Beautiful Color

You may remember the project my daughter started earlier in the year.  It’s coming along much more slowly than we planned, but she is still working on it.  Her strips of fabric are currently strewn all over my sewing room.

Some of them have the white strip attached.  I love all the color!

Unfortunately, they’re also covering the project I’m supposed to be working on this week (not that there’s been time for it, but having it buried doesn’t help.)  So now that room looks like the rest of my life:  too much going on!

At least they’re all good things!  I’m so pleased with her progress.


Vintage Holiday Final Blocks!

I can’t believe it!  I actually finished the final blocks for a quilt along ON SCHEDULE!

I wish I’d started a second quilt at the beginning.  I can’t believe how easy and fun these blocks have been to put together.  I hope to make another before the holidays arrive.

Block 11:

Block 12:

This project has been so much fun!  Next comes sashing, border, backing, then basting and binding.  (That’s a lot of “b’s”, isn’t it?)  The big question will be if I can finish the entire quilt on schedule now that our sports schedules are in full swing.  It’s certainly worth a try!


Wound Up

I realized I was a little too intense about my September projects when I woke up Friday morning feeling stressed that the month was going too fast.

Seriously?  On the 7th?

Yes, on September 7th I was stressed that my month was almost gone.


So… I went on a long walk, hid my list from myself, and made myself do something that wasn’t on “the list.”

I basted a quilt.  Actually, I basted two quilts.  The first is for a birthday I’m afraid I’ll miss, so in a way it dealt directly with some stress.  The second (above) I basted because I plan to try hand quilting on it and if I like it, I’ll use it for some holiday projects.

It really was very therapeutic.  My little girls climbed all over me, played with the safety pins, tippy-toed across the quilts, giggled, and generally had a wonderful time.  I was doing something mindless enough that it was easy to talk myself out of being stressed.  It worked quite well.  The house was no cleaner, of course, but it wasn’t any worse.   Now I have not one, but two quilts to quilt!  I love this because it really is something that can be done in 5 minute spurts, unlike so many other creative activities.

We’ll see when I get to them!


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