Heart Mini Quilt


What a fun project this little quilt was!  When I realized I’d gone a little crazy cutting pink squares for my Scrappy Swoon Quilt, I decided to use them right away instead of tossing them in the scrap bin.  With Valentine’s Day approaching, a heart came to mind and I had just enough squares to put it together.  I decided to use grays for the background squares.


Once it was pieced and basted, I quilted it in straight lines on both diagonals.   Simple and cheery, it’s adding a bit of festivity to our wall.


I backed the quilt in an old Anna Griffin ticking stripe print I had on hand, and the binding is a Flower Sugar print from Lecien.

A few quick stats on making one if you’re interested:

fabric needed:  48 – 3.5 inch squares various pink or red fabrics for the heart, 9 – 3 7/8 inch squares of both pink AND gray fabrics, and 34 – 3.5 inch squares of various gray prints for the background.

Pair each 3 7/8 inch pink square with a 3 7/8 inch gray square and make 18 half square triangles using a scant 1/4 inch seam allowance.

Lay your squares out as follows, from left to right :

Top row:  10 gray squares 2nd row: 1 gray, 1 half square triangle block, 1 pink, 1 HST block, 2 gray squares, 1 HST square, 1 pink, 1 HST, 1 gray 3rd row:  1 HST, 3 pink, 2 HST sqaures, 3 pink, 1 HST 4th row:  10 pink squares 5th row:  10 pink squares 6th row:  1 HST, 8 pink squares, 1 HST 7th row:  1 gray, 1 HST, 6 pink, 1 HST, 1 gray 8th row:  2 gray, 1 HST, 4 pink, 1 HST, 2 gray 9th row:  3 gray, 1 HST, 2 pink, 1 HST, 3 gray 10th row:  4 gray, 2 HST, 4 gray Sew each row together (1/4 inch seam allowance, of course).


Sew strips together to complete quilt top:


The quilt top should measure 30 inches square.  Choose a backing, then quilt and bind according to your taste.  Done!


With all the projects I’m in the middle of right now, it was a pleasure to put together a quick little project just for fun.  It’s also my first finished quilt of 2013.  It will keep a smile on my face this month when I walk past it, and that’s no small thing on gloomy February days!

Thanks for visiting, Jennifer

Scrappy Swoon-Along: Sections 7 & 8


Welcome back to the Scrappy Swoon Quilt Along!  Today’s post will knock out sections 7 and 8.  I can hardly believe how close we’re getting to a finished quilt top!  Let’s get started!

Section 7
Section 7 is another simple patchwork block.  You will need 36 – 3.5 inch squares in your secondary color.  These are the last of your secondary color squares!


Each block requires 9 – 3.5 inch squares.  Lay them out in a 3 x 3 nine patch pattern as below:


Sew them into three strips:


And once again, the strips into a 9.5 inch square block.


Make 4 of this block.


These blocks will fill in the corners of the secondary color sections, completing the points on the corners.


Now we’re done with your secondary color!  Next up is section 8 and the last of our primary color squares as well.

Section 8 Section 8 comprises the last of your half square triangles and the last of your primary color squares.  For this section you’ll need 12 – 3 7/8 inch squares of both your primary color AND your background color. You’ll also need 24 – 3.5 inch squares of both primary and background prints.


Pair up your 3 7/8 inch squares and make 24 half square triangles.


Each block will require 3 half square triangles, 3 – 3.5 inch sqaures of background fabrics and 3 – 3.5 inch sqaures of primary color squares.  Line them out in three rows of three with the half square triangles making a diagonal line throught the square.


Sew the squares into three strips.


Sew the strips together to make a 9.5 inch square.


Make 8 of these blocks.

(Remember the stacked paper method from section 4!)


These blocks will be placed along each side of the section 6 blocks.


OK.  There we go!  Finished with all the half square triangles (and we’ve made a lot of those!) and finished with your primary and secondary colors.  Next Monday we’ll wrap up the background fabric with blocks 9 & 10.  I’ve had so much fun watching all the color combinations and fabric choices popping up in the flikr group .  Keep them coming!  Can you believe you’re almost done?  Have a great week!


In the sewing room, no. 4

What a great week it’s been!  We had blue skies and sunshine on Monday – such a gift – and 11 inches of snow on Tuesday.  As for sewing, Saturday was a quiet day and I was able to put together this:


It’s the back for my Choreography quilt top , and I think I like it every bit as much as the front.  I used an Ikea print for the top and bottom and the center section is made using the remainder of my “arrows.”


I’m really excited to put this quilt together.  I want to push myself in quilting it, and am tossing around a few ideas.  I (who am HORRIBLE at free motion quilting) spent some time playing with an idea.    This is also one of my goals for 2013, to pay the price and put in some hours learning to FMQ.  Here it is:


It definitely needs work, but I might like it.  I always have this inner battle over finishing a quilt quickly using quilting methods I’m comfortable with, or letting it be a “slow craft” as Denyse Schmidt calls it (I wrote about it here ) while I learn to do new things.  I’m trying to take the slow craft approach with this quilt, telling myself I’ll love it even more if I do.


I made six more blocks for my Scrappy Trip quilt.  I now have 18 done and am half way there!  I’m still really enjoying this quilt.  One thing I’m learning is that my fabric stash is pretty shallow on yellows, and I’m wishing I had a few more yellow strips to add.  Interestingly, I read Joanna Figueroa’s thoughts on yellow in her book With Fabric and Thread.
She writes, “I would like to share with you that yellow goes with everything!  Many years ago, I heard another designer say this in a workshop on brights and contemporary fabrics.  The same principle has translated very well into vintage color combinations.  There is no color on the color wheel that looks bad with yellow…Many of the most classic color combinations are paired with yellow…and yet somehow many people seem to be afraid of this wonderful color” (p.66).   While I’ve never had an aversion to yellow, I haven’t really been drawn to it, either.   Right now I’m wishing I had a lot more yellow in my stash… perhaps it’s time to consciously watch for yellows I like.

Speaking of yellow, I started working on my Sawtooth quilt, which is my first project using yellow for the background.  I’m really loving this happy, sunny color and hope the quilt is as cheery as I think it will be.

My Scrappy Swoon quilt is coming along:


I discovered that when cutting all my squares I went a little crazy with the pink fabrics and have way too many.  Rather than pack them away, I’ve used this little stack to plan a little Valentine project:

36 pink squares

I’m thinking the pink will look pretty with some gray.  I hope to piece it right away!

I guess that’s it this week.  Can you believe the month is already over?  I had hoped to do more, and yet I’m also grateful for all that has come together so far.  February will be great.

Have a beautiful week, Jennifer Linking to Freshly Pieced

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