
I guess it’s been one of those weeks.  You know, the kind when although you can name at least three specific times when it was sunny, it still feels like it’s been gray all week.  So I’m giving myself permission to record 5 complaints and then I’m going to take a deep breath and move on (meaning, clean the house, or the kitchen at least).

1.  I’m not yet accustomed to what it means to have a bunch of almost teen-aged boys in my house.  I’m not used to the noise, the food, the mess.  I’ve got to figure this one out, but right now all it does is give me a headache.  Today when I offered some food to them to eat, I discovered later that they had just eaten the top layer off the ENTIRE pan!  Seriously?!  And then I thought of President Hinckley and how he said to just look the other way, so I did.  It’s still sitting there.  So are the dishes they left all over the place.

2.  I feel like I’ve been quilting my Rouenneries quilt…   FOR. EVER.  I decided to do a diamond quilt pattern on it, and it’s so full of flaws that I don’t know whether to cry at how imperfect it is, or to cry that it’s still not done.

Rouenneries quilting

3.  I should remember that the days when I want most to enjoy a bit of quiet, or a small space of cleanliness and beauty, will be the days when it is loudest and messiest.  Especially when you’re potty training a cute little boy.  You never know what sorts of things will happen.  We’ll just say they’ve been happening.

4.  Much as you love your children, is it OK to have times when you’re just not sure you can handle being in the same building with them?  I have one particular child who screams more than the other 7 put together.   Sometimes screaming children are more frustrating than other times, even when I know that the variable that changed is my tolerance level, not the screaming level.  But if I do go deaf early, I’ll know whose lungs caused it.

5.  I’ve said this a million times before, but I’ll say it again.  I really, really, really look forward to having my Heavenly Father explain to me someday why my hormone levels had to be so closely connected to my emotions.  In particular, I’d like to know why my body is wired for postpartum blues that last much longer than normal.  Sometimes I feel like I really need to understand it NOW, but mostly I’m resigned to understanding it someday when it probably won’t seem so important to me.  For now, though, I’m a little tired of days when you know that nothing out of the ordinary is wrong, yet you feel like crying or hiding or running away or some combination of the three.

OK.  I just dumped my 5 negative things.  I’m done.  Move on.  Life is good.  It’s the weekend, right?!?  Hope yours is a good one.

Five Months

Today my baby is 5 months old.


What a joy she has been!  How we’ve loved watching her grow.  The photo below reminds me of a saying:
“Family faces are like magic mirrors.  Looking at people who belong to us, we see past, present and future.”
I know that the picture isn’t fabulous, but I feel like I see so many echoes in it of other family members, both immediate and extended, and I love that.

baby face

Mr. Wonderful and I spent some time laying on the floor with her this morning, helping her practice rolling around, and just marveling at the wonder of her perfect little body, bright eyes, chubby cheeks, and her precious smile.  I remember doing this with our oldest; it was just as wonderful today.

This last photo is blurry, but I love the smile on her face as she is rolling to her back.  What fun!  We love you, little one.

baby rolling

Ten Stockings

This Christmas season felt to me like a reflection of my life this year:  lots of  little things causing what I call “speed bumps” which are frustrating and time wasting, but ultimately everything works out.

We got our Christmas tree mid-month.  It’s huge.

It was the 15th of the month, and we’d had scheduled activities every day in December.  We decided to go cut a tree, which of course meant finding winter gear for everyone.  Some of them fell asleep while we were driving, so we ended up with two asleep and others who were crying as they hiked through snow that was, for them, knee deep.  All of the trees were short, it was getting dark quickly, people were crying, and son #2 had Scouts in 40 minutes (and I was supposed to provide a plate of treats for him to take caroling).  We hiked to the first tree that was nice and tall and decided to cut it down.  At this point, I was just grateful we were getting a tree and decided to let go of all expectations.  My oldest daughter, however, was angry and upset and started ranting about how she wouldn’t even go in the family room to be with such an ugly tree.

We cut it, hiked back to the cars, and my Cub Scout and I jumped in the other car and left for Scouts.  We frosted cookies, got him out the door, and then the family arrived home and we went to work on the tree.   We cut it to the right size and brought it in…..

and the stand broke.  So now we have a Christmas tree (9 feet tall by 6 or 7 feet in diameter) laying on the floor in our family room.  We have crying hungry children, homework to do, you get the picture.  So I left to go buy a new stand.

1.5 hours later and after stopping at every store in town (Walmart, Target, Home Depot, etc.) I learn that everybody sold out of Christmas tree stands long before.  Seriously?  Finally, feeling discouraged, I was leaving Lowe’s to go home when I noticed three Christmas trees for sale standing in an obscure spot by their garden area.  I pulled over and discovered that they were in stands!  I parked again, went back in, and BEGGED them to sell me one.

3 employees went out to remove the 8 foot tree from the stand, find a SKU number, and I cheerfully dropped $50 to leave with a dirty, used Christmas tree stand.  Hooray!  Did it all work out?  Yes.  Did it take about 5 hours longer than we planned?  Yes.  Did it mean that all the other things I was planning to get done were put off (again)?  Yes.  Is that the story of my life?  YES!  But, I keep reminding myself that in spite of the detours it always seems to work out.

So we got the tree up, ran out of lights, couldn’t find any white lights in stock anywhere… do you see a pattern here?  Did it eventually work out?  Yes.  Did we finally get the tree decorated on, like the 19th of the month?  Yes.  And you know what?  I think it’s my favorite tree ever.  I don’t know if that’s because it truly is beautiful, or because I was just so relieved to have it done, or if it’s because I had no expectations.
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I enjoyed hanging the ornaments I bought last year on clearance, and I also borrowed all my big stars from my laundry room to stick in the tree.  I took my white starfish collection and added it as well.
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I unpacked Christmas boxes until I found the stockings, and then I quit.  It meant that the dining room got decorated.  I love the fresh, bright colors.
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I played with the curtain tiebacks and added color to all the vintage silver.
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And since I am obsessed with birds, I gave in to the urge to put them everywhere.
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A bit of color and my favorite nativity scene.
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Not nearly as much decorating as I usually do for Christmas, but this is the year of simplification.  A fussy baby and an overscheduled family have governed the month, and that’s ok.  And as I said, my Christmas lesson this year is that ready or not, it all works out.

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