I’m typing this report from Newport Beach California where we’ve been for the weekend. Yesterday the memorial service was held for my remarkable grandpa who passed away a week ago today. It’s been what many funerals are: emotional ups and downs, memories shared, laughter, cousins playing together, relatives reconnecting and catching up on life’s experiences.
Naturally, we wouldn’t want to keep things too simple or run-of-the-mill, so on the first night we were here our youngest threw up all night long, with our 6th joining the party at 4 am. What does it say when you’ve exhausted the towel supply from two hotel rooms and are down at the front desk at 4 am asking for 10 clean towels to be delivered to your room? Number 6 was over it as quickly as it hit him, but our baby has been sick for 48 hours, only beginning to hold down even sips of fluids tonight… just in time for #5 to get sick. After several days of not sleeping well, we were counting on a good night’s rest tonight before tomorrow’s drive back. It looks like we’re in for an adventure.
I’ve been thinking about how sometimes when you try to do the right thing the Lord seems to whisk away the obstacles and provide a clear path to your destination. Other times it feels like he litters the way with big rocks, then helps you limp over them. Much as I wish and hope and occasionally pray for the clear path, our current stage in life seems to be way of the rocks. I guess God really isn’t interested in us being comfortable right now. I suppose he’s trying to strengthen our backs.
My Mom has always said something I believe to be wise. Life provides a lot of choices, many of which are difficult. But if you always err on the side of choosing people and not things, chances are that things will work out and you won’t regret your choices. We’ve tried to choose people this week. A lot of “things” have been disappointing, but the feeling of gathering with relatives to celebrate the life of a wonderful man (even if your baby throws up in the middle of the funeral) is great payment for all the headaches it took to get here.
And so tonight I close with a heart that is grateful for people who’ve touched my life in powerful and good ways. I am grateful to have known my Grandpa, grateful to have been here this weekend with my extended family, so grateful to belong to an awesome family.
Now we just need to get home and get back to work.