Writing Spot

I’ve got a lovely vintage roll-top desk in my bedroom that I’ve never really used.

I decided to spruce up this little spot so I will actually sit down and use it more often.  In addition to cleaning out the contents I replaced the mirrors that were above the desk with a smaller mirror and one of my favorite vintage pieces.

Several years ago I found a 1911 German postcard.  It’s a painting of a shepherdess standing slightly apart from her flock.

The postcard spoke to me.  Somehow it was the visual representation of how I feel sometimes when I need to gather myself before I can face my children and be the mother we all need me to be.   It reminds me that this gathering of my heart, mind and spirit is appropriate and needful.  I really love this tiny postcard.

A few months later I found an amazing vintage picture frame.  It is the perfect match for my postcard.

It now rests on my writing desk, a visual reminder that pausing to write will be good for my soul.  Whether it’s a note, a thought, or an entry in a journal, writing always clears my mind and helps me find a better perspective.

A small diamond shaped vintage frame, numbered spice jars and a set of candlesticks to catch the light complete the space.  I also brought in a different chair which blends better with its surroundings.

Not only do I love each of the items in this spot, but I also love the shades of white against the aqua walls of our bedroom.  Instead of being something I merely walk past several times a day, this vignette now catches my eye and cheers my heart.  It’s also encouraged me to write more notes and letters, one thing I’m striving to improve this year.

I always feel so good when I can move things around a little bit and fall in love all over again with things I already have.

Hopeful Homemaker Linked to The Inspired Room

Baby Chicks

The sun has come at last!  We took the chicks outside this morning to play with them.

Easter chicks

My brother and his sons are visiting from Colorado, and it was fun to include them in the adventure.

We started with a clump of children around a clump of chicks…

but soon spread out a little and had a great time.

We also had the cutest spectator ever.

Enjoy the pictures!

This kid NEVER smiles in pictures.  I’m so happy to have caught him smiling without reserve.

It has been cute to watch the children enjoy having these little pets in the house for several days.   This afternoon the little chicks will be starting a new adventure living with a different set of cousins.

Thanks so much, Grandma and Grandpa, for providing this wonderful memory!

Easy Breakfast Cake

Several months ago I needed to bake a breakfast cake, and didn’t have time for a from scratch recipe.  I came up with this little alternate recipe.  It’s simple and easy but I’ve found that people quite like it.

breakfast cake

Take a spice cake mix and mix it up according to the directions on the box.  Pour into a 9 by 13 inch pan.

In a small mixing bowl, combine 6 Tablespoons cold butter, 3/4 cup flour and 3/4 cup sugar.  Use a pastry cutter or a fork to mix until you have fine crumbs.

Simply sprinkle the topping over the cake mix in the baking pan.

Bake according to the directions on the cake mix box.  Allow to cool, and then serve!

easy breakfast cake

Yum!  Have a great day!

Hopeful Homemaker

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