Joy, week 31 (the two days tardy edition)

Yep, it’s Tuesday.  I’m popping in for a quick update on last week.  It was a whirlwind week, jumping from our reunion the weekend before to all sorts of action.  We got our oldest two off on a three day re-enactment of  Mormon pioneer handcart companies in Wyoming, celebrated a special birthday, spent three days driving back and forth to Park City UT for a soccer tournament and got ready for a family vacation.

The usual preparations for a trip felt a little bigger this time because my oldest helpers were out of town and so many things were going on, but the laundry got done, the fridge got scrubbed out, the mail put on hold, a drip line installed in the backyard flowerbed that I reclaimed from the weeds and planted some things in.  I had things tidy but that was quickly reversed when we picked up the oldest two from their trek and their supplies were somehow strewn all over the house while they showered and got packed for another trip in an hour.   Leaving on a trip makes me feel absolutely frantic sometimes, and this time was no different.  There is so much to do, so much to arrange, and I always want to leave our home perfect so that I feel good about myself when we come home.  I did my best, but the clock kept ticking and when we finally hit the freeway it was 11:15 p.m.  NOT a great time to start a 12 hour drive.

We made it, and all that frantic stress has been washed away with the tide.  I took two naps on Sunday because I couldn’t keep my eyes open and now we’re feeling much better.

No real progress on most of my goals last week, just 100% dealing with urgent matters.  My only goal this week is to relax and enjoy the moment.  I have some books to read, a husband to sit next to, some kids to love, sand between my toes and the colors of the great blue ocean to soak in.  To quote my four year old every time she’s excited about something, “Heaven!”

Have a great week!


It’s someone’s birthday!

Our family is scattered for the day (some of us for a few days) so we had a mini-celebration early this morning, complete with donuts.

She opened a few gifts, including a new bike helmet, to which her comment was “I wanted a new BIKE, not a helmet!”

Thank goodness there was a surprise waiting on the front porch!

I love this girl so much!  We’re going to try to make it a super-fun day.
Happy birthday, sweetie!


Boxwood Basil

I have basil growing in my garden, but I couldn’t resist this little beauty.  Boxwood basil, with tiny little leaves that don’t need chopping.  I find I’m really picky about foliage, and this plant is beautiful to me both in form and color.  Although I’m not usually a fan of terracotta, I liked this pot in the darker brown color and planted the basil in it.  I love the simplicity of it all, and the tiny “made in Italy” stamp on the pot.

I’m hoping it thrives because I’d love to have some basil growing in my kitchen window all winter long.


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