Ranunculus, my favorite flower

Do you have a favorite flower?

ranunculus 1

I have several of them, actually (like these hydrangeas ).  But there is one that I love more than all the others.

ranunculus 2

Ranunculus.  My all-time favorite.  The flower that makes my heart skip a beat.

ranunculus 3

Earlier this week I ran into a florist shop looking for white flowers, and there, to my amazement, was a bucket of 6 white ranunculus, just arrived.  I was so excited!  The girl working in the shop had no clue what they were.  I purchased the prettiest ones and happily brought them home.

ranunculus 4

They’ve been making me happy all week, so I thought I’d share.

ranunculus 5

I love all the gorgeous fabric flowers floating around the fashion world, but when I see these, I just don’t think anything else comes close to the real thing.

ranunculus 6

I stand in awe of the beauty in our world, and feel grateful to have a little drop of it in my home.

ranunculus 7

No wonder so much has been written over the centuries about flowers…

ranunculus 8

They bring happiness on a winter’s day.

ranunculus 9

They bring happiness on any day!

ranunculus 10

What’s your favorite flower?  Do tell!
After you tell, hop over to The Inspired Room for more inspiration.
Have a great day!

Hopeful Homemaker

Vintage Tablecloth: Pink Flower Ovals

Today’s tablecloth is another that reminds me of vintage ticking, only without the stripes.

vintage pink flower tablecloth

The oval medallions remind me a lot of those that are so often scattered in vintage ticking patterns.  The flowers on this cloth are really more of a mauve.

From a distance, I like the way the ovals lay around the edges of the tablecloth, larger in the middle of each side and on an angle in the corners.

vintage tablecloth

Around the outside of the oval medallions there is a sweet little scalloped border with small roses.  It’s the perfect vintage touch for a little girls’ tea party or birthday party.

This cloth is cotton duck and has a lovely weight.  I noticed no flaws or stains.  It measures 47 by 53 inches.

So sweet and innocent.

vintage tablecloth

This morning I found…

someone’s lunch hidden in the corner of the family room, behind a chair.

My first thought:  why on earth wasn’t it eaten at school?

My second thought:  no wonder a certain child of mine is near tears with hunger after school every day!

I’m pretty sure there’s a reason kids have a lunch break at school, and I’m pretty sure it involves more than just recess.


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