Of Vision and Action

Thanks to the kindness of some friends, I just spent a day and a half  in near solitude.  I haven’t experienced quiet like that since my first child was born.  While my husband was attending a convention I sat in the quiet stillness of a hotel room… and loved it!

We’ve all heard the Proverb, “Where there is no vision the people perish” (see Proverbs 29:18).  It is so true.  Without vision we will never amount to much.  But it’s also true that vision alone, without planning and action, cannot bring our dreams to fruition.   I’ve spent several hours here and there planning my goals and habits for 2011, but knew I needed to fill in more gaps.   The vision will wither if I don’t nourish it through consistent effort.

On our drive to Las Vegas we talked for 5 hours about our children, listing each one individually, talking about their strengths, their needs, our concerns, and specific things we can do to help them.  We talked about hopes and fears, about things that haven’t worked out how we wanted them to and about the blessings that have come BECAUSE they didn’t work out how we hoped.  We shared hopes and dreams we have for ourselves, our family, our future in general.  It was wonderful.

I spent most of my solitary time planning.  I turned a table and chair to face the window so I could stare at the blue sky as I worked.  I listed specific things that need to happen this year and scheduled them by month.  I planned time to work on these items.  I tried to find time in my daily or weekly life when I can reasonably work on reaching these goals.  I am a very busy mom, but I know I can improve.

I feel like my success hinges on these things:

1.  Planning.  Planning is where vision is preserved.  It’s how we harness our dreams and give them substance.  I won’t get a chunk of time like that again soon, but I need to be more effective in planning on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
2.  Schedule.  If I stick to the daily schedule I’ve outlined for myself, I will give up some time that I enjoy using for non-essential, nice-to-do things, but in the long run I believe I’ll gain more opportunities for these things than I currently have.  It won’t be easy; I have to really push myself to get the cleaning done in the time I’ve set aside, and to take better care of myself, but it’s worth a try.  I am excited to develop the self-discipline to really do this.
3.  Prayer.  I am fully cognizant that I am in no way qualified enough, intelligent enough, or talented enough to do what I need to do on my own.  I cannot succeed without His grace and intervention.  I also know this: he DOES intervene.  That’s why I read history.  Through prayer I will find strength and faith to do what needs to be done.

When my brain was on overload I worked on a project I’d taken with me and as I worked I listened to some talks and messages which inspired me.  If you want a masterful discourse on the use of “today” and what it means to receive at God’s hand our daily bread, watch this .  It will take about 30 minutes, but it’s completely worth it.  I watched it three times while I was there.

In all, it was a wonderful trip.  I felt calm, confident, happy in the plans I made, at peace with the feeling that I’m moving in the right direction.

And then we drove home.  As I expected, we were met at the door by our wonderful children all wanting to claim our laps and arms for themselves.  And that is where the test really begins, isn’t it?  When you come down from your mountaintop experience to get back to work in the valley.

My baby has spent most of the day screaming.  The pain her incoming molars cause is so great that she writhes around in my arms, gets down, rolls around on the floor, gets up and comes back to my arms to repeat the cycle.  Schedules are a little more difficult when babies are in pain.

They’re a little more difficult when little ones don’t make it to the toilet and when those little ones rebel against quiet time.

Still, I’ve done ok so far today.  I haven’t done everything on the schedule, but I’ve done a lot.  I’ll do my best today, and then do the same tomorrow.  It will work out.

I’ve been pondering a particular sentence in The Book of Mormon.  King Benjamin (like most kings) faced great challenges from both within and without his kingdom.  Wars with the Lamanites came from without, but perhaps worse was the challenge of false Christs, false teachers and preachers who came from within, spreading lies and discord which always leave people destitute of truth.  Sound like some big challenges?  I’m sure he felt unequal to the task.  And here is the sentence that keeps flitting through my mind:

“…King Benjamin, by laboring with all the might of his body and the faculty of his whole soul, and also the prophets, did once more establish peace in the land.” (Words of Mormon 1:18) All the might of his body and the faculty of his whole soul.

I can give more than I’ve given.  I can work harder.  I can pray more.  There is more for me to lay on the altar.
And with Christ’s help, I will.


A Year of Habits, no.1

I would love to type a glowing report of the lovely week I just spent getting started on all the habits I’m hoping to improve in 2011.

I would love to do that.

But I’d be lying.

Here’s how the week really went.

Due to flooding at the elementary school, most of my children had an extra week of vacation.  We should have started getting up earlier, getting chores done, etc.  But we didn’t.  I let them sleep in.  I thought I would at least get up early and have some quiet time in the mornings. But I didn’t.  Our baby, who pretty much quit sleeping on December 22nd, continued her streak.  She wouldn’t nap.  She would sleep just a couple of hours at night and spend the rest of the night laying on top of my head or kicking me in the face until around 4:30 a.m. when she’d finally fall asleep for a couple of hours.   I’d like to say I got up and carried on, but I didn’t.  I got what sleep I could.

The house fell apart.  We did a few fun things, but generally the past week was spent without much discipline in place.  I ended up with a migraine but the baby finally started sleeping two days ago.   Heaven!

So I just experienced a week in the life of what-not-to-do-if-you-want-your-life-to-improve lifestyle.  One good thing did come of it, though.  When we got back from Denver I worried that several of us were on the verge of getting sick.  I just let my kids sleep as much as they would and all of them shook the junk they were fighting, so at least I’m sending them back to school tomorrow healthy and rested.

Except I’m not sending them back to school tomorrow.  Our friends are.  My husband was headed to Las Vegas today for a business conference.  Our friends heard of his plans and volunteered (brave souls that they are) to stay with our children so I could come too.  I’m not good at things like this, but I knew it meant a lot to my husband.  A frenzy of cleaning (with a migraine) and less than 24 hours later… we were on the road.  I’m hoping my kids are good, stay safe, and that all goes well.  And I really hope our friends will still be friends when we get back.:)

As for me, I’m looking forward to more quiet than I’ve had in years.  I brought a book, a project, my scriptures, my laptop and my notebook.  I’m looking forward to the best planning session I’ve had in years.   As stressful as it was to leave, a good planning session will make it worth it.

I’m also starting a new challenge tomorrow which will help me to get a better jump on several habits that need immediate attention.

As for the habits?  The only habit I can honestly claim to have worked on this week is what I’m calling “A Soft Reply.”  You know how certain children do certain things just the right way and you always respond in just the wrong way?  Well, I’m working on a soft reply with each of my children in the moments when their behavior is most difficult for me to feel patient with them.  It’s helping.  I’m liking it.

And there you have it.  A lousy start to a great year.  Such is life.



I am LOVING the sunshine.

I’m listening to my favorite music.

I’m making something beautiful with this:

I am celebrating my baby’s first nap in more than two weeks.

I just watched my oldest four children walk out the door to go snowboarding together, and I’m a little bit amazed that I have four children old enough to do that.

I’m marveling at all the things children can find to argue over.

I’m drooling over the turquoise houndstooth pillows in this picture.   I have been for days, actually.  The work is designer Tobi Fairley .

I’m seriously considering participating in a couple of online quilt alongs, found here and here .  The first, because it would be interesting to see all the different blocks people design, and the second just for fun.  Of course, I should probably baste and quilt last year’s quilt along project first.  If I do either or both of the quilt alongs the rule is this:  NO NEW FABRIC.  It has to come from my stash.

And last but not least, I have no idea what I’m making for dinner.  Not good.  Not good at all.  Suggestions?

What are you doing today?

Hopeful Homemaker

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