I want to remember…

this little girl at this point in her life.

She’s a bundle of emotions, switching from blissfully happy to sad and moping with almost no provocation.  If she’s happy she’s the most kind, helpful, thoughtful child.  If she’s sad and mad, well, I’ll let your imagination supply the rest.

She collects things.  She collects things in bags, boxes, purses, boxes, anything that can be used as a container.  If something is missing in the house, we check that day’s container first.

She loves to sing and dance.  She loves to play games.  She loves to look pretty.  And she loves to change clothes.  She love to eat fruits and vegetables.

She says some amazingly insightful things, and every once in a while I think she could probably run the house on her own.

She’s tired of picking up her younger brother from kindergarten already.

And she says the cutest thing when she’s trying to ask nicely for something:
“Can I may please have…..”

I love that phrase.  “Can I may please?”  I want to remember it.

She’s turning four in a couple of months.  Can I may please keep her three a little longer?


Pina Colada Fruit Salad

This salad is a family favorite year-round.  It has only a few ingredients in it, most of which I always have on hand.  My family has loved it for years.

Pina Colada Fruit Salad Ingredients:
1 can (20 oz) chunk pineapple 1 can (any size) mandarin oranges 1 small container (the individual serving size) pina colada flavored yogurt 1-2 bananas, sliced 1/4 cup shredded coconut Drain pineapple and mandarin oranges, placing fruit in a medium serving bowl.  Slice banana and add to fruit.  Add yogurt, stirring to coat all fruit.  Add coconut last.  You can stir it up, or leave it on top.  Serve and enjoy!

I store pineapple, mandarin oranges and coconut in my food storage.  This means that I only need to buy a banana and a container of yogurt to make this salad, making it an easy salad to add to any menu.   It can also be a nice fruit salad to add to a breakfast menu.  It doesn’t make a great leftover, as the bananas eventually brown, but we usually don’t have leftovers anyway.

Enjoy, Jennifer

Little Feet

My little one grew out of her shoes… again.   Right now her feet are chubbier than her bigger sister’s, and only 1/4 inch shorter.  Those two are so funny.  Peas in a pod and yet so different.  When I spotted these orange shoes it was love at first sight.  They’re perfect for her.  Girly and yet totally spunky.

I must admit my adoration for the little feet and shoes of my babies and toddlers.  There’s just something about them that makes me happy.  I have a collection of all the little shoes my children have worn… I can’t seem to part with them.  They’re remnant evidence of such a precious stage of life.

So we did a little photo shoot.  Of her feet.

These pictures make my heart go pitter-patter.  I love this little girl so much.

Her AND her feet.

And her hair after pulling the rubber bands out.  (Never mind how adorable she looked with them IN.)

I am such a lucky mom.

Hopeful Homemaker

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