She’s growing up…


Last week my oldest daughter curled her baby sister’s hair and took her to a nearby reception center for some pictures.


Some of them capture this little (or not-so-little) personality so well…


They also give me a glimpse at the artistic eye of the beautiful girl behind the camera, and it’s fun to see her experiment.  I look at these photos and think, “She’s growing up.”  Both of them.  It’s wonderful and painful all at once.



This last picture is SO. HER.
As I type this, I sit in a quiet room with her on the couch nearby.  She seems to be sound asleep, but if I move to leave she wakes to insist that I stay.  I think of the things on my list for today and sigh inwardly, but it’s nice to be needed.  It’s nice to have someone who still wants me here.  I know the common feeling is that the youngest in every family ends up spoiled, and I suppose in some ways they are.  But I watch her sometimes and ache for her, setting aside things she should love because everyone else has grown out of them, trying so hard to live the schedule of the older children in a body that needs much more sleep, trying to understand their worlds so she won’t be seen as ignorant, trying to be older than she is, and on these mornings I see what the keeping up costs her.  She is adorable, clever, funny, sweet, mischievous, and exhausted.   In the quiet of just the two of us, she can be who she really is, a tiny, growing four year old.

So I guess the housework will wait while we sit, my precious little girl and I.

Erica’s Quilt {St. Louis 16-Patch}


A couple of months ago I started on a special project – a quilt to be gifted as a wedding gift.  We have the most wonderful neighbors in the world, good people who have been kind and generous to us since we moved here and we love them so much.  When their oldest daughter got married, I made her a quilt , so when their second daughter set a date it seemed only natural to make her one as well.


Eventually I decided to make a St. Louis 16 Patch quilt for her.  I wanted this to be something they will throw in the car for a picnic, or take camping.  I hope that they use it and that it becomes something that reminds them not just of their wedding day but also of their time together.  I settled on the 16 patch because it felt casual enough for these activities, which fits their lifestyle well.  Erica is awesome – a little bit of a lot of things, so making the blocks was a lot of fun.  The fabrics for the quilt top are mostly Flea Market Fancy with a bunch of other things thrown in.  I like that it’s a FMF quilt, but not really.


The backing is very simple, with an Art Gallery print for most of it.  I also used the last of my IKEA numbers fabric and a little strip of a vintage sheet with beautiful flowers on it.


The binding came from my stash – I don’t even remember where it’s from.


The wedding was last weekend and the bride and groom seemed to like it.  I enjoyed making it; the pattern is simple and comes together quickly.  It felt good to have this gift finished a couple of weeks early.


Voile Patchwork


I realized recently that most of the quilting projects I’ve tackled lately have been really time intensive.  Not incredibly difficult, but lots of calculations and concentration.  (Like this and this .) I was sitting at my sewing machine and suddenly realized I was attacking my project with the same intensity I have to muster to ensure all the homework for my 7 students gets done every night, instead of enjoying the few minutes I had to sew.   Time to re-evalutate!


Like many others, I bought several cuts of voile earlier this year and I was anxious to actually try sewing with it.  Most of what is in this quilt top is Anna Maria Horner (my favorite is the pastry line print in every color) with a little bit of Amy Butler and some Joel Dewberry thrown in the mix.  I cut a large number of six inch squares in July and decided it was time for a simple patchwork quilt top.


Naturally, the photo shoot needed to be interrupted by my favorite little photobomber:


She screamed with delight when the breeze picked up unexpectedly.


This quilt top measures 90 inches square and I’m so happy with it.  Sewing with the voile wasn’t difficult and I love the weight of this quilt.  I’ve decided that a voile backing is in order and am trying to decide how I’ll quilt it.


This project reminded me how healthy it is to change pace and enjoy simple tasks between time consuming ones.  I was also reminded how lovely a simple patchwork quilt really is.

Thanks for visiting!
Jennifer Linking to Freshly Pieced

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