Paper Rosette Wreath

At last it is finished.   My book page rosette wreath.  Remember my pomander from December?  I mentioned in that post that I’d started on a wreath.

Well, this project required a  lot more time than I budgeted for, so it was set aside for the holidays and finished last week.

I love it.  I’m so glad I made it.

All those rolls of paper…. it’s so much fun to look at, and I love the texture.

I used afoam wreath from the dollar store for this project, so it’s not a big wreath.  Believe it or not, there are a few hundred rolled flowers on it!

I quit counting after I passed 300.  In fact, I intended to make two of them, but having finished the one, I cannot justify the time it would take to make a second.  This one will have to do.  I’ve got several more ideas bouncing around in my head for other ways to use these flowers.   They are a lot of fun.

You can find the tutorial here .

Hopeful Homemaker

2010 Christmas Cards

My cards this year are simple, but they’re done.

They’re late, but they’re in the mail.  Honestly, it’s a small miracle that I made them at all.  I know they really don’t matter in the long run, but they matter to me and I’m grateful for that answered prayer.   I’m also grateful for my sister, brother-in-law and my sister-in-law who helped insert pictures, stuff envelopes and stamp them.

Merry Christmas to you.

With love, Jennifer

Book Page Rosette Pomander

I am having so much fun with my old dictionary !  This pomander/kissing ball/Christmas ornament is my latest creation using book pages, and I love it!

Using trial and error (lots of errors), I taught myself how to make these rolled paper flowers.

Then slowly, slowly, one by one, I hot glued them to a Styrofoam ball.  A ribbon at the top, and we’re done!

I’m thrilled with how it turned out and am now working on a wreath.  It’s slow going, but totally worth it.  I can’t wait to show you!

What are you making right now?
Hopeful Homemaker post shared here

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