In the three years we’ve lived in our home, we’ve had overnight guests more than 50 times. I’ve always wanted to have a trademark treat that I leave in my guest room for our guests when they come. I’ve tossed several ideas around and have done a few things here and there, but never struck on something that was simple, practical, economical and uniquely me.
Well, now I’ve got it. My lavender shortbread cookies are my trademark treat. Everyone loves them, and it’s my own recipe. I can make them in advance and have them ready for my guests. So, I’ve been fiddling with them a little bit, and now they’re perfect. Introducing my new and improved lavender shortbread.
Being smitten with all things “bird” for the past year or two, they’re now bird shaped cookies.
Bird shaped lavender cookies, dipped in milk chocolate. I decided to try vanilla flavored as well. It’s delicious.
And since I’m always craving lavender lemonade at this time of year, I decided to formulate a lemon coating as well.
Oh my, they’re good! Now I’ve got three different flavors that my whole family loves, all ready to share with our guests.
Oh, but that’s not all. I’ve had so much fun playing with some of these ideas that I also tried making these lavender bites.
Candy coating, lavender shortbread middle.
They’re so pretty and yummy it made me giddy when they turned out just how I hoped.
So, if you’re among those who have stayed with us before, it looks like you need to come again! Or ask really nicely, or have a birthday or something like that so I’ll make you some.
I’ve got a long road to travel before I’m as organized as I’d like, but it sure feels good to do the little things sometimes.
Isn’t life fun!
Hopeful Homemaker