Scrappy Swoon-Along: Sections 5 & 6


Welcome back to the Scrappy Swoon-along!  Today we’ll tackle sections 5 and 6.

Section 5
This is a simple patchwork section which will come together quickly.  For section 5 you’ll need 72 – 3.5 inch squares of your secondary color.


Each block will require 18 squares, laid out in three rows of six squares each as seen below:


Piece the blocks together in to three strips.


Then piece the three rows together to make a block that is 18.5 inches long and 9.5 inches tall.


Make four of these blocks.


The section 5 blocks will sit on each side of the star between the section 4 blocks you made last week.


I love the way the center star really pops when it’s completely surrounded by the secondary color.  So pretty!  Let’s start the next section…

Section 6
Section six will require 12 – 3 7/8 inch squares of both your background fabric AND your secondary fabric.  You’ll also need 24 – 3.5 inch squares of both background and secondary fabrics.


Again, pair up each 3 7/8 inch background square with a 3 7/8 inch secondary color square to make 24 half square triangles.


Each block will require 6 half square triangles, 6 – 3.5 inch background squares and 6 – 3.5 inch secondary color squares.  The layout of this block is the same as section two, except you’re using the secondary color instead of your primary color.  Once more we’re making three rows of six squares with the half square triangles forming the “v” for a patchwork flying geese block.


Again, sew the squares into three strips of six squares, then press.


Piece the three rows together to make an 18.5 inch by 9.5 inch block.


Make 4 of these blocks.


Section six forms the outer block in the center of each side of the quilt.  It’s getting big!  Now we just have to fill in the corners.


Hooray!  We’re more than half way finished with this quilt top.  Only two more weeks of piecing to go and then we’ll put it all together.  It’s been great to see your beautiful quilts taking shape in the flikr group .  So many fantastic color combinations and fabric choices.  I hope these sections come together quickly for you and that you enjoy making them.     See you next Monday!

Happy Sewing, Jennifer

In the sewing room, no.3

It just wasn’t a week for sewing, I guess.  Too many random things going on.  Here’s what I managed to do in a few stolen moments:

My scrappy trip blocks now number 12.  I’m planning on making 36, so I’m 1/3 there.


With my Choreography quilt top finished, it’s time to knock out the backing.  I have a few more pieces to finish and then I’ll lay it all out.


And finally, I found a few minutes to sew my strips together for the star points in this block.  Now I need to piece the block.  Y seams, here I come!


And, of course, my top priority right now is being prepared every week for the Scrappy Swoon Quilt Along , which I’m enjoying very much.  I’m so excited to see this entire quilt top come together!


And that’s all the progress I made this week.  I didn’t touch the sawtooth blocks and I’d really like to get moving on the Fireworks quilt that has one lonely block hanging in the closet.  I hope the next week is a little less eventful than the last. At the moment, all my furniture is piled in the kitchen and dining room so the carpets can be cleaned.  I confess that having some empty rooms and some impassable rooms has me feeling a bit agitated.  The fact that their machine broke and they won’t be back to finish the job until after all the children are home from school doesn’t help.   I’d love to have just a regular old day where things flow the way you plan for them to. A girl can dream, right?

Happy sewing!
Jennifer linking to Freshly Pieced

Scrappy Swoon-along: Blocks 3 & 4


Welcome back!    I hope your center star is taking shape and that you’re excited to see the quilt top grow.   Let’s get started on sections 3 and 4!

Section 3
In this section we introduce your secondary color.  For section three you’ll need 6 – 3 7/8 inch squares of both your secondary color AND your background color, and 12 – 3.5 inch squares of both your secondary color and your background color.


Take the 3 7/8 inch squares and pair each background square with a secondary color square.  Make 12 half square triangle blocks using these squares.


For each section 3 block you’ll use 3 half square triangle squares, three background squares, and three secondary color squares.  Lay them out in three rows of three as shown below:


Sew the squares into three rows:

section3 rows

Finally, sew the three rows together to make a square.  The block should measure 9.5 inches square.


Make 4 of these blocks.


These blocks will form the corner squares in the center of the quilt, like so:


It’s so pretty!  Don’t you love all those scraps?  Now for the next section…

Section 4
In this block you’ll be using both your primary and secondary colors.  Choose 12 – 3 7/8 inch squares of both colors, and 24 – 3.5 inch squares of both primary and secondary colors.


Again, pair up the 3 7/8 inch squares to make 24 half square triangles.


To make one block, you’ll use 3 half square triangles, 3 – 3.5 inch squares of primary color and 3 – 3.5 inch squares of your secondary color.  Lay them out like so:


Sew the squares into rows:


and the rows into a 9.5 inch square block:


Make eight of these blocks.


Now, making eight of these can be a bit tedious even though the block itself is incredibly simple.   I adopted a little method that allows me to quickly lay out all my blocks at once, keep the squares organized, and be able to walk away easily without a mess to return to.  In my house full of children, that’s important!  Here’s how I make them:


Get 9 pieces of paper.  On one sheet of paper, lay out the squares for a single block.  Then place a sheet of paper on top of that and lay out another block.  Do this eight times.


Because sewing is often something I come back to for ten minutes here and there, I keep a 9th piece of paper on top to make sure the squares will stay put (and to deter my three year old from scattering them).


When it’s time to sew the rows together, I put the top paper next to my stack and start transferring the blocks, one row at a time, to the other paper.


Once I’ve pieced three rows, I have another piece of paper ready to put on top of my rows so I can begin the next block.  I continue to do this until I’ve worked my way through the stack, and then I carry the stack to the ironing board and do it again.  This method lets me sew all the rows at once, iron all at once, then sew the rows together and before I know it, I’m on the last block and it seemed to happen so fast!


When the blocks are all pieced together I iron them and, to save workspace in my sewing room, I use clothing hangers to store the blocks.


I do this with all the quilt along or block of the month blocks I’m working on.  It keeps them nice and flat and easy to get to. I have a different hanger for each quilt hanging in the closet, and I find that seeing them like that keeps me motivated to work on the project.  These are probably very simple tips that you already use, but I find them helpful, especially when I’m making eight of the same thing!

Now, with sections 3 and 4 pieced, this is what the quilt top looks like so far:


I love it!   Please share your progress in our flikr group , (I LOVE all the great colors and fabrics you’ve shared already in your first two sections!) and we’ll meet back here next Monday for sections 5 & 6.

Happy sewing, Jennifer To go directly to the next post in this quilt along, click here.

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