Marshmallow Snowmen

I don’t know what the weather is like where you live, but at my house there is snow on the ground and it’s bitterly cold outside.  To make matters worse, the school my elementary age children attend had a water main break just before Christmas and the school flooded.  We’ve got an extra week of Christmas vacation as a result.  It means we’ve got to keep busy indoors, so I thought I’d share some of the activities we’re using to keep life interesting.

Here’s an inexpensive craft that kids of all ages can make in a matter of minutes.

Introducing marshmallow snowmen.

We made these in Denver, as well, with most of the grandchildren participating.   You only need three things to make them:  stick pretzels, large marshmallows and food markers.

Here’s how to do it:

Each snowman needs three marshmallows and two pretzels.  Choose a marshmallow with a nice flat end to use on the bottom so your snowman will easily stand up.  Stick one pretzel down into the middle of the marshmallow.

Add a second marshmallow, pushing down enough that there’s some pretzel sticking out the top.

Add the last marshmallow to the top.

Break the remaining pretzel in half and stick them into the sides of the middle marshmallow for arms.

Using the food markers, draw a face on the top marshmallow.  If you don’t already have some, you can find them at WalMart for under $5.00 a set.  Just remember that once you open them, they need to be stored in your refrigerator.  Remember that these markers are basically food coloring, so do whatever you need to do to protect clothing and remind children how to use them correctly.

And the personalities appear!

I was surprised at how much everyone enjoyed this activity.  I loved how fast and easy they were to make.  No one lost interest.

Some of our snowmen looked like they’d been playing snowman games.

I like the top hat on this one.

In all, this was a perfect activity for kids.  Aside from buying the supplies, there was no prep work.  It took me only a minute or two to demonstrate making one for the kids and they were all able to make a snowman they liked.  And the cleanup?  Easy.  Simply eat your own snowman!

I hope you’ll try it on some snowy day…

Hopeful Homemaker

One Step Report #52 & Final Summary

This is it.  The last one.  The year has flown by but it seems like a long time ago when I wrote the post that started my One Step adventure.
The final few days of 2010 were good ones.  I’ll share just a few specific highlights so I can quickly move on to the final summary and thoughts for the year.

1.  I got to run in my favorite store, Crate&Barrel for just a few minutes.

2.  On Monday night, before we left Denver, I spent a few minutes outside, alone, watching the night sky.  I have missed the winter constellations due to cloudy nights in Utah.  It was fun to see some of my favorite stars and to gaze at the heavens for a bit.

3.  We had a safe drive home from Colorado and woke up to snow the next morning.  We were so grateful to have missed all the storms.

4.  The Christmas decorations are put away and the house is back to its usual calm color palette.  I love a silver, blue and white house in January.

5.  My baby is still struggling to bounce back from her illness.  We’re working through it and look forward to the return of real naps and her usual cheerful self.

6.  We wished the year goodbye in style, as a family, with hearts full of happiness.

And so, with all 365 days accounted for, the grand total of steps recorded throughout 2010 is 3,843.

That’s a lot of little things!  On average, more than ten a day.

How do I feel about it?  I’ve been asking myself this question for days.  One the one hand I’ve been tempted to label it as a bunch of random lists of little things I did when I probably should have been working harder to do the things I intended to do at the beginning of the year.  I’ve been tempted to feel like it doesn’t really add up to much.  After all, my house is as messy as it was a year ago.  I can’t claim any massive improvements in that area or a lot of other areas.

But even if it is just a bunch of random lists, it’s a fascinating record of a year of my life.  A very busy year.  A year of successes and failures, accomplishments and heartaches.   It’s a unique look at my daily life, a look like no other I’ve ever recorded.  And if I didn’t do many of the specific things I intended to do when I started, at least I have a record of what I did instead.  Most of the time, the “instead” came in the form of holding, comforting, listening, etc.  I guess I could say that what I did “instead” was simply be a mother.

And isn’t that ok?

The more positive take on the year would be to call it a success.  For one thing, I finished.  I did it every single day .  And I reported back every single week .  If nothing else good came from my efforts, to have been absolutely consistent is huge.  I kept the commitment I made to myself.  I kept it when I was on vacation, when I had guests in town, when I was exhausted.  And that feels good.  I’m good at keeping commitments I make to others, but I tend to let promises to myself take a back seat to other duties.

Additionally, there are so many little things listed in my book that would otherwise be forgotten.  I’ve given myself a gift of memory by writing things down.

When I began this journey what I really wanted was to find my stride.  I wanted to feel like I had grown into my responsibilities.  I cannot say that I’ve reached that point. I haven’t found my stride.  I have a lot of learning still to do.

But I’m closer.

I haven’t given up.  (Ha! As if I really had a choice!)  I’ve kept going.

In looking over my many lists I see that I’m slowly getting better at responding appropriately when things go wrong.  I’m getting better at finding the humor in hard days.  I’m getting better at building myself up.  I’m learning to forgive myself for the things I’m not good at and for things that are hard for me.  I’m learning to seek and accept excellence instead of perfection.  I’m learning to accept effort and progress instead of indicting myself for lack of accomplishment.  I am remembering how much I love to write, and am slowly finding my voice.  I am learning.  This is success.

In some ways there is concrete evidence of this year’s efforts.

One Step at a time, we put in a yard.  (huge) we took our family to California once and Colorado twice to visit grandparents.
I finished 7 quilts and two additional quilt tops.
we watched our baby learn to walk.
we watched our son’s finger heal.
we learned how to run our own version of a Bed & Breakfast.
we survived two soccer seasons.
we celebrated 10 birthdays, one baptism  and numerous holidays.
I tried new recipes.
I developed the habit of watching the sunrise and sunset.

Truthfully,  it isn’t the list of things I did that means most to me today.  It’s the feelings I’ve felt, the thoughts I’ve had, the lessons I’ve learned that I treasure.    These are, to me, the significant moments of the year.  They’re the moments that make me feel like I’m growing up.  Many of them I haven’t shared here, but some I have.  Listed below are my favorites.

Real Life Mathematics
Cherry Trees and Hope Mothering in the Trenches They’re Just Moments Glimpse of the Future Growth Chart Stuck How to Measure?

And just for the record, the mystery of the day has remained the mystery of the year.

Ultimately my conclusion is that I have simultaneously fallen short of and surpassed my expectations for 2010.  In doing so, a wonderful thing has happened to me.  With my Heavenly Father’s help I have become my own best friend.   I have learned to trust Him more.  I am more confident in His love and concern for me.  Not the wife, not the mother, but me, the person I am deep inside.  And so the final verdict is this:  One Step 2010 was a success.  It worked.

I feel so blessed.
I also feel grateful to those of you who have read along, who have encouraged me, who have helped me.  Knowing that someone would know if I quit kept me going when it seemed pointless.  Thank you.  And many thanks to my husband who supported me in this experiment, even when he was tired on a Sunday night.

Happy New Year, everyone.  May God bless us all with success and determination as we face life in 2011.
I’ll see you next week for my first update on a year of helpful habits .

Sincerely, Jennifer

2011: The Helpfulness of Habit

Here we are.  The new year has begun and my heart wants to fly, to fly high and soar like an eagle.

I know of no other way to say it.  I want to escape all the silly little things that hold me back and become on the outside who I am deep inside.  I want to reach my full potential.

When I saw the Christmas ornament pictured above, it spoke to me and I knew it was the symbol for my 2011 resolution.  It represents how I want to feel about myself and about my life.

So what’s the resolution, you ask?  Let me explain.

My heart still lingers where it’s been for the past few months.  My greatest desire for myself and my family is to have the arm of God revealed to us in our daily lives, to really see the evidence of his awareness of us, of his love for us, of his intervention in our behalf.  In pondering this desire I’ve also tried to discover what prevents us from recognizing these blessings.  What prevents myself and my family from flying as high as God is willing to take us?  I have prayed and thought about this a great deal.  I’ve also tried to observe our family to see where our biggest holes are.

My conclusion has been that it’s our habits.  Now, we have a lot of great habits as a family, and I’ve got some good ones personally as well.  But the things that weigh me down, that make me discouraged, are usually things that result from either a bad habit  or a lack of  a good habit.

You see, when life is busy or stressful (which is most of the time for most of us) we fall back on our habits, the way of living that we don’t have to think about or invest emotional energy in.  Our habits are what get us through, for better or for worse.  I have concluded that your habits will either make it harder for you to succeed, or they will be helpful to you in reaching the level of  personal excellence you seek.

Therefore, I am going to spend 2011 in pursuit of helpful habits.

Benjamin Franklin said, ” Each year one vicious habit rooted out, in time might make the worst man good throughout.”  While my list is long, I will count the year a success if I have replaced even one weak area with a good habit.
I have chosen to define a helpful habit as a habit that does one or more of the following things:

1.  The habit helps me to feel closer to my Heavenly Father.
2.  The habit helps me become more like my Savior.
3.  The habit removes unnecessary distractions or secondary causes from my life, allowing me to focus on the essential (but rarely urgent) aspects of personal and family life.
4.  The habit helps me to be more useful in serving others and in caring for my family.
5.  The habit directly improves our quality of life in a meaningful way.

Confucius said, “Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.”  My habits will determine how high I can fly.

Now, the more difficult part of the journey ahead of me is in being specific enough to really accomplish what I seek while also allowing for the distractions and detours that come with our family dynamics at this point in time.  I’d love to just run ahead, but I still have a one, three, and four year old at home all day every day, and five older children who require incredible amounts of attention and focus in the after school hours.  I’ve got to shoot high but allow for the fact that first and foremost I am a mother, here to meet the needs of the children God has blessed us with.

So here is my plan.  I have made a list of specific habits I want to develop.  I also have a separate list of some essential habits I feel my children need to develop.   I have gone back and forth over HOW to work on these habits, debating between focusing on one until it’s mastered, then moving on to another OR continuing my One Step style and working on several at a time.  After prayerful consideration, I’ve decided that the One Step style works best with my stage in life but I need to be more purposeful about it than I was in 2010.  Last year taught me that I’m doing a lot of good things, but I’m also doing a lot of responding to life.  Such is the way with babies, but I anticipate that as my little one grows I’ll be able to slowly but surely map out how more of my time is spent.  I feel like I can work on more than one goal at a time and be successful in part because some of the goals are weekly things, items I can slip in once a week while I work on the daily habits.  I don’t want to wait on the weekly habits until the daily things have been mastered when I already have a time slot figured out for the weekly habit.

As I did last year, I’ve purchased a journal.  I ran out of pages in my One Step book so this one is nice and thick.  In it I’ve outlined the habits I’d like to develop and written down how I plan to build them.  I will report daily in my journal, and will also write weekly reports every Sunday as I did last year.  I’m not sure what form the reports will take; I’ll let that come as I get going.  I’ve loved the accountability that came with reporting to myself here on Hopeful Homemaker.  It’s helped me stay motivated and I see no reason to quit.

So there’s the plan.  I could go on for quite a while about the habits I want to work on, but I think I’ll start introducing them in my weekly reports.  I feel grateful to the Lord for guiding me in these thoughts and plans as they seem to be such an appropriate development after my One Step 2010 journey.  I’m excited and optimistic that I can be successful in these efforts as I rely on Him for guidance and help.

Helpful Habits.  I’m ready to fly.  It’s going to be a great year.


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