Explore Light: a traveling quilt journey
I shared here that it’s my word of the year for 2017.
Another thing I’m doing in 2017 is a traveling quilt project. Or two. The first has started it’s journey and I’m excited to see how it looks as others add their interpretation to it. For this one, my theme is light.
I began with the Facing East block from Carolyn Friedlander’s book, Savor Each Stitch. At first I planned to make four blocks, but they were larger than I pictured them in my head and it turned out that two were sufficient.
I chose this block because it communicates light to me. I love the way the white lines radiate from the center. I hope that using lots of colors in this block will help contributors feel like they can do the same. I want it to be a happy quilt.
I pestered my sisters with texts seeking their input as I auditioned border choices, and we all agreed that this was best. It’s a happy Jennifer Paganelli print that I’ve loved sewing with in a few projects. I also enjoyed trying out that black text print in one of the blocks. The “once upon a time” seemed appropriate for the story I hope the quilt tells when it’s completed its journey.
I’m really excited to see where this goes, and now I’m scheming an entire Facing East quilt as well. These blocks were both easier and more fun than I anticipated them being.
Of course, sending my starter block out also means that there’s a bag in my sewing room that I got from a friend to add to. I’m excited and nervous to start. It will be an awesome experience in creativity.