It’s Christmas Time!

The wind howls outside and the Christmas music is blasting within.  A plate of orange rolls sits on the counter and boxes clutter the couch.  The lights twinkle and the children laugh and plan as they take over the task of decorating the tree.

We all sing aloud and smile with recognition as familiar ornaments are removed from the box, especially those they made themselves.  My six year old laughs at the ornament he made last year in kindergarten.  They save a few and scurry upstairs to decorate miniature trees in their rooms.

It’s a happy day, one that feels like the holidays are here and promises they’re going to be fabulous.
We are so very blessed.


Season’s Readings!

Years ago a friend gave me a copy of this painting of Santa reading a child to sleep and I’ve loved it ever since.  I wish I could read the author’s name better so I can credit him/her and find additional copies of it.  (If you know, please tell me!)

I love Christmas stories, particularly stories that have been illustrated in a children’s book format.  The prose and illustrations bring such beauty and depth to the Christmas season.   I’ve been collecting Christmas books for almost twenty years now and have a great collection.  Some are tattered and curled at the corners.  Some I’ve protected more carefully.  Some were gifts from friends I love, some reminders of my childhood.  Several years ago I compiled a list of them all, and this year a friend asked if she could use the list for a presentation she was preparing.  I went through my books to update the list and sent her off with a load of Christmas books to share.

The books are back and I’ve been thinking it would be fun to share them here.  Many of them are classics, stories most of us probably own, but many are less known, some out of print, some available in countless editions.  I have a mix of cheerful stories and stories laced with meaning, all of which help to capture and enhance the spirit of Christmas.  I’ve decided that few things bring the real meaning of Christmas to light better than Christmas stories.  I love reading them to my children because they bring a bit of magic to our home.  They also preach sermons about giving and selflessness that fall on deaf ears if I just start talking.  These books, with their luminous pictures and beautiful words, open the hearts of my children to plant seeds of goodness in their souls.

So, welcome to a series of spotlights (in no particular order) on Christmas books our family treasures.  I’m calling it Season’s Readings and I hope you’ll find a new treasure or two, and share your own with me.

Merry Christmas!


A Bit of Sunshine

The world has been so gray lately, thick with clouds overhead.  A few days of having the blue sky and sunshine obscured from view makes me dread the coming of winter.  This morning as I drove the kids to school the first thing I noticed was the sky.  A sky with holes between the clouds, with sunlight filtering through the openings as the oranges of sunrise gave way to light.  Soon the sun was up and – for a while, at least – not a cloud was in sight.

I decided the best possible use of my time was to go out in it, soak up some vitamin D, and enjoy a beautiful day.

I decided to finish planting the tulip bulbs I purchased this year.

We found a lonely onion growing in the garden.

We raked more leaves and the girls played nearby.  It was good for all of us to get outside and have some fun.  I walked in the house an hour later and thought how lucky I was to be cleaning dirt from my fingernails in December.

The first of my seed catalogs arrived in the mail this week.  The reminder that spring really isn’t too far away brought a smile to my face.  It will be fun to browse the catalog and dream of our vegetable gardens next year.  I hope life will be more predictable and we’ll have more time to spend on them.  I had such a great experience with heirloom seeds this year that I’m already anxious to start again.

Hopeful Homemaker

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