
I got the children off to school this morning and the little ones immediately ran upstairs to play upon returning.  I was left in a quiet room with a heart that didn’t feel quiet.

I felt drawn outside for an early morning visit with my flowers.  I’ve neglected them lately as the push and pull of “urgent” things has swept back into our lives.

This zinnia caught my eye.

It wasn’t the largest, or the showiest, or the most white.  It wasn’t even the prettiest.  But it’s shape made me think.

It is open.  Reaching for the sun.  Like a dainty teacup it sits ready to catch any drops of water that might land within its petals.  It’s fully open, the tips of the white petals curling back, reaching, ready, risking.  Its stem is tall and straight, thrusting the flower as high as it can reach.

Do I have courage to live this way?  Are there areas in which I’m holding back?  Am I open, reaching, ready?

It takes faith to open our hearts like this zinnia has opened its petals.  It takes faith to live with open hearts, submitting to all that God thrusts upon us.  Sometimes the sunlight and rain come gently.  Sometimes it scorches or downpours.  But a flower’s full beauty comes when it’s open.  I have a feeling life’s full beauty (and mine as an individual) comes the same way.

This was a precious reminder for me this morning, a tutoring moment.  I have all these mixed up feelings inside.  I need to be still and open my heart to what the Lord has in store for me.  I must trust that it is wonderful.  I must stand tall and straight, open and ready, reaching toward the Light of the World and thirsting for the Living Water.

Like this red dahlia, when we’re open we catch the water.  And our souls may be like watered gardens.


The Gardens

I haven’t written much lately about our gardens.  You may remember that we built each of our children their own garden box to plant anything they wanted in.  We’ve had a great summer watching plants grow and grow and grow some more.  It’s been as wonderful as I’d hoped.

As you can see, my zucchini and spaghetti squash are thriving (or as my husband says, taking over the yard).  It’s fine with me.  I love the steady stream of squash that’s coming into my house in the hands of excited little people every day.

The eggplant blossoms are so pretty, and the eggplants themselves are tiny and adorable.

We’re enjoying homegrown lettuce in our salads.

My daughter visits her garden daily to snack on a handful of her peas, and takes her friends there for snacks as well.  It makes me smile to watch.

The tomatoes are getting huge and I can’t wait until they’re red.

The children love to proudly show neighbors and friends the pumpkins that are steadily growing larger.

And we even have a tiny watermelon worth smiling at.

Best of all is the sound in their voices when they talk about their gardens, the way they run outside to check on them, the time they spend just hanging around their little boxes watching things grow.  It’s been magical.  The growing season is such a gift and I’m so thankful to be sharing it with my children.

And now, I’m off to do some weeding myself.  Have a great day!

Hopeful Homemaker

Cut Lavender

Last week I cut my lavender.  It was a beautiful morning and the solitary activity in the stillness of early hours was therapeutic.

Observing the variation in color, the itty bitty flowers, how the scent varies slightly from plant to plant was good for my soul.  How grateful I feel for this slowing down that July has brought to us.

The bundles are now hanging to dry in my studio.  I bundle the lavender with rubber bands.  As the lavender dries the stalks will shrink so rubber bands are perfect for holding it together.  A turquoise ribbon over the rubber band to hang and I was done.

It feels good.  My first lavender harvest in years.  I look forward to the increased yield that time will bring when my young plants produce more.  For now, the faint scent greets me when I walk in the room and the beauty of it hanging in front of my mirror makes me smile.

{Happy sigh.}


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