I Kissed the Baby

If I had to choose just ONE book to read to my infants, it would be this one.

I Kissed the baby board book

This board book by Mary Murphy is an ABSOLUTE GEM.  It’s perfect for little ones.

I saw the baby

In black and white illustrations with large, fun print, we see different animals exclaim about their experience with the baby.  Each page is completely black and white with a border of bright color somewhere.

I fed the baby

Animals talk about seeing the baby, feeding the baby, tickling the baby, singing to the baby, and at last about kissing the baby.  And when it comes to kissing the baby, the mother duck says, “Of course I kissed the baby, my own amazing baby!”  (What mother doesn’t know that feeling?)

The book ends with another kiss from mother duck, and the baby duckling responding with lots of excitement.

I kissed the baby by Mary Murphy

I once handed this book to my mom, along with one of my infants, and told her that this book was my baby’s favorite.  My mom, who has raised 8 children of her own, read the book to my baby and then came back to say “When you said this was her favorite book, I thought that a baby really doesn’t get into books, but she REALLY likes this!”  I’m telling you, it’s perfect for little ones.  The colors, the simplicity, everything.

Here is my own baby playing with it yesterday.

baby playing with book

If you’re looking for a book for your little one, or a gift for any little one, please consider this wonderful little story.   You won’t regret it, and reading it will make sure you sneak in a few more kisses, too!

As I said, it’s an absolute gem.  My all-time favorite first book for a child.

Hopeful Homemaker

Fabric Favorites 2009

So, over at True Up , there’s been a giveaway running for those who submit their lists of favorite fabrics in 2009.  For some reason I didn’t feel like I had anything intelligent to add to the discussion until AFTER I started reading everyone’s submissions.  While I totally missed the contest, after reading the lists of others, I just have to chime in for the fun of it.

So here goes….

Favorite collection of 2009:
This is a tough one for me.  I  have two.  The first is Rouenneries , by French General for Moda.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this line of fabric.  For the first time in my life, I wanted a piece of EVERY print in a collection.  I already raved about it here .

My second favorite fabric line of the year was Whimsy by Pillow &  Maxfield for Michael Miller Fabrics.  I bought a ton of it in the pink colorway for my baby’s blanket, and designed a quilt for my niece in the emerald blue colorway.  This was just so vibrant, I loved it.  And did you know they just released the large whimsy prints in a new colorway at the beginning of January?  In aqua and chocolate brown?  Hello!  But I digress, for this is 2010, and I’m talking about 2009.

whimsy quilt

Favorite new designer:  I’d have to say Kaari Meng/French General .  I’ve been watching her for a couple of years now, and was super excited to see her first fabric line.

Favorite Solid fabrics:

Kona Cottons by Robert Kaufman
.  Love the variety.  Just wish I could find a local shop that carried a good selection of them.

Favorite new trend in quilting:  Ok, some might think this is on the edge, and to some it might be old, but to me it’s new.  Selvage quilting.  You can learn about it here .  I’ve always wished I knew what to do with the cute selvages when I cut them off, and now I wish I had them all back!  I’m collecting mine for some fun after I’ve got a good stash.  I want to make a spiderweb quilt like this one .  At least I discovered this in time for the neatest selvages ever, again from French General.  I LOVE the little design on each one.

Rouenneries selvage

Favorite colors:  I’ve been on this one for a few years now, but I’d still have to say aqua, white, and red.  Oh, how I love these colors together!  Most of my house is painted a shade of aqua.  I never get tired of it.  And if you want to see an adorable blog in all these colors, check out Camille Roskelley’s blog .  You’ll be happy if you do.

red, aqua and white fabric

Favorite go-to fabrics:  Polka dots.  I’m loving them as much today as when I first fell in love with them.

polka dot fabrics

Favorite holiday fabric (that I didn’t buy ANY of):

by Sanae for Moda.  What was I thinking?  Oh yeah, I had a newborn baby then.  I guess that’s a good excuse.

Favorite out-of-the-ordinary collection:

by Sweetwater.   I was really drawn to bolts of fabric with dictionary type pages printed on them.  I liked how unusual it was.

Favorite random print that I just loved:  Flower Power stripe in Heron blue by Lakehouse.  I went on a huge hunt to find some of this fabric.  Can’t wait to use it!

flower power by lakehouse

Favorite new quilt pattern that made me catch my breath:  Cotton Way’s Life’s Journey (which I haven’t bought yet, but really want to).  I saw it first on True Up’s post here .

Ok, I’ll stop there.  I can’t believe how much I found to love of the 2009 fabrics, even with how out of the loop I felt due to adding baby #8 to my life.  I’m sure 2010 will be just as wonderful!


Winter Wonders

It was one of those mornings.  The fog was so thick I couldn’t see further than the house next door.  I could feel the moisture in the cold air.  My hair dryer was broken (so I’ll just let you imagine how I looked).  I discovered that my children had ruined something I cared about (and it was brand new, too!) and I couldn’t find my keys.

After calling my husband to complain, I grabbed the spare keys and headed out for the kindergarten carpool.  As I turned the corner, I happened to notice the frost on some weeds by the side of the road.  I turned around, went home, grabbed my camera, and went back to park by the side of the road.  I gave myself 5 minutes to capture some of the wonder which the fog had made possible.

I’m SOOO glad I did.  Just a few minutes taking pictures as the sun finally managed to penetrate the fog changed my whole day.  I hope that the beauty of God’s creations can help make yours a little better, too!

frost on weeds

frost on weeds 2

Thistles.  Simple, but now beautiful as well.

frost on thistle

frost on thistles

An oak leaf on the ground.

frost on oak leaf

I think the picture below might be my favorite.  When I look at this, I can’t help but think that all the beauty we work so hard to create doesn’t hold a candle to the brilliance of frost on this bush.  It was like thousands of sparkling stars.


frost on leaves


More weeds.

Ivy climbing up a fence.

frost on ivy

frost on ivy

frost on ivy

Lesson learned.  Next time you need to shake the foggy winter blues, get out IN it!  Grab your camera and a jacket, and give yourself a few minutes to wander around your neighborhood in search of beauty.  You probably won’t need to go farther than your own yard.  Not only will you come home with some gorgeous photos, you will feel better about the fact that it’s winter.  (And if you’re me, you might even think something like “wow, I might be figuring out how to use this camera, after all!”)

Have a wonderful winter’s day!

shed in winter

Hopeful Homemaker

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