Rouenneries by French General

I’ve been waiting to see this fabric for MONTHS.  I’ve been stopping by my local quilt shop WEEKLY since the first week in October to ask the same question:  do you have French General’s line in yet?  And they kept telling me to come back next week.

Then, finally, on Halloween, I walked into the shop and saw this:

Rouenneries by French General on the bolt

Oh my!  “Forget Halloween!”  I thought.  Let’s do some sewing!

So beautiful!  I love the reds, the neutrals…

Rouenneries fat quarters

I seriously stood there, just looking at all of it, unable to decide which prints I liked best or which to purchase some of, for at least 20 minutes.  Finally I just got out my camera, because I couldn’t really decide, and I can’t afford all of it (not to mention the fact that my fabric stash is already too large).

Rouenneries on bolts

The wovens were amazing.  That one above, with the red dots on a neutral, is so classy!
These linens with the birds are also beautiful.

Rouenneries birds

And can I just say that this little dot and stripe pattern near the selvage on each bolt is the cutest thing ever?
What a classy way to introduce yourself to the world of fabric designing!  In case, you’re not familiar with French General, you can visit their website and learn more about Kaari Meng here .  I promise, you’ll love looking at all of the vintage beads, baubles, millinery and so forth that she sells.  Really beautiful.

Rouenneries selvage

I’ve never seen a line of quilting fabric before where I actually wanted a piece of every one.  This time, I’d love some of everything, thank you.

The bummer is, though, that none of the quilt shops near me ordered the print that I liked the most (based on pictures).  It’s an oyster stripe with big bold neutral stripes of equal widths.  I had this project all planned out in my head and it was built around that print, but nobody has it!  Thank goodness for the internet, where at length I was able to locate an obscure quilt shop which has some of it.  (What would I do without the internet?  It makes possible so many treasure hunts that could never happen otherwise.)  When it arrives, I’ll get to work on my project.

In the end, I went home with one of these:

Rouenneries layer cake

A layer cake, which will provide a nice sampling of the beauty.  Something about seeing a stack of fabric bundled up like a fresh pad of paper really gets me.  I’ll sew a simple quilt with it, supplemented by some 1/8 yard pieces of a few wovens which I purchased as well.  With this line, I’m preferring the patterns that let you just look at the fabric, instead of having the prints themselves overwhelmed by the design of the quilt.

There’s also a kit for one of these with my name on it.   So simple, but gorgeous.

Rouenneries quilt

And don’t you think that dotted fabric would make a smart looking one of these?
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I’m thinking I might need to grab one of those patterns and make one, since my current purse is, literally, threadbare.  You can find it at Fig Tree Quilts .  I love their patterns.  Someday I’m going to make this one .  Every couple of months I get the pattern out of my stack and look at it and sigh.

Seriously, everything I’m seeing lately I’m thinking would look lovely with the Rouenneries line and it appears that I’m not alone.  So wherever you are, Kaari, well done.  I love it.

Free fall decor

I was parked in the parking lot at my husband’s office the other day when I noticed some cool weeds in the field behind the lot.
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The thought struck me that I could find something to do with them, so I cut a few and took them home.
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I really like the deep, rich brown of these weeds.  It’s so pretty.
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After some thinking, I decided to try filling my urns in the kitchen.  I have two linen cabinets that sit on either side of the doors to my husband’s office, behind the kitchen table.  I keep my sugar scuttles and an large urn on each of them.  Usually these urns are empty, which doesn’t bother me because I think they are beautiful by themselves.  A few times I’ve gone hunting for something to fill them, but I haven’t found anything I love for the right price.
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I got out a couple of spools of fall-ish ribbon and tied a length of each around the urns.  I decided to add a little ribbon flower to the knots.
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Lastly, I just cut the weeds down and filled each urn.  I didn’t want it to look too tailored.
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I placed each urn back in it’s place and ta-da!  Fall beauty for free!
Here’s one cabinet:
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And the other:
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I just had to put that picture in to keep things real.  I’ll freely admit that I was so excited about my project that I didn’t even notice there was a diaper on the cabinet until AFTER I took the picture.  Oh well, such is my life right now.  So, we’ll try that again.
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Much better.
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Very pretty, and it will look great at Thanksgiving!
I wonder, what kinds of great weeds will you find near you?


Halloween decorating

I must admit that I prefer simple fall decorating to Halloween decorating, but I’ve been hearing things like this from my kids:

“Why is it Halloween at other people’s houses but not at ours?”
And I wonder, since when do you have to have decorations up in order for a holiday to come?  Hmmm.
Well, I decided to surprise them and have a few things up when they came home from school.  So, Happy Halloween!
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The dining room is where the official Halloween spot is, I guess.
I hung some spiderwebs on the wall, over my pictures.
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The web is actually made of shimmery little beads.
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I also hung one over my silver.
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On the table I used this really cool tablecloth I found a few years ago.  It’s spider web lace.  A fun twist on table linens.
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Lastly, I pulled out one of my cake platters, some letters and came up with a centerpiece.
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I have to just say that my favorite part of fall is the pumpkin.  I love pumpkins!
In fact, I’ve decided that next year I’m growing a pumpkin patch.  I have big plans.

Last year I pulled out my vintage crowns and put them on my pumpkins.
I liked it so much that I think it’s my new fall tradition.
It sort of fits the way I feel about pumpkins.  I love that fall is when the lowly pumpkin is crowned queen of the season.
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I like that thought, crowning the pumpkin Queen of the Season.
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Well, I guess now it’s Halloween at our house, too.  Especially with pumpkins dressed up as queens.

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