Fall Yesterday, Winter Today

I didn’t want to believe the weatherman.  But how do you ignore something like this?
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Just yesterday we were playing outside in the fall sunshine.
Last week I was taking pictures of the glorious fall leaves.
Today I was in the same spot, but the picture looks a lot different:
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A good reminder that life’s simple gifts need to be appreciated while we have them.
You never know how long it will last.

Cinnamon Pear Jam

This jam is my all-time favorite!  I fiddled with the recipe last year, gave it away for Christmas, and had about a dozen phone calls this fall for the recipe.  This jam is truly delicious.  And it’s gorgeous, too.  The cinnamon in it gives it the loveliest color.

To make it, you need ripe pears (fresh off the tree is best!), pectin, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and vanilla.
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Begin by washing the pears.  Be sure to pause a moment and appreciate their beauty and aroma!
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Peel, core and finely chop pears until you have 4 cups of chopped pears.
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Add 1/3 cup of lemon juice to the pears IMG_7775 (Large) and 1 1/2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon.
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Stir it up!  Looks yummy, doesn’t it?
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Put this in a large pot with 7 1/2 cups sugar.
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Stir it up, and begin heating it on your stove.
I like to add a teaspoon of butter to my jam to reduce foaming.
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Bring the jam to a rolling boil, and then pour in 1 packet of pectin (I use the Ball liquid 3 ounce pectin) IMG_7781 (Large) Return to a rolling boil, and then cook 1 more minute.
Remove from the heat and stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
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Skim the foam, and ladle into sterilized jars.
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Fill jars, leaving 1/2 inch headspace.
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Wipe jar rims with a clean, damp cloth.  Place lids and bands on jars and process in a hot water bath 10 minutes.

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Hopeful Homemaker’s Cinnamon Pear Jam 4 cups peeled, chopped pears 7 1/2 cups granulated sugar 1/3 cup lemon juice 1-1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 packet pectin (I use Ball liquid pectin.  Each pouch is 3 ounces) 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 tsp. butter (optional, to reduce foaming) Peel, core and chop pears.  Add lemon juice and cinnamon.  Place in large pot and add sugar.  Stir together, add 1 teaspoon butter if desired,  and bring to a rolling boil.  Add pectin.  Return to rolling boil and cook for 1 minute.  Remove from heat.  Stir in 1 tsp. vanilla.  Skim foam off jam.  Ladle into sterilized jars.  Place lid and band on jar and process in hot water bath for 10 minutes.  This recipe yields 6-7 half pint jars of jam.


Today I finished off my last box of pears.   It yielded a batch of my signature Cinnamon Pear Jam as well as a batch of this year’s experiment:  Cinnamon Pear Syrup.  YUM!  The last Rustic Pear Tart of the year is in the oven, filling my home with it’s lovely aroma for the last time this fall.  Soon it will be tied with a bow and on it’s way to a friend.

I always finish my fall canning with the same mixed feelings.  I feel a little sad that it’s over, but also anxious to pack up my canning supplies, reclaim my kitchen counter, and get ready for the bounty of Thanksgiving.

I also feel a sense of accomplishment, a sense that all is right with the world when I finish tasks such as this.  I love the way canning makes me appreciate the simple beauties of fruits and vegetables.  It’s part of my fall nesting, a wonderful way to prepare my heart for Thanksgiving.

For today, this lovely wood box filled with jam claims the position of honor as a fall centerpiece.  It’s too lovely to put away just yet.  I still have some apples to take care of, and then I think I’m done.  Hooray!

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