Joy, week 16

I had a quiet pause in the car on Friday afternoon while I waited for my children to exit their school.  I thumbed through my 2012 notebook to review my goals for the year and see where I really stand.  It was revealing.

I’ve accomplished some specific things that I set out to do, such as an overnight trip to do some sewing with my sister.  There are a great many specific things I haven’t touched yet.  The goals for implementing certain changes or habits in my life/home are more humbling because it’s difficult to change.  I would like to regroup a little, get back on track.  All I need to do that is some quiet time.  Anybody have some quiet time for sale?

Seriously, I do feel like I need to refocus, but I’m in the sprinting stage.  Life from here to summer will be a blur and I want to do a good job.  I’m going to do my very best and remember that in a few weeks we’ll have a major shift in schedule and I can start over in those areas that are lacking.

The week was a good one.  I’d sum it up in two words:  doctor, soccer.  Tonight we had a little birthday party for a friend of mine and the children enjoyed themselves immensely.  We laughed and shared stories and enjoyed the utterly perfect weather.  A wonderful evening, making me sigh with gratitude for the gift of friendship.  Last night we spent an equally enjoyable evening with some old friends.  I feel so blessed to know these remarkable people.

I have so much more to say, things that have been floating around in my head all day, but I just dozed off for the 3rd time.  We have to get our son to the hospital super early in the morning for his ankle surgery so I think I’d better call it a night.

Have a great week!


Joy, week 15

Spring break is over and we’re working on an early bedtime tonight.  It’s so hard to give up my kids for another seven weeks!  Our little taste of freedom has yielded some good ideas and observations from which to plan the summer and I’m excited to change gears for more than a week.

It was a fantastic week.  I’m so thankful for the things we were able to do, for the time the children spent playing outside, for time with my sister, time as a family, time in the temple, and a hundred other little things.

I definitely felt joy this week.  Joy in my children, joy in my relationship with my sister, joy in watching my son handle his new challenge with such humor.  I have felt joy in the flowers blooming all over my yard and joy in the blossoms on my trees.  Joy in laughing with my husband at the non-stop narrative of our two year old this afternoon, laughing until my eyes were filled with tears.  Joy in time spent talking with friends.  Lots and lots of joy.  It was certainly not a week without difficulty, but it was a joyful week.  Yesterday my husband walked through the kitchen and said to me, “Aren’t you so glad we’re not all sick to our stomachs right now?”  Yes, we found joy in healthy appetites and no illness in our home.

As far as my goals go, I was happy to spend some time sewing.  I also reached a goal I’d set to go spend time in Logan – just me, without kids – with my sister.  It feels good to have made that a priority.

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours working on our summer calendar and hope I’ve got some things figured out.  I feel like I’ve got a good handle on the next couple of weeks and I really hope to make it through the end of May in good form.  It’s the busiest time of the year for me, but I’m starting to feel like I just might be finding my stride.  Lots of little things are still falling by the wayside but they’re little things, things I cannot sacrifice to the big things, so I’m learning to let them go and with them, let go of the self-criticism I usually give in to as I watch them litter the path behind me.  That’s easily said after a simple week.  The test comes as we dive in tomorrow morning and sprint through the week.

And so I’m going to leave this post on the lighter side in order to enjoy some quiet time in bed with a good book before I attempt to get a full night’s sleep.  I am grateful to be alive, grateful to have this loud, messy, happy, fun family, grateful for my husband who makes things much more fun than I do, grateful for my Heavenly Father who makes everything work out.  Life is joyful!


Joy, week 14 – Easter Edition

Happy, happy Easter!  What a wonderful, joyous day it has been!  How grateful I am for the mission of Jesus Christ, for his perfect example, his Atonement, his resurrection.  My heart has been so full of happiness today.

I don’t have much to say about the week.  We spent most of the week sick, and by Friday were back on track.  We had a soccer season start this week with a win that felt awfully good.  Saturday was busy and on Saturday night my husband and I took our five daughters to see the BYU Ballroom Dance performance.  It was spectacular, as always.  My favorite parts of the evening were the moments when our two year old was so swept away by the music, the moves and the costumes that she would suddenly start waving her arms around or jumping and dancing.  It was adorable.

The unusual week changed our Easter celebration and I learned a good lesson from it.

The decorations were never unpacked.  Only my ceramic lamb made an appearance but it was enough.   I am learning that celebration is an important part of feeling joy.  It’s when we recognize the moment as something worthy of our notice, when we allow our hearts and schedules to focus on those things that bring joy.  Savoring such moments also provides us with joy down the road as we recall warm memories.

I’m learning that too often I envision productions when a spirit of celebration is sufficient.  I picture so much, my list gets long and struggling to live up to my own expectations can kill the celebration if I’m not careful.  I let go of the production this year and let our Easter celebration be simple.

Years ago I bought some old rail road spikes to give my children a better picture when they think of the nails in Christ’s hands, wrists and feet.  They joined our simple vignette as well.

Everything was simple.  The food was traditional but simple.  The day was gorgeous… sunny and mild with the sound of sprinklers  running and children talking.   Blue hydrangeas and vintage blue china made me smile contentedly.

I’m sure that next year my list of things to do for Easter will be equally long again, and I hope I’ll be able to accomplish many of them.  Still, it was good for me to see how things can play out with equal amounts of joy when I am unable to deal with the list.  I want to remember this lesson and take it to heart.

It’s spring break this week, and the timing was perfect.  I am always a relaxed mom when there’s no school on Sunday.  Tonight my brother and his family stopped by and we talked until late, knowing that we weren’t messing up a school schedule.  I’m excited to shift into low gear for the next five days.

Have a great week!

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