.   A bit chilly, but cozy!


Everything about this project was spontaneous and it was a very pleasant and healthy creative experience.  It makes me smile.  I think we should always have something we’re working on that brings a smile to our face.  I hope you have something to smile about today!

Jennifer Tutorial for the Trip Around the World block found here.
Linking here.

Going Coastal Quilt Top

With two little quilts finished up, it’s time for me to choose another finish it up goal for March.


This quilt top will be another quilt for one of my children.  Made with Emily Herrick’s Going Coastal fabrics (and a few of her second collection, whose name escapes me at the moment), it pays tribute to our family’s love for the beach.


The goal is to baste, quilt and bind it.  Nothing too difficult if I just make time.  I’m excited to finish it!

I’m submitting this as my goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes – goal setting party for March.
Do you have something you need to finish this month?  Head over and join in!  Submissions are open through March 7th.

Hopeful Homemaker

February Finish!

Early in the month I picked a February goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes , and I’m happy to report that it is finished.  All I needed was a declaration to get me moving.


I actually finished it a couple of weeks ago, set it aside, and almost forgot about it.  But it’s done!


Made with fabrics from both the Children at Play and Out to Sea collections by Sarah Jane, it’s a simple patchwork quilt.  I quilted it in a zig zag stitch with my walking foot and  I love the way looks so crinkly after being washed.


For the backing I tried something I’ve never done before.  A lady in our modern quilt group often backs her quilts with soft throw blankets.  I found one on clearance that I liked and decided to use it here.  It’s a fun pattern that adds a lot of contrast to the softer prints on the quilt top.


For the binding I used a Kate Spain print which frames both front and back nicely.


And although this wasn’t my goal for February, I also mentioned in my post what I would have finished in January had I seen it a month earlier.


I’m happy to say that I finished it also!  This quilt is the Little Man pattern from Camille Roskelley’s first book, Simplify.  I added rows to make it bigger and it will be perfect for my six year old.


This quilt is also made using Sarah Jane’s fabrics from both collections, with the addition of the plaid print from Emily Herrick’s Going Coastal collection.  I love the way the plaid looks with these fabrics.


All my children say the same thing, no matter what the quilt looks like.  All they care about is the snuggly backing, so that’s what this is backed in.


I also used the plaid for the binding.  (I wish I’d bought a bolt of that fabric.   I think it’s my favorite plaid ever!)


So it’s done!  There are now two finished quilts in my little stack, waiting for me to finish the other six so I can give them to the children all at once.  It feels so good to finish projects that were set aside for whatever reason, and you just need a little push to wrap them up.  I’m excited to do the same in March, which starts tomorrow.  It’s crazy how fast this year is already moving.

Have a great day!
Jennifer linking here Note:  I also discovered Diane Bohn’s blog, From Blank Pages, this week.  She has designed some awesome alphabet quilt patterns.  She is hosting a Week of Finishes party, so I’m linking there as well.

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