Christmas Mantel 2012

I decided to place just a single Nativity on our family room mantel this year.   In my head the decor was going to be different, but now that the season is here my heart just wants simple.

After all, the only thing I really want for my children during this season is to have as many moments as possible when, in their hearts, they are kneeling beside the manger because the angels are singing in their hearts.

The log that constitutes the mantel presents some interesting challenges.  It’s not nearly long enough to use those adorable stocking hangers, especially with a family of ten.  My solution has been to hang a garland of some kind from it and put the stockings on that.  In the past I’ve used greenery but I wanted to keep the white theme, so I made a simple white burlap garland instead.

I started making these stockings years ago when we were adding a child to our family every 18-21 months.  I never knew how many we would end up with so I started making each stocking out of a different plaid fabric with their name embroidered on it in my handwriting.  That way I could make as many as we needed over the years.  My baby is three and I’m working to finish hers right now… finally!

The final touch is a simple bow in the center of the burlap garland.  Last weekend I was shopping with my mom and found this awesome text print linen ribbon.  Too often I “save” the things I like the most so I’m very proud of myself for cutting into this within two days.  I am kind of wishing I’d bought two, though.  It’s just so pretty!

And so the stockings are hung and the children filled with excitement.  Welcome, Christmas!

Linking up here .

Chevron Christmas Pillow

I wanted to sew something Christmasey for my sister this year,  something she could enjoy in her cute house.  Knowing she liked Aneela’s Cherry Christmas line, I snapped up a charm pack and started cutting.  I did have to add a few gray scraps to make the pattern work how I envisioned it.

It seems the Utah gray clouds have descended, thick and heavy, making photos difficult.  I was operating with a deadline, though, so this is as good as it gets!

The pillow is made almost entirely of half square triangles, with a few solid white squares here and there.  The squares finish at 1 and 5/8 inches across.

I quilted only on the white in lines 1/4 inch apart.  I like the way it adds detail and movement to the pillow and makes the colors stand out.  I finished the quilt with a simple white envelope back and bound it in a red polka dot print.

I’m hoping she enjoys it.  The pillow measures 20 inches square, the same as this pillow I made for her birthday.   I’m toying with making a second one with rest of the charm pack (I only used half of it!)

I have loved sewing some holiday themed gifts this year.   This weekend I also sent my Vintage Holiday quilt off to a new home.  It’s fun to give them early so they can be enjoyed during December.

How the day turned out

I wish the family room looked like this.  It looked like this last week, but tonight there is stuff everywhere.

I ought to finish decorating for Christmas.  I started last week when I had an hour to work on it but haven’t made time for it since.  Part of me wants to keep it minimal, just so we can live with less “stuff” this month.  We’ll see how it turns out!

We said good-bye to my parents this morning, then got the children off to school.   I took four of my girls to the dentist to have some work done and while we were there, ran into an old friend.  I found myself reflecting later in the day on how kind our children’s dentist has always been to us, how his office is a safe place to be.  I felt prompted to ask a question while we were there today that ended up saving us $200.  I am so thankful.

While driving this afternoon I saw two girls, arms clasped, skipping down the sidewalk together.  The sight brought a smile to my face.

Our afternoon and evening took some twists and turns as various children, especially those with numb mouths, fell asleep on the couch.  Some would wake up after others fell asleep and it turned out that I had one or two people sleeping on the couch for six hours today.   At one point my three year old woke up and was very distraught so I sat down to hold her and she went back to sleep in my arms.  I looked at her lovely face and remembered how common it once was for me to hold sleeping babies.  It rarely happens now, and so I sat and enjoyed it.  There were a thousand things I could have run around and done, but it was good to sit and hold her.  Dinner was simpler than usual but there was a peaceful feeling in our home as everyone quietly accommodated others.

I finished reading a book today while holding my sleepy girl.  I don’t know about you, but I always feel like I’m dragging myself out of another world when I finish a book.    This book was interesting and I’m eager to discuss it with the ladies in our family book club.  One thing it did for me:  I want to write.

I’m feeling grateful for our city library lately.  Without the pressure of a due date I have finished more books than I would have if I owned them.  For years I have avoided that library because it never has what I’m looking for, but this year  I’ve had great luck.

I was so proud of my husband today.  He received a hurtful email that someone meant to send to someone else, and it was about him!  He really could have gone after them for it,  but chose to be kind and forgiving.  Because of his choice, the individual had an opportunity to fix the situation and we’ve had lots to chuckle about since.

Tonight I read two of my all-time favorite Christmas stories to the children.  I always love the way they center our hearts in what really matters.

Some of my late afternoon nappers are now wide awake, keeping me company on the couch while their brothers and sisters sleep soundly upstairs.   It’s nice to have company.

Life is good.


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