
This beautiful little girl is seven years old today.  I decided to start the day off with a surprise.

I got up early to cook breakfast, then woke everyone up so we could eat breakfast outside as the sun climbed up over the mountain.

The menu was simple:  breakfast sandwiches, potatoes, yogurt and orange juice.  What made it special was the cool morning air, the sound of the neighbor’s sprinklers, birds singing in the trees.  It was also fun to look around the table at rumpled hair and smiling faces as we broke the morning quiet with a rousing “Happy Birthday to You”.

The bulk of tonight’s celebration will be an outdoor movie after dark.  I didn’t want her to wait that long so we opened her gifts at breakfast.  She seemed pleased.  I really want her to have a happy day.  I love this girl so much it hurts sometimes.

I’ve wanted to eat breakfast outside for a while but just haven’t done it for this or that reason.  I loved it.  We’ve got to do it more often.  Sitting outside as a family while the sun slowly creeps toward you is a beautiful experience.  I highly recommend it.

I’m off to bake the birthday cake!


The Gardens

I haven’t written much lately about our gardens.  You may remember that we built each of our children their own garden box to plant anything they wanted in.  We’ve had a great summer watching plants grow and grow and grow some more.  It’s been as wonderful as I’d hoped.

As you can see, my zucchini and spaghetti squash are thriving (or as my husband says, taking over the yard).  It’s fine with me.  I love the steady stream of squash that’s coming into my house in the hands of excited little people every day.

The eggplant blossoms are so pretty, and the eggplants themselves are tiny and adorable.

We’re enjoying homegrown lettuce in our salads.

My daughter visits her garden daily to snack on a handful of her peas, and takes her friends there for snacks as well.  It makes me smile to watch.

The tomatoes are getting huge and I can’t wait until they’re red.

The children love to proudly show neighbors and friends the pumpkins that are steadily growing larger.

And we even have a tiny watermelon worth smiling at.

Best of all is the sound in their voices when they talk about their gardens, the way they run outside to check on them, the time they spend just hanging around their little boxes watching things grow.  It’s been magical.  The growing season is such a gift and I’m so thankful to be sharing it with my children.

And now, I’m off to do some weeding myself.  Have a great day!

Hopeful Homemaker

A Year of Habits, no. 30

Wow.  July is over and I’m sorry to see it go.  August brings a reluctant journey back from summer bliss.

The week was good.  We had our yard sale and got rid of things.  I’m working on organization and finishing things.  I didn’t eat as well last week but am ready to go again this week.  I’ve spent a lot of time with my children, trying to memorize them as they are right now, aware that in an instant it will be different.  For some reason that feeling is gnawing at me a lot lately and I’m trying to drink it all in.  July is a good month to do that.

I am grateful for friends, for people I love and care about.  I am grateful for a loving God who is so infinitely patient with me.  I am grateful for my husband who is so kind.  I am grateful for my kiddos who love me even when I’m a lame mom.  I’m especially grateful for my baby who’s been particularly snuggly lately.  I love having her in my arms.

I’m grateful that I can pray, that I can try to change, that I can get up tomorrow morning and work on being a better me.  I’m grateful for people who have influenced my life for the better.  And I’m grateful for my Savior.

Life is good.


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