Red Doors

There are a lot of things I love about our yearly week at the beach.
Seeing my Grandpa would certainly top the list, along with taking pictures of my family playing.
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And it does my heart good to soak up  a lot of this.
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I love to watch the ocean.  It is continually changing, and I find that I learn many things about life while I watch the waves and allow my heart to be still.

I also love to look at the beach houses.  Many of them seem to have such personalities.  I love it.

This year my fascination was with doors.
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Let me be more accurate.  I loved many doors, but what I REALLY loved were the RED doors.
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Wow.  Red with blue trim.  Love it.
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This was taken from the car.  Not the best shot, but still a great door.
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This might have been my favorite, but the traffic wouldn’t allow me to cross the street and get a shot without the car.  Bummer.  I love the double doors and the blue awning.
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This one might be my favorite, too.  Red door, white trim, blue house.  Can’t get much better than that!
I love the windows on it.

There’s just something about red front doors.   Especially at the beach.
I might have to paint my own front door red.

Happy Flag Day!

Is it a holiday at your house?
It’s a holiday at mine!  June 14th.
Today is Flag Day!

I just want to wish you a happy one.
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What is it about the red, white and blue?
I could go on and on about how much I love the flag of the United States of America.

For me, summer is about a lot of things, and the flag is undoubtedly one of them.
For me, red, white and blue are the colors of summer.
At the beginning of June I start craving the sight of flags, and Flag Day is a great excuse for me to start celebrating!

I can’t help it, flags start popping up all over my house.
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I start sticking them anywhere it pleases me.
I just love the sight of the flag.

It represents so much.
Sacrifice.  History.
My heart swells with gratitude every time I see the flag unfurled to the breeze.
It really is sacred to me.

Today, I invite you to ponder for a moment what the flag means to you.
Learn a little more about proper use and care of the flag, if you need a brush up.
And if you have a flag, PLEASE get it out!
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Have a wonderful holiday!


I know that these guys are usually discussed only at a different time of year.
But I just have to comment on them for a minute.
Look at the wattle on these turkeys!
Sometimes God’s love of color really catches my attention.
The blue head and red wattle are quite the combination, wouldn’t you say?
Something about the brightness of the color combination was really beautiful to me.
I’ve always loved red, white and blue.  They’ve been my favorite colors for years, but in the past year or two I’ve come to really like the tomato red with a lighter, brighter blue or even aqua color.

It’s not a color combination that a lot of people around me use much.  But I love it.
And here I was, staring at it on a turkey, of all things!

For the past year or so, I’ve engaged in a casual observational study that I call  Observations in God’s Use of Color.  I love to pause and look around and learn a little about how colors coexist in the natural world.
I’ve learned that nature isn’t very matchy matchy.  Sometimes it’s very understated.  Sometimes it’s anything but.  And sometimes the most average seeming things are punctuated with amazing flourishes.

I guess that’s what grabbed me about these turkeys.
We don’t think of them as beautiful creatures.  But what a colorful flourish!
I really love color.  Since I’m on the subject of turkeys, I guess it’s ok to say that every Thanksgiving when I ponder the things I’m grateful for, color is always on my list.  I’m just so grateful that we have such a simple thing as color to enrich life so much.  Being grateful for color reminds me to give thanks that I can see, as well.  Simple gifts.  It’s a wonderful life, isn’t it?!

If you’ve had an experience when a glimpse of unexpected color stopped you in your tracks or made you catch your breath for the sheer beauty of it, please share.  If you haven’t, start watching for one.

You’ll be surprised.

Happy observing!


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