

It’s been a really busy week and still many miles to go, but I wanted to pop in with something I’m sorting through tonight.

I mentioned the half-birthday party we had earlier this week for my 4th daughter, and tomorrow is the actual birthday of my 3rd daughter, who is turning nine.  Crazy.  The year has gone so quickly.

This will be her 3rd consecutive year spending a good part of the day on her birthday sitting at a soccer tournament for older sisters.  She’s handling it well, as usual, but it’s made me ponder balance and pursuing excellence and how sometimes they seem to be at odds with one another.

Today I took all eight children with me to a city an hour from home to sit in 88 degree weather while we watched four soccer games.  It meant waking them all at 5 am, getting on the road by 6 a.m. and sitting in the sun for 12 hours before we headed back home.  I tried hard to make it fun.  We packed lots of food, including fresh vegetables and fruits, found playgrounds to play on, checked out a skate park we’d never seen before, and went shopping for a little while (fun only for the oldest 4 – it only exhausted the little ones faster).  We had lots of cold drinks and they had a great time, but after about six hours the six spectators were fading fast and we still had two games to go.  More than once I heard complaints about the sacrifices they were making to be there, and I don’t blame them.  It wasn’t the kind of day anyone dreams of.

On the other hand, I watched my oldest daughter fight through a minor injury and find strength to play hard when she wanted to curl up and cry.  I listened to her coach insist that he needed her in the game for every minute of play but could see on her face what it was costing her.  I helped her ice, wrap, then ice and wrap her leg again and I think my efforts mean a lot to her.  My second daughter also worked hard in her games.  I think it’s awesome to send the message as a family that we stand with each other, that we’re willing to sacrifice our time and interests to BE THERE for important moments.  I think it’s awesome to support my daughters in achieving their goals and helping them progress.  I am happy they want to excel and love supporting them.

But it throws us out of balance.  When the third game ended and the little ones were crying that they couldn’t walk to the car I looked around and saw how much the day had cost us.  A few minutes later we were sitting on the sidelines in a light hailstorm as my children ran to me to take cover under a blanket – the only protection we had brought for a hot summer day.  Most of them fell asleep at some point in our little journey.  We came home and I could hardly find energy myself to make dinner, clean out the coolers, pick up trash and get things in order.  And we get to do it again tomorrow.  Same early hour, same distance.  Plus a birthday.

Tonight I’m wondering what I can do better to help my children pursue excellence AND have more balance in our lives.   While I know our numbers complicate things significantly I also believe that many families face this dilemma.

How do you do it?


Half Birthdays


Today we are having a half-birthday party for my 5 year old.  Her birthday is just a few days before Christmas and last December we had conflict after conflict arise which prevented us from having her party near the actual day.  We settled on a half birthday party, but on that day we were at a family reunion so it was bumped back another month.

I’m both excited and relieved that we’re getting this done.  Never has a party been talked about, dreamed about and planned for by a child in our family for SO many months.

Yesterday morning she was kind of hovering nearby as I got ready for the day so I asked her what I could do for her.  Her reply:  “Um, I just have a question I needed to ask you.  Are you going to work your hardest today?”  I burst out laughing and assured her that indeed, I was.  Then she asked, “And are you going to stay up really late to make sure everything is ready?”

Oh my.  She has definitely been thinking about this for too long.

It will be a good first learning experience for me with celebrating this way.  I was a little worried at the response I would get from the parents of her friends, but some of them have birthdays during the holiday season as well and their memories are of never having a party.  It looks like everything is going to work out just fine, and we’ll see if her half-birthday turns out to become a new tradition.

Have you ever celebrated a half-birthday with a party?  Have any suggestions/insights to offer?




I wasn’t kidding yesterday when I said I’m loving the nautical trend, and that’s largely because it’s a style I’ve always loved.  I’m one of those girls who pretends that she lives by the sea even while surrounded by mountains.  I  like seeing the nautical trend reach farther than the coast because the coast is awfully far away from me!


Last year I purchased the book Seaside Home , compiled by Susanne Woods.  It is full of sewing and embroidery projects that are all inspired by the sea.  I used the beach crab pillow pattern to make this chevron Christmas pillow for my sister, so this isn’t my first project taken from it.


I used the Whale of a Pillow pattern to make these doorstops.  I stitched them on canvas material with DMC floss 311 (six strands) and backed them with a home decor weight nautical print I purchased forever ago.  I stuffed them with some batting and added what I had on hand to make them heavier – pea gravel, washed and dried.


Now there are five of them, all stitched with a different colored star, waiting for the first hint of cool breezes when summer begins to fade.  I’m excited to have something to prevent all the doors from blowing shut when we throw open the windows.  I must also say that these whales bring a smile to my face.  They are a quick stitching project and I’m making more for something we have coming up.

What do you think of the nautical fashion/decor trend?  Is it growing on you?


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