Merry Christmas!

Stockings hang ready, we’re all gathered in.

I’m wishing you a happy holiday, and hope your heart is filled with love.

It’s interesting how the holidays feel the same but so different from year to year.  It reminds me to let go of expectations and enjoy what comes.   We’re missing some loved ones and have gained some loved ones, and it’s a blessing to celebrate with those who are near.  I’ve traded my stitching for cooking and baking, and now it’s time to simply be in the present.

I hope you give the gift of your full-hearted presence this year!




Pink + Blue Lone Star Tree Skirt

As part of my ongoing effort to squeeze in a little sewing during December, I am finishing old Christmas themed projects.  I started this pink + blue lone star tree skirt as a class sample for my Lone Star Christmas Tree Skirt pattern.  I had several sections in various stages of completion and it didn’t take long to complete.  In fact, if I ever add a Christmas tree to my guest room, this tree skirt will coordinate nicely.

I always feel a rush of satisfaction when a lone star is completely sewn together.  All that work, and you finally see what it really looks like finished.  I never tire of these stars, or stars in general, I suppose.  The possibilities are endless!  This color scheme was a fun one to use.

The prints are from a Christmas collection by Liberty fabrics, printed on quilting cotton and distributed in the US by Riley Blake.  That cute aqua print with little colorful houses on it is my favorite, hence it’s placement in the star.  What is it with me and little houses?  I love sewing my HOME blocks, but my first tiny house project was probably this cute pillow many years ago.

I’m not sure if this pink + blue lone star tree skirt will get quilted in 2024, but at least it’s no longer in pieces!

I hope you’re successfully crossing things off your list as the days fly by!

Christmas test block

Playing with old projects and digging through fabric scraps lit something in me.  The “candy shop” sort of Christmas color scheme with lots of pink and mint made me want to sew more!  I settled on stripes, started sketching, and then got sewing.  The result?  My Christmas test block, an idea I definitely want to chase further.

I started sewing with the pale pink (surrounding the star) mixed in with the green stripes.  But the pale pink couldn’t hold it’s own.  Sometimes the best ideas come from what’s within sight – the Elea Lutz floral was nearby and I cut strips on a whim.  And ta-da!  I love this floral mixed with solids.

The moment of truth is always when a design goes from sketch to real life.  I am really pleased with this block.  It was fun to make, and much faster/simpler than it might appear.  I keep walking back to my sewing room between other holiday tasks to look at it.  I’m SO curious about putting multiple blocks together; the secondary pattern will be fun!

The block did require two partial seams in order to set the star in the center.  Gratefully I dealt with plenty of those back when I made My Heart, Today, so it was no big deal.  Partial seams are one of those skills that really only slow you down a tiny bit, but are so useful to master.

On a whim, I also hung the block on point.  It’s pretty like that as well.  So many thoughts swirl in my head for this one!  Okay, deep breath.  I’m hoping to get most of my list knocked out today so I can sew some more.  I would also love to work on this project, just for fun.   I’ve got company coming next week and am running out of time!

Hope you’re doing well and that the sun is shining where you are!

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