Scrappy Prosper Quilt


A little more than 18 months ago I met Cheryl.  While I felt drawn to her when she first joined our Relief Society meeting, I had no idea how much her friendship would bless my life.  Cheryl is one of those women who has more BIG problems to deal with than most of us do.  And by big, I mean real, hard, obvious things, things that if she listed for you, would make you feel amazed that she hadn’t quit long before, and even more amazed that she wasn’t allowing every waking minute of her days to be defined by them.  She has every reason to be a victim, to be cynical, negative, unhappy.

Except that she isn’t.  She is amazing.


I learned so much from her during the months that she lived nearby.  Being around her filled me with a desire to be better, to carry my own challenges more gracefully, to resist internalizing them so much, or letting them define me.  I’m so, so glad that we met and became friends.

She moved away last summer, and so I made her a quilt.  It’s a huge, scrappy version of my Wishing Well (or Prosper ) quilt block, much like my Scrappy Swoon from years ago.  The purple and navy are colors that remind me of her, and the aqua I added because it’s me.  I particularly love the scrappy low volume background.  Lots of different fabrics in this quilt!


The quilt measures about 81″ square, and I quilted it on my domestic machine in a spiral.  Not the easiest task, but it worked and I like the results.  The binding is a soft white/aqua stripe that compliments the quilt nicely.


I’m grateful to have a few photos of this quilt.  I know it’s being used and loved in its new home, and that makes me very happy.


Staying Changed


We came home to Spring.  All of Utah is changed.  Where there was rain and snow flurries, there are now blossom-covered trees, daffodils, tulips, and tiny green leaves.  The mountains look more magnificent than usual.  The clouds are more breathtaking.  I wonder how I could have forgotten that I live in such a beautiful place.


And then I wonder, is it me?

I have changed.  I feel different inside.  Parts of me have healed, others are now deeper, still others softer.  In three days I laughed more than I’ve laughed in a year.  I saw new things, spent time in new places, and they influenced me.  I spent time in the woods, time by the sea.  I visited people I haven’t seen in years.  I held still.  I read a book.  I took a break from the cares of my everyday life.  The world looks a little different.


As I wandered around my yard, it occurred to me that everyone around me is different too.  Like ocean waves that come and go from the same beach without pause, leaving it the same in identity and yet so different in detail, life does that to us.  I thought of these people I care about, how we’ve all collected another two weeks of stories, how we’re all still “us” but a newer version of us.  I felt a growing sense of awe and curiousity about the process, about my friends.  What a grand thing we are witnessing in our relationships, if we can see it!  I felt amazed that I am lucky enough to know them, hope that I can be the kind of friend who notices, supports, and nurtures the change in others.  Of course we all have things we would instantly dispose of, but the good?  Oh, how I want to grasp the good and somehow keep it!

I want to stay changed, just like I want to keep spring.  I’m afraid that before I know what’s happened, I’ll be back in the rut of my worries, schedules, and deadlines, and it will blind me to the wonder of it all.  I desperately want to avoid it.


Spring, more than any other time of year, reminds me to live in the moment.  We ate dinner outside on Sunday.  I set a goal spend 10 minutes of every day “on vacation.”  So far those daily minutes have been spent sitting beneath my cherry tree, admiring the blossoms, listening to the humming of the bees as they flit from flower to flower, inhaling the scent.  I’ve watched the sky through the branches, closed my eyes and breathed deeply.  I’ve read a little.  And started to dream.

It feels good.

Invisible Drops of Awesome


I keep this really fun vintage scale in my kitchen.  My children and their friends all love to play with it, trying to get the two sides to be perfectly balanced as they pile various things on and move the hanging weight back and forth.  The concept of balance seems simple when using the scale.  If only it was so easy to figure out in life.

I feel like we’re out of balance, and it really wears on me.  Of course, we’re all tired thanks to daylight savings and it’s the end of a school term so stress levels have been high with my high school students.  The list goes on and on.  I sense our family moving from one stage to another and I’m struggling a little to understand my role, or how to be most effective in it.  There are obvious reasons why things feel wonky, but the result has been a growing sense of frustration in my heart and mind, which is hardly productive, but real.

I love to follow Kathryn Thompson , the author of the original Drops of Awesome blog post , and creator of the Drops of Awesome journal .  Of all the blog posts I’ve ever read, I think hers still stands out as the one I remember most vividly, the one that impacted me profoundly.   A few days ago I was going through some files and stumbled on this little message that I drew as a reminder of her post:


Almost three years ago I posted that picture, intending to do something awesome with it, and here it is, just the same and newly discovered.  It’s too small a thing to let the perfectionist in me (the one I try to keep bound and gagged in the corner of a dark closet) come tearing through, but the weight of everything combined has certainly got her pounding on that locked door, and it’s enough to get me going.

Last year I lived through what was, for me, a life-altering hard thing.  A thing that continues to be challenging, but because you can’t live in crisis mode forever, a thing we’ve learned to accommodate in daily life.  It affects my every day, but I’m learning.  A quote I’ve leaned on a lot is this one from Thomas S. Monson:

“There are times when we will experience heartbreaking sorrow, when we will grieve, and when we may be tested to our limits.   However, such difficulties allow us to change for the better, to rebuild our lives in the way our Heavenly Father teaches us, and to become something different from what we were – better than we were, more understanding than we were, more empathetic than we were, with stronger testimonies than we had before.”

My goal this year is to rebuild my life.  Now, there’s a ton of good that’s sturdy as ever, lots of stuff unchanged by our trial, but parts of me have been permanently rearranged, and that’s where the rebuilding needs to happen.  I remind myself that it’s worth it to try new things, to see if I can fit the pieces together in a new, better pattern.  Some pieces may be gone forever, but that simply means that more will arrive to fill in the holes.  What I’m learning, though, is that it takes time, effort, and some trial and error to figure it all out and it’s ok that I’m not nailing it on my first try.  It’s a process.  The drops of awesome reminder probably came at the perfect time.

As we continue to pick our way through, I’m sure there are drops of awesome falling, and probably in more places than I’d guess.  They just seem invisible right now.  Their invisibility is a good indicator that I need to correct my vision.  So I’m committing myself to get back in the groove of noticing and giving myself credit for what is going right, even when what is going wrong is huge and painful.  Starting today.

Lara Casey
is a fan of saying that there’s nothing magical about January 1st.  She’s right.  We can begin, or begin again at any time.  Today is the best time.  It usually is.  I took a pizza to my son at school a few minutes ago, because he didn’t pack one this morning in the rush to finish an art project.  Drop of awesome, right there.

All is well.

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