Swoon Quilt Finished!

Five minutes here and ten minutes there and the binding is finally on.  My Swoon quilt is done!

I love the way it turned out.  I have a vintage sheet I’ve saved for years, purchased long ago still in the original package, which I used for the backing.  It wasn’t quite wide enough so a pink strip of an old Anna Griffin fabric  which used to be bed skirts in this room was added to finish it off.

I took this quilt in and had the owner of a nearby shop quilt it for me.  I couldn’t be happier.  I love the pattern she quilted it with!

For the binding I used the only yardage I had (and my favorite print) of the Ava Rose line, the deep aqua with dark pink roses on it.  I think it looks great with both the quilt top and the back.

So here it is, the whole thing:

From the other side:

Yay!  I love it.  This one is going to my bedroom for those nights when it’s a bit cooler.   Just looking at it makes me happy.

Unwelcome Surprise

This morning I happened to go to the basement for a random reason.  What greeted me was a large puddle of water on the middle of the floor.  The location could only mean a plumbing problem two stories above, instantly making me wonder what kind of damage we might have.   A quick check of the main floor revealed nothing, so we started poking around in the basement ceiling.

It revealed a mistake made by subcontractors when building the home.   While installing the ducting on the air return for the furnace, several nails went right into our hot water pipe.  They’ve been there for five years, leaking tiny amounts of water into the ducting and wood, and for some reason today the holes got bigger than the nails and we had a problem.  What a bummer that a thoughtless mistake wasn’t caught long ago!

The good news:

I went to the basement before 8 a.m., before I got in the shower and made it worse.  On a normal day I’m not down there until dinnertime when I need an ingredient from the storage room for our meal.  My husband was working from home today, saving us the cost and hassle of calling a plumber.  We turned off the water, drained the pipes into buckets, cut the pipe and went to buy a new piece.  We opened up the ducting to dry it out, put a little bleach water on the wood that appears to be rotting, and now we just wait and see if it has to be replaced.  The actual cost so far is around $20.

The bad news:

If the wood doesn’t dry out properly it will cost a lot more than that.  Having the water off meant no laundry, no shower, time spent working in the basement instead of doing other things.

Really it’s not a big deal, not a big deal at all.  But sometimes it’s tempting to feel like everything is going wrong, especially when you start stacking recent setbacks on top of one another.  Not necessarily life changing things, but little things that weigh on you, interrupt your ability to accomplish necessary things, and significantly add to your stress.  I was tempted to feel totally overwhelmed by this today, not just because of what happened but because of what didn’t happen as a result of it.  Life has a way of getting us when we have the least amount of time for it.  I’m noticing that I’ve had to give myself a lot of pep talks lately, and today they increased.

Still, as I’m trying to live joyfully this year, I do feel like I’m getting better at taking things in stride.  At least I am on the surface.  The stomach ache I’ve had for several weeks might indicate that I’m not as successful as I think.  Nevertheless, it’s progress.  I’m working at it.

So today we had an unwelcome surprise.  But it happened on the right day, we found it at the right time, and so far it’s cost as little as it could possibly cost.  Let’s hope it stays that way.

And I’m thankful for running water that isn’t running into my basement.

May’s Calendar

Since the end of April I’ve spent considerable time going through every email, every paper sent home, visiting multiple websites, consulting school and district calendars, etc. to learn the time and date of everything that concerns any of my children during May.  It’s the month of insanity, and as I was going through it all, I quickly realized that I could never fit it all on a piece of paper.

I raided my dwindling supply of posterboard (I stash a bunch of it at the beginning of the school year so we never have to go to the store late at night for the surprise poster assignment) and made myself a calendar for May.

Try as I might to minimize it, this month always runs us dry, and often before the month has ended.   I don’t want my kids to think that because you’re sick of it, you get to quit.  I want them to finish the school year well.

want to finish the year well (although that goal often morphs as the month goes on into something that resembles surviving it more than conquering it).

So instead of wasting space with names, I chose a marker for each family member and made a color-coded calendar.  At a glace I can see who needs to be where every day.  I didn’t include the long lists of items that need to be finished, or errands, or piano and violin practice.  It doesn’t include the time it takes to tape ankles before games and practices, or driving time or pick-up times.   My personal lists are elsewhere.  This is just the basics.

I’m liking the size of it.  It may be my new scheduling strategy.

I also went through each student’s online gradebooks at their respective schools and made lists of every missing assignment and whatever upcoming assignments were posted.  I know we’re going to get slammed with some projects that I haven’t heard about yet, but I can at least be aware of what has already been assigned and we can at least tackle any missing work.   On the back of the calendar I’ve listed those assignments, also by color, titling them “rescue missions.”

Because most of them were sick before spring break, there are a few of those that weren’t attended to well.  My handsome son who missed a week of school for his ankle has a long list of missing work.  I requested assignments from his teachers that week, but only 3 responded and so we’re doing lots of rescuing there.

I’ll be honest.  The calendar by itself doesn’t look too bad.  The list of schoolwork looks doable.  Putting them together is tricky.  Take tonight, for example.  We’re going to spend 5 hours driving to, waiting for, watching and driving home from a soccer game.  It will be fun, but it’s tough to get much done under those circumstances.  We will have another late bedtime for the younger ones.  Add to that the laundry, haircuts, clean rooms, meal prep, reading time, and I quickly feel like this:

I am trying to avoid eating poorly during an on-the-run month.  With little time for cooking, many of our meals look like this:

Some of the kids don’t love it but they all eat it, and that’s a good thing.

As the month flies by I’m also noticing a lot of areas in which we’re falling short.  Some of the children have developed behavior patterns that need to be corrected.  I’m keeping a list of them so that the minute school is out we can begin Behavior Modification 101, or in layman’s terms, do what you’re asked to do when you’re asked to do it.  Should be fun!

How is your May going?

Hopeful Homemaker

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